Kal @MsCaladium

Heart of Bourbon Offline

I Create from My Heart

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"You know a kind word never goes unheard...but too often goes unsaid." It is interesting how much wisdom we can learn from, just by truly hearing the words to songs like this classic 1980's country hit from The Oak Ridge Boys...so everyone please remember to take a kind word into the street, and share it with everybody you meet....Everyday! :D

You know a smile never goes out of style
So brighten up the one that you wear.
Let it shine and you just might find
You’ll lighten up the load that you bear.

You know with all the trouble and sorrow in the world

It seems like the least we can do,
Just take that smile into the street
And share it with everybody you meet.

Everyday (everyday) I want to shake somebody’s hand
Everyday (everyday) I want make somebody know
(That thinks they can) that they can (yes they can)
Everyday (everyday) I want to try (I want to try)
To show my brothers and my sisters
That I want to help them along the way everyday, everyday.

You know a kind work never goes unheard
But too often goes unsaid.
And on the tongue of the old and the young
It’s swallowed up with pride instead.

You know with all the trouble and sorrow in the world
It seems like the least we can do
Just take a kind word into the street
And share it with everybody you meet.

Everyday (everyday) I want to shake somebody’s hand, yer
Everyday (everyday) I want make somebody know
(That thinks they can) that they can (yes they can)
Everyday (everyday) I want to try (I want to try)
To show my brothers and my sisters
That I want to help them along the way everyday, everyday.

If they’re lost I want to show them the sunshine
If they look tossed I want to throw them a lifeline.
I want the reach out my hand, (reach out) yer (a hand to hold)
Oh yeah, and let ’em know (let ’em know)
There’s a light (that there’s light) down at the end of the road.

If they’re lost I want to (show them the sunshine)
If they’re tossed I want to (throw them a lifeline).

Well everyday (everyday) I want to shake somebody’s hand, mmm
Everyday (everyday) I want make somebody know
(That thinks they can) that they can (yes they can)
Everyday (everyday) I want to try (I want to try)
To show my brothers and my sisters
That I want to help them along the way everyday, everyday.

Everyday, everyday (everyday) I want to shake somebody’s hand, yer
Everyday (everyday) I want make somebody know
(That thinks they can) that they can (yes they can)
And everyday (everyday) [fading]

R.I.P. Joe Bonsall May 18, 1948 – July 9, 2024

Ankhsenaton: Maybe for certains it is hard in RL to say "a kind word into the street" but try it in virtual..... ♥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzfwMNW_RrA 4 months ago

Kashi Takeshi: Just when you think Cherry can't outdo herself, she surprises you again. Indeed, beyond stunning... beautiful! Great soundscape Nico, perfect fit. 5 months ago

Xenon Darrow: This is so spectacular! amazing!!! 5 months ago
Sunday Brunch Blues with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle every Sunday Morn at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 9 am Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk✦
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!!

wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Mark Your Calendar: Sunday, September 29 – Experience the Magic of "Dreamscapes"

Prepare to be captivated by the latest artistic showcase in Open Sim: "Dreamscapes". This exhibition brings together a collection of incredible works, each a unique and breathtaking interpretation of the theme. I’ve always known Open Sim is home to immense talent, but the creativity on display in this exhibit is truly awe-inspiring!

Slip into your finest formal attire, lace up your dancing shoes, and immerse yourself in an afternoon of art and music. As you explore the exhibition, enjoy live performances by the enchanting Rogue Galaxy and the soulful Forest Azure. It's an event not to be missed!

RemmyRavenhurst: As Im Aussie i will still be asleep for this sorry but i hope you all have fun. 5 months ago

"This has nothing to do with OpenSim."

It has everything to do with OpenSim.

Suzi_Avonside: Good post... The one who has been silenced here recently claims to be a fan of Star Trek... Yet clearly doesn't get Star Trek. 5 months ago

Arcfury: This will be a fun show. 5 months ago
=OUT NOW: Serpent Candles=
Out now at the Odds&Decor store, this gorgeous serpent/snek candle holder:
- Two versions: hanging and standing
- 6 different snakes for each model
- Material layers
- Texture HUD to change textures of candles, metal, and snek-tongue.
- Particles light scripted to individually turn on/off on click

Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Boutiques%20NE/379/...

LeonitasLionheart: Awessssssome share! Thanks. :) P.S. plz note that in-store artwork for this is currently showing llewellyn pg chairs and ottoman set, not the snake candles. ;) 5 months ago
Opensim - there is so much out there to see ! Here are a few recent posts about a few of the interesting and fun people and places you can experience.
The new Safari season continues tomorrow at 12.00
Recent news from the OSWF:
Find out more about Genie Fegte:
Safari season starts on a fantasy sim in Pangea
The wonderful Marpil Grafenwalder shows us around her home
A new project for bringing the French community closer together

"Drama is like dog crap. The more you stir it, the more it stinks."

=OUT NOW: Llewellyn Tightback Chairs & Ottoman (PG)=
Some of you have asked for some PG furniture (although you can simply edit-out the animations from the adult ones). Here is the set that goes with the Llewellyn Decor Set.

Chair in two styles (with and without blanket - slightly difference sequence).

Includes Texture HUD, materials, and props.

Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Boutiques%20NE/379/...

Sodasullivan: this looks very comfy! like you could curl up with a good book and just stay there all day! 5 months ago

Builds Ahoy! Has moved to Osgrid!

Please update your Landmarks and we will see you at the new location. As always, be patient, there is a LOT to load in ...

Star Ravenhurst: Oh boy am I in trouble! I am building a region using other people's stuff with less of my builds, so I am especially searching for architecture. I may need a big moving truck because I can spot some b... 6 months ago
Please join us for the monthly meeting for the Opensim Worlds Fair, Sat. August 31st @ 12pm grid time. We're getting together to share the latest updates, share ideas, opportunities, and community happenings! The meeting will be held inside the dome next to the landing zone. Everyone is Welcome. We hope you can make it! :)

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/OpenSim Worlds Fair/1024/1024/22

Aeris Irides: oh this looks fun 6 months ago
One night, I dreamt I stood at the river's edge in a canyon gorge. Terraced along the cliffs were abundant cherry trees, their branches cascading down towards the water. This place is the embodiment of that dream. We observe Hanami here. @FredBeckhusen/Ferd Frederix has added his magic touch throughout this region, thank you Ferd! three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Zensational

Star Ravenhurst: This is beautiful Marianna! On my way to see it!! 6 months ago
The Grande Phoenix is a reimagined and refined update of an original Moroccan-style build I created for the town of Devil's Fork in the Land of Xzar. I was never fully satisfied with the original, so I recently undertook a complete remodel and am now excited to share it with anyone who’d like to make it their own.

Designed as a charming boutique hotel, the Grande Phoenix features a welcoming lobby with a side bathroom. The lounge is a cozy retreat with a warm fireplace, a stylish bar, and a dance floor for social gatherings. The custom-built kitchen, crafted with full perm capabilities, is ready for anyone who wishes to add their own animations.

Upstairs, you’ll find three beautifully appointed bedrooms, each with its own en-suite bathroom. The building comes partially furnished, showcasing custom artwork I created, while leaving plenty of room for you to personalize and decorate to suit your style.

The Grande Phoenix is a versatile addition to any town or region, but of course, it’s yours to use however you wish. With full permissions, it’s designed for flexibility and creativity. I hope it brings you as much enjoyment as I’ve had in crafting it.

IsisRising: Beautiful! TY. 6 months ago
There is a new blog by Thirza Ember about the gallery. Thanks for reading! Some of you are mentioned in it.:) Bring your art to the gallery so we can get it up, please! Thank you!

Arcfury: That article captures a good sense of Star's grid and gallery. 6 months ago
"Obeisance" is a striking sculpture that symbolizes the delicate balance between reverence and connection. The fluid, intertwined forms suggest a deep, almost ritualistic act of respect, as if two entities are bowing to one another in mutual acknowledgment. The bold curves and flowing lines evoke a sense of movement, capturing the essence of a moment frozen in time.

Thank you Marianna for this beautiful gift to the Art Gallery. Welcome to the Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery family. I can't thank you enough for this thoughtful gift. I love it!!

Marianna : I had a truly delightful visit this morning. I wanted to take the time to fully immerse myself in your exhibit, and I must say, I’m captivated not only by the incredible art and the sense of community... 6 months ago
The gallery walls are waiting to showcase the amazing art you've all been creating! Please message me here so we can schedule a time for you to bring your artwork over. I'll need to add you to the appropriate group role to allow you to rez your work. For those with sculptures, I’m excited to find the perfect spot for your pieces as well.

There’s still time to create something for the fall exhibit if you’re inspired!

Theme: Dreamscapes

Art inspired by dreams and surrealism.
Focus on imaginative, otherworldly scenes.
Incorporate elements of fantasy and abstract expression.

The exhibit will open on Sunday, September 29, starting at noon grid time, featuring the vibrant and gorgeous Rogue Galaxy, followed by the beautiful Forest Azure at 1 PM. We had a third performer scheduled, but they can’t make it. If anyone is interested in filling that slot, either as a singer or DJ, please reach out to me.

Also opening is a collaborative exhibit by visual artist Cherry Manga and audio artist Nico Kalani on the Special Projects region, connected to the gallery. You can walk over or take a raft to explore their work.

At Le Beau Retrouvé, one of our goals is to bring the community together to appreciate and create art in Open Sim. We believe in supporting all artists, whether you're well-established or just starting out. Your work will always be handled with respect and displayed to its best advantage.

We encourage everyone to participate in this exhibit and future ones. I can’t wait to see what you’ve created! Thank you for being part of this journey.

Love, Light, and Big Hugs!

Marianna : I created a Sculpture for you, please let me know when we can meet, thank you for all the work you have put into this project Star. 6 months ago

Dash & AppleJack sitting on my knee watching "cat-tv" on my laptop. { cat-tv is a youtube channel that plays bird videos all day long...}

Star Ravenhurst: Those are great names you came up with for them. They are so cute and so lucky to have you. You are lucky to have them too. Love this photo!! 6 months ago
Hello Virtual Folks!

I seem to find it hard to find a nice Gay locations, NOPE! I don't want to hear about secondlife been there, that place is Drama! Anyways, I'm creating a region that is going to be Gay friendly also its friendly for those who just want to be friends and not discriminate! I'll add the region soon, I'm still working on it. My friend gave me some gay stuff, so I'll be adding those too.

Now, I don't want hate in my post, so please if you're not supportive of Gays thats ok! Its you're right just please move on.

You don't have to be gay to visit, just don't hate.

If you have a gay region you can add it to my post and I'll visit.

Thanks for reading! HUGS

Kal: The Lagniappe Grid warmly welcomes the LGBTQ+ community. Just like the real New Orleans, it’s a place where everyone is safe to be themselves.... 7 months ago

Lately I have noticed a lot of drama, hate and bashing towards other people. I try to ignore most of it but lately it has become to much. Why do people feel the need to use hateful words or put someone down.

No matter what religion we are, gender, political views or whatever it is, cant we just agree to disagree.

I have seen a lot of people in my time in Opensim do amazing things, anyone that can DJ, build, script and anything else, is awesome to me. For the ones that constantly tell everyone they are awesome its because they are. They do a lot of things i do not know how to do or cant.

So in conclusion, I would like to say thank you to all creators, builders, scripters, and etc, because without all of you, my regions wouldn't look as good as they do. I may take things and place them and put them together but the credits go to the creators, builders and scripters.

Instead of name calling and tearing people down, lets be a little kinder, lets ignore the negative and worry more about spreading positivity.

Comment's welcome but please be kind :)

Mistressdalgato: Any negative and or bashing comments will be deleted 7 months ago
Amber Tanaka who used to be the owner of the failed kohaku grid, and changed her name to "user name" on this forum, had this to say to me in The Box on this very page today...
"User Name 6 hours ago
@Cyberglo it is sad that u need to tel yourself that u are awesome so often. (to me u are just another brain rotten woke fagot with way too much time on his hand wasting away on this forum)"
Right next to a post by copper, who had this to say about me, "Copper 5 hours ago
Cyberglow uses this platform to compensate his mental illnesses ( he stated that often here). His "advices" are for sesam street oskar trash can"
Obviously this just proves they don't know me, because I am awesome! :)

Misty_Falls: Amber is bitter, (can't say as I blame her), Mr West and other haters really did a number on her, (or did we all forget that scandal?). Today, she creates, becomes a victim of copybotters, and haters ... 7 months ago
Sadly... It seems there's a loss of interest among the general population for all things metaverse... People are moving on to other games, or not playing games at all any more, and taking on additional real life work to offset the crazy inflation happening around the world... I've noticed huge down turns in the numbers of people getting into virtual worlds lately. Can't say I blame 'em... All the name calling, in fighting, back biting, hate spewing, trolling, and worse going around.
But it is what it is... What is it? You ask... Well, it's such a huge reduction in numbers that only a small percentage of "hard-core" virtual lifers remain... It's sad... It's unfortunate... We have seen many grids recently shutting their doors and I fear we will see many more admins clicking the red power off button in the future. Anyway to all those leaving, I bid you safe travels, and a happy life. Remember us few lone die-hard souls forever permafrosted into the fabric of the metaverse...

KrisTina: Real stats be like: https://www.hypergridbusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/OpenSim-land-area-May-2024.png 7 months ago
"Our virtual spaces are built on passion, authenticity, and a deep love for community. We pour our hearts into creating environments where everyone can thrive, collaborate, and feel at home. To everyone who has supported us, thank you for being part of this journey. Your encouragement and involvement mean the world to us.

Let’s continue to build, create, and uplift one another, extending our support beyond our own grids to embrace the entire OpenSim community. Together, we can achieve incredible things. 💛 #CommunityStrength #CreativeIntegrity #SupportEachOther #LoveShinesBrighter #Thankyou

Kal: Thank you, sis, for sharing this and for your unwavering strength and talent. 🌟 In OpenSims, we know the power of creativity and community. Despite any negativity, our focus remains on building and su... 7 months ago
This old farmhouse started with a door. I loved the door texture but noticed it had no knobs, so I crafted cut crystal door knobs. I was so pleased with the result that I built the house around the door. If you’re looking for a home to add to your farm, this might be perfect. The property also includes several outbuildings, a corral, a pumpkin patch, and a charming outhouse.

All the architecture was created for Land Of Xzar and is featured in my build. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. More are on the way!

Stepping on my soapbox for a moment: Spread love, not hate! Gossip is often made of half-truths or outright lies, and negativity doesn’t help our planet. We have a beautiful community—let’s support one another. We are all connected by our humanity. Love and compassion will help us find peace in our personal lives. Be good to each other. Hug your loved ones and hold them close. Appreciate your friendships, and always be honest and true. Integrity is everything.

Kal: If someone is weak enough to believe gossip, you don't need that negative energy around you.... The person spreading lies will have it boomerang back to them.... Just keep being yourself, sis....your ... 7 months ago
I have a block of small cottages ready for you to buy for $0 and this cute Gothic One-room School House. It comes with the furnishings so your students can start learning right away! ;) The bell in the tower rings on touch. It is all boxed up with everything you need.
Thanks for coming! ALL are Welcome!
It's my Birthday!! Time for gifts and I have one for all of you!
My shop is looking pretty well stocked (YAY!! What a load of work!! But there is MORE coming!! And I am still working on things, but do say hi!).
I promised monthly group gifts for the pleasure of having you join my group and become one of my many favorite friends! Yeah, I pretty much love everyone! I know..sappy...but it is my birthday, and I love our beautiful community!! Flaws and all, as I am most certainly flawed myself! :/ :)
So come by, join the Family if you haven't already, and grab this sweet little bar. While you are there, have a look and see all the goodies I have for you.
Beautiful, Interesting, Strange, and Useful, perhaps you will find the elusive thing you didn't know you were looking for! Most stuff is Full Perm so pick up a gift for that special someone or that thoughtful friend to show your appreciation for them. Or grab it for yourself as we all deserve to treat ourselves too!
Bonus: It's FREE!! $0
Original content created for Open Sim in Open Sim.

Xenon Darrow: Ty Star!!! 7 months ago
Our Dinkie

In the heart of our home, there’s a special place,
Where Dinkie roams with boundless grace.
With eyes so bright and spirit free,
A bundle of joy for all to see.

Through fields of green and skies so blue,
Dinkie dances, a dream come true.
With every wag and playful bark,
Our days are lit, no longer dark.

In moments quiet, by our side,
Dinkie’s love is our true guide.
A loyal friend, so pure and kind,
In Dinkie, comfort we always find.

So here’s to Dinkie, our dear heart,
A cherished soul, a work of art.
With love and laughter, life anew,
Our world is brighter with Dinkie too.
Hello Friends!

I am thrilled to announce that I have my own grid! It was time to expand my horizons, and for Le Beau Retrouvé to truly flourish, it needed the resources to bring my vision to life. My mission is to showcase the incredible talents of artists from all genres and media, along with our amazing DJs and singers in OpenSim during our events.

The gallery is a beautiful, peaceful place, a neutral territory open to all grids and all people. I hope it becomes a hub where artists and anyone else can meet, collaborate, and build a community of friends from all grids and countries. Perhaps our dream of world peace starts with us and our virtual worlds.

Land Of Xzar is also on the new grid for you to visit, and some exciting new regions will soon be open to the public. Please stop by and refriend me if you wish, as this is a new account and I will no longer be on the Genesis Roleplay Grid. Though I am no longer on Genesis, I support them as I do all grids in our community. I am thankful for the time I had and wish them well.

I am also deeply grateful for the overwhelming support I have received from my friends and the community. Your support has meant so much to me and has been an integral part of my journey.

So, what are you dreaming of?

Gallery: https://opensimworld.com/hop/91996
Land Of Xzar: https://opensimworld.com/hop/90351
Welcome Region Under Construction. I will list it once it is done.

Marianna: This is such excellent news!! Best wishes to you Star 💕💗💕 8 months ago
Calling all artists, both seasoned and emerging! Join us for an exciting opportunity to showcase your creativity. We can't wait to see the amazing works you produce under this captivating theme. Ladies, start planning your outfits for the ball—it's going to be a fantastic event with a touch of magic!

We're thrilled to announce a new region to the gallery dedicated to special projects. The first installation will be a collaborative masterpiece by beloved visual and audio artists. Witness how they transform the space into something extraordinary!
Additionally, we've opened another region connected to the gallery, designed for creating art, networking, and collaboration. Simply reach out to me to join this vibrant community and bring your artistic visions to life. Both regions are accessible by raft from the Art Gallery grounds.

Please note, the Gallery is now on a new grid. Old landmarks won't work, so discard them and pick up a new one. At the landing point and within the gallery, you'll find a sign you can click for this ad and a new landmark. You will also need to rejoin the group. Please see Star to be put in the appropriate role.
Many heartfelt thanks for the continued support for Le Beau Retrouve.

So, what are you dreaming of?

Harry Hopto: have some AI generated artwork I could supply 8 months ago
I've created a new group to show solidarity with anti-fascism and opposition to other hate groups and individuals. No heavy deal, you don't have to do anything to show your solidarity other than joining the group, and maybe, if you feel you can, displaying the logo on your region or in your club to show that hate groups and anyone associated with them are not welcome.

Obviously those who want to get a little more involved are more than welcome to do so, such as arranging events with a prominent anti-fascist message, even if it's only displaying the logo on promotional materials, to much more ambitious things such as art displays that highlight the dangers of the extreme-right.

To remove all doubt, fascists and their fellow-travellers, (Trumpists, Faragists, Lepenists etc are not welcome! Prospective members are vetted and are subject to approval, which means it's a safe space for the wary.

This isn't a political group, so you won't be bombarded with ideology, it's simply a group for those of us who share a similar belief, that all humans are worthy. I'll even go so far as to say that members should leave both their politics and their religion at the door, whilst anti-fascism is a political stance, it is one that crosses political boundaries. We don't even have to like each other to show solidarity, a point worth remembering.


Just a heads up. I strive to keep moderation light on comments to group posts, but obviously I will not tolerate intolerance or other comments that seek to denigrate other human beings in any way. Any such comments WILL be removed. Cogent and fair and relevant comment will be respected, even if not agreed with.

To anyone complaining that their rights to free speech have been violated, I point out to you that I am the moderator and it is me who decides what is allowed and what is not. If you wish to express an opinion that is contrary to the values of this group, you are free to do so, somewhere else.

Copies of the logo are available, as is an at present limited range of clothing with an ant--fascist message on it. Please ask me for copies, stating in the case of clothing, what avatar you use. Thank you.

Loboto Chan: Plurality, diversity, tolerance. Always. 8 months ago
After a decidedly NOT fun couple of weeks, I'm working on something fun. We're making a big 6x6 surf island. Just M-rated. The design (other than the rollercoaster park) will be kind of in the style of Martinique. A tropical island, but with more like french colonial style villages and houses. We don't need bamboo everything everywhere... :) I'd really love to have LGBT meetup dance parties for fellowship and support. Get something positive and non-confrontational going...

Sam's working on the villages today and tomorrow, and I'll make some roads through the forest and have little 3-wheeler island cab tours. It will be fun.
The railroad line goes about 70 kilometers all the way to the Welcome region. It's fun to ride, and we have about 300km of continuous track running so far. Stay tuned!

Hyacinth: We tried out Lilly's surfboards tonight. She definitely has the best surfboards! Thank god! I am so sick of working on mine. I am free! haha 9 months ago
Today is the day!!! I am so excited to finally open the gallery for all to enjoy! Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me over this long journey to get here. I can't wait to see you all! Noon grid time. Formal because we like to dress up!
grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002:Le Beau Retrouve

Passion Jumanji: So sorry I could not come to the grand opening, Star! But I did come later that day! I was impressed! I loved all the artwork that I saw there. I even got several souvenirs to take home with me! ;) I ... 10 months ago
I can't believe we are opening in SIX Days!!
When you come to the party, be sure to have Shared Environment enabled with graphics as high as your rig will allow so you can see the beautiful sky and the shadows.
DJ Kith from Wyldwood Bayou will be spinning the music from female musicians over several decades, 70s-90s in honor of women in Open Sim.
My exhibit consists of portraits I have taken of women who have contributed to Open Sim in significant ways, entitled, "Sculpting Prims: Female Visionaries In Open Sim." This exhibit is to honor and acknowledge the work of women that often goes unnoticed and shine a light on their many accomplishments.
My exhibit is only a part of the opening as we also have several talented artists exhibiting their work you don't want to miss.
Come one, Come all!! We can't wait to see you there!
grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002:Le Beau Retrouve

Thirza Ember: congrats star!! 10 months ago

First meeting of the Board Of Directors. We are getting close! Lavia Lavine and Ms. Kal. Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey and the members of the BOD. Countdown...


SheaButter: Love love love your outfits. But they are too high in complexity for me. Any way to bring this down? 11 months ago
Sunday Brunch Blues with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle every Sunday Morn at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Bayou Belle at Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-03-17 09:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!!

wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues

I updated the Caribou region description on Opensimworlds today.

I tell about my love to my region and grid and why it is important for me. Please comment if you have opinions about what I wrote:

I am Jeanne. I own Caribou. I share Caribougrid.com and Caribou with my long-time close friend Angelic Ronin. She is absent. My former partner and good friend Andron Rae still comes in to help me.

Caribou is my life. For over 15 years I have been working on it almost every day.

When I worked around the world I spent lonely hotel nights here.

In the long years that I fought my two cancers I was here every evening after my radiation. When medication made me sick i came to my islands.

I am still not on the clear. I need Caribou as much as ever.

My dear friend Veritas McMaster made me understand how important our experiences in the metaverse can be. I miss Veri so deeply. You will find many sites in Caribou that celebrate her and her work for all of us.

When we come somewhere in these grids, we look around. Is it nice? Is it beautiful? Is the building or the lake or the environment interesting? Do I want to see more?

Caribou is not different. I try to give attention to details. Do you still want to explore is my question?

Still, you look at us from the outside. It all changes when you enter the scene.

Your thoughts, opinions, memories, dreams - they are with you. Your sadnesses and your joys, your fears and hopes?

I am not the only creator anymore. You create the scene and experience equally much.

Veri told me how virtual worlds affect our brains. She lead me to the link between experiences and neurological health.

Veri came from Second Life. SL friends recommended to seek me up in Caribou.

Caribou was then where she received the AVs that she was helping. They went on to different adult grids for private housing.

Until Veri tragically passed away we worked together on her project.

Veri knew that experiences in adult grids can very different. They can heal but also create suffering.

Neuroscience tells how our brains work. Scientific advances show us how our feelings affect our brain.

I was socially excluded and bullied in the OS world myself. I wrote in opensimworld.com how it hurt my real health.

Angelic and other friends helped me back. A difficult time followed. I am still not completely healed.

I know now how effective and dangerous social exclusion and harassment can be. I am a strong person. Still it hurts me sometimes.

But I was privileged because I could read and learn about this.

Others are maybe not. Some are alone, some not well, or young lonely adults seeking their place in our worlds. For them exclusion and bullying is a real danger. And it is inhuman. Makes me upset, yes.

We don't always realise this in our virtual worlds.

Ihave dedicated Caribou to the road that Veri showed me. I am still far from done. I want everyone to feel equally welcome. To be what they want to be. Where nobody is left out. Where there is no bullying. And where a beautiful and inviting environment inspires to everyone. This work is on its way.

I don't prescribe anything. My intention is just to tell what I do in Caribou. All others do things their own way. This is ours.

I want to show that there can be a way back.

Caribou cannot offer professional help. Maybe we can suggest where to seek it. But we can be here for everyone.

Caribou is my life and my love. Like a Tiger Mama I hold on to my world.

Hugs, Jeanne Lefavre
Live from Rockin' The Blues! It's Saturday Night with DJ Kith! 7:30PM-9PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-03-09 19:30 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Blues man DJ Kith continues our Saturday Night Blues Party!! DJ Kith is gonna ROCK OUR HOUSE with the most exciting blues anywhere!! Kith's sets are guaranteed to be fresh and full of surprises, so if you like your blues with an edge... Grab a friend and hop the first gator down to Rockin' the Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid! This party will be full of fun, friendship and awesome blues tunes!

wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues

DJ Riker's Saturday Blues Showcase at Rockin' the Blues tonight at 6:00PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-03-09 18:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Calling all blues lovers! Get ready for a night of smokin' hot blues with DJ Riker at Rockin' the Blues! Riker is a master of the blues, with a deep knowledge of the genre and a knack for keeping the dance floor packed! He'll be spinning your favorite blues from classics to contemporary! Rockin' the Blues is the perfect place to soak up the atmosphere of the blues! Come on down!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Are you an artist, photographer, or sculptor in the realm of Open Sim? If so, I extend a warm invitation to showcase your exceptional creations at Le Beau Retrouve, my forthcoming art gallery.

With only a few spaces left to adorn with your art, and ample room for sculptures both within the gallery and amidst the surrounding landscapes — whether along winding paths or visible from the tranquil rivers — there's boundless opportunity for your work to captivate and inspire.

Given the limited availability, I encourage you to reach out at your earliest convenience to explore the possibility of featuring your art in our opening exhibits. Please note, we're currently excluding AI-generated art for a future showcase.

Rest assured, you maintain full ownership of your creations. Rather than relinquishing them, I kindly request that you personally arrange their display upon joining our group. Moreover, you need not be confined to the same grid to participate and showcase your artistry.

As we anticipate our Grand Opening Party, complete with a lively DJ and festivities aplenty, I'm excited for the vibrant community that will converge to celebrate creativity and expression.

In preparation, please have a brief biography ready, providing insight into yourself and your artistic journey. Feel free to include landmark coordinates to your region or grid, as well as links to websites or any additional resources showcasing your portfolio.

Isn't this thrilling? I'm genuinely passionate about art and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you. Looking forward to connecting soon!

Aurora Starchild: Oooooh amazing project! 12 months ago
[About Chelsea’s Point]
Chelsea’s Point is the [work-in-progress] result of the Darkheart’s Playground vision on a VIP residential home region, and Brandy Darkheart’s aim to offer a high-end designed home option.
It is also the labour of creativity and love (and frustration!) of Anael Starchild, who crystallises this vision in a residential region with furnished homes with fully landscaped surrounds.
[What is different about Chelsea’s Point?]
Darkheart’s Playground already offer free land to all grid member, and parcels with higher prim allowance to VIP members who support the grid through its Patreon tiers.
Many of us do however come from virtual worlds where there are designer homes and parcels for those who want the perks of a fully furnished home integrated into a landscape, without having to go through ordeal of landscaping of furnishing it themselves!
People who have been there also know that designer sims or home in other virtual words have a waiting list, and a custom ones goes for around 800$!
Chelsea’s Point offer a holistic cohesive designed blended across each parcel. Each home is fully integrated into the landscape – parcelling only happened AFTER the design was ready.
[Why ‘work-in-progress’?]
The full scope of Chelsea’s Point is a 4x4, that is…16 ‘sims’. While it might not be sound like much in OpenSimulator, the level of detail has been matched to other virtual worlds where the focus is at a ‘sim’ level.
First Phase is now ready, and we wanted to make it available as we continue landscaping the rest of the region.
[How can I rent a home?]
Any DH VIP member can rent a home at Chelsea’s Point – check out our tiers at Patreon! Once subscribed, please contact @Anael Starchild in-world.
For the initial first 2 weeks VIPs who do not own a residential region (i.e. tiers of 5$ or 10$) will take priority – this is to ensure that we priorities members who might subscribe for access to them.
[What are the ‘specs’ of the homes?]
Each home is decorated differently, while keeping the overall design of the region and it surroundings. As such the parcels might vary.
[What are the particular conditions?]
Homes are rented AS IS: i.e. With everything that is included. New furniture can be added indoors, or outdoors if it doesn’t conflict with the overall design of the region. Pre-existing furniture might be replaced via contact with Anael Starchild (this is to ensure that the home can be ‘brought back’ to its original design if rental expires, and new renters can enjoy it ‘as it was’)
Rental doesn’t need to be renewed – it lasts for as long as the VIP subscription does.
Skyboxes are allowed, at a reasonable height (above 2,500 meters).
All renters, and other VIP member, can enjoy the ‘Chelsea’s Point Commons’open area.
[Next design steps]
>>>Design outline: The ‘southern’ part of Chelsea’s Point (left and right of current development) will be Phase II – and it will follow the same ‘style’ of landscaping as the current developed area. More modern to the right, more suburban to the left. Phase III will continue up to the north with a lakeside area. Further phases will continue up to the mountain range that will have a small village at its bottom.
>>>>Early ‘bookings’: If you are a VIP member, and have a vision about your ideal home style, that you think would fit within Chelsea’s Point overall design, we can take ‘advance concepts/bookings’ to design it for you and include you in the process. Please contact Anael Starchild in world for that.

Sodasullivan: I agree with Sally, it looks really amazing. The pics are great but everyone should go look in person. 12 months ago