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neuer Schmuck im Beauty Shop

My first feeble attempt at making a bed. I need to find the sleep pose ball for it and it'll be ready to go. Hopefully I'll learn to do more and nicer things. This will be available at our mall region in the furniture portion. Good thing it's free because I doubt anybody would pay for it LOL. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Star Ravenhurst: I like it! It is unique and I love the headboard! Those legs are kinda kool too! 2 years ago

It's simple, it's sleek, it's totally modifiable and it's free and full perm, the multicolored tube floor touch lamp. Things are getting brighter at the mall!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

Unexpectedly Classy
I could say more about the outfit, but its a long and boring story. What I should mention is that the oh HELLO shops have been remodeled. The details of the remodel are just like the story about this outfit...not at all interesting. Just visit. But leave behind a trail of breadcrumbs as you wander lest you get lost. Beware of ducks...

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options