OSFest @OSFest


OSFest is a festival celebrating the creative talents of residents in the Hyperverse.

There's so much happening at OSFest - all over the grid you will find great exhibits, bargains to buy, freebies, info about interesting people and places, as well as music and dancing, of course!
Check the Events here in OSW to see what's coming up, bookmark the OSFest website or simply jump over to HG-Welcome and start exploring right away !
OSFest has officially opened, with visits to the Exhibits on the many regions of the grid.
Musical events begin 11 am SLT, so you can explore the builds as well as enjoy the party. Come on over to grid.opensimfest.com:8022 and be part of the chemistry of OpenSim!
For more details about this fabulous 15 day extravaganza of creativity, check the Events tab here on OSW and go to our website https://www.opensimfest.com/
OSFest begins in 9 days, but you're still in time to get a place as an exhibitor, merchant or sponsor! Check the website for the simple instructions, jump over to the grid to see the parcels still up for grabs, and be part of the celebration of opensim!
Grid address