Value comes from scarcity. The is no scarcity in open sim as the permission system is unenforceable, leading to unlimited copies of everything. When there is an abundance of things the price goes down. Essentially there is no value in open sim because of this.
God mode is a blessing and a curse. Then there are copy bot viewers.
Removing god mode, blocking OAR's and IAR's will do nothing, and locking your assets to your own grid won't help as long as copy bot viewers are around.
Unless there is a way to fully enforce the permission system everywhere across the grid and eradicate copy bot viewers entirely then there is really no hope for earning money from items in world.
This is likely why the "Never buy in open sim" motto is a thing. There will always be someone giving your item away cheaper or for free somewhere. The person charging money may not have created the item in the first place, and might not have the right to even sell it. So by saying "Never buy in open sim" might protect you from giving money to a thief. Sure the creator makes no money, but neither does the thief.
The permission system is merely a way to keep honest people honest and stop the average Joe from taking a copy of something. If they really want the item they will get it one way or another.
I doubt there is a way to fully lock down permissions at this point, and open sim will remain a free for all. Even Second Life is not safe from copy bot viewers. The whole system is a flawed design that it too easy to circumvent.
Its a bit sad that we have this situation where peoples hard work is not respected and is just passed around as disposable freebie junk. On the other hand we have access to heaps of free stuff to dress our dolly's with.
So with a broken system like we have here, there really is no value in money. As the permission system allows anyone to sell/give away your creations for nothing, then your creations have no monetary value.
We just have to put up with bad meshes with improperly set up LOD's and ridiculous complexity. Thank god for god mode so I can export these horrid meshes and fix them up to make them less terrible.
This is a very hard cycle to get out of now we are in it as fortifying the permission system at this point would be an impossible task.