OSFest @OSFest


OSFest is a festival celebrating the creative talents of residents in the Hyperverse.

Are you a performer or host/hostess?
If you would like a local account and haven't registered, do so now so we can send you an email invite
Here is the link for the new performer group 'tickets' https://www.opensimfest.com/register
How can you join the Performers group inworld? Personal invitations are going out today.
How to check you're in the group - Login to OpensimFest Grid, activate your Performers group tag, go to any of the Event regions, and test your ability to rez, change the parcel audio stream and to enable or disable voice.

Thirza Ember: I hope that girl has powerful deodorant 2 years ago
Grid was briefly offline to install Gloebit capability, and all is good !
Builders, there will be occasional periods with the grid Offline to test and update software, so if you cannot get inworld, please check Discord for updates.
This is the announcement channel https://discord.com/channels/501160842939727874/8918716337...
OpensimFest just 33 days away! Happy building.

Join the Fest! To register go to https://www.opensimfest.com/register
Our Discord group is https://discord.gg/8QMqVpr5KW

OpenSimWorld: The image says opensimworld.com but it should be opensimfest.com 2 years ago
There are so many ways to represent yourself and your grid at OpensimFest. Get a free parcel and exhibit. Sign up to be a 'music maker - your own singing, or as a DJ. Or simply be a Greeter. For one hour, you're the fist person people meet on the festival grid, it's a chance to make new friends, and to support our diverse community, Will you be a part of something positive?
OSFest begins in 9 days, but you're still in time to get a place as an exhibitor, merchant or sponsor! Check the website for the simple instructions, jump over to the grid to see the parcels still up for grabs, and be part of the celebration of opensim!
Grid address

#OSFest2022 Grid is closed and in the process of bring destroyed to begin anew next year. Thanks to everyone who participated and volunteered. Be sure to watch for #OSFest2023 and join us!

up next 2 hours of DANCE-DANCE-DANCE
with DJ Emar Sounds and then Jahka Flow. Don't miss it!

Tomorrow, come and take a load off!
OpensimFest Load Test Party
07/02/2022 at 10:00am - 12:00pm
with your DJane Rosa Alekseev!
Come on over to the grid grid.opensimfest.com:8022
The Festival opens to the public on July 8 at 9am Grid Time

Yay OpensimFest is getting closer and closer ! Have you booked your free parcel of land yet?
To learn more about the prim counts, parcel sizes, and opportunities to volunteer and sponsor the event go to

Thirza Ember: Woot! I'm curious, what is the prim count on an average build for opensimfest? 2 years ago
Expenditures for OSFest2023 have begun. These include website with SSL cert and event extensions, server space, ascap license, and more. Thanks if you have offered to sponsor aka help with costs. Information on sponsor levels will be available on the website soon.
As for the grid, we will be doing some things differently based on participant feedback and lessons learned so the parcel layout is being redesigned.
Thanks for your patience!
Volunteers please contact Banker.
Performers, slots are filling fast! Please contact Rosa Alekseev if you have not gotten a slot on the schedule.
Did you know you can use our Grid Calendar to see all events and get your TP from the calendar? It's new and unlike any other! Check it out at https://grid.opensimfest.com/website/grid/calendar

Powerhouse performers all three days this weekend for twelve hours each day! Gloebits enabled so be sure to authorize the OSFest 2022 grid!