Soul-Grid @NastiBakerly Offline

With the most beautiful love songs of the last decades, Grid Mother and DJane Nasti send us into the time of hearts and red roses.
The garden in Tosca is wrapped in the finest pink and the clouds are particularly fluffy.

Nasti and Rudi Bakerly are looking forward to have a good time with you


Jetzts gehts looos !!!!!!
There we go !!!!!!!

Wir sehen uns wieder in Walhalla
Lasst uns feiern, seid bereit
Mit den Göttern in Walhalla
Bis in alle Ewigkeit

See you again in Valhalla
Let's celebrate, be ready
With the Gods in Valhalla
Till eternity

Life is not something you wish for. It is something you do, something you create, something you are and something you pass on".

freely based on John Lennon