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Very Pretty there from the looks of it.
You're welcome to tour the region any time! There is a brief video to watch in the museum that tells about the African Wildlife Federation and their efforts to conserve and preserve many of the endangers species in Africa.
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Nice Grand Canyon there.
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I do not hold you responsible, besides you are adult enough to admit any wrong doing, which says a lot in my book, and i have nothing but respect for you.
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Araya Sunshine seems to not practice anythiong they have been preaching.
They had a posting on here whining about all this drama.
I simply responded with why bring all the drama here, instead of taking it somewhere else.
My comment got removed and i got blocked.
So to me, it seems the real truth of everything starts to shine through who is really the guilty one.
Sorry, just had to mention it.
feel free to say what you think, you did not make an offensive comment but you expressed a truth and your own thought in a free way.
That person you named (I have the revulsion even to write the name now) here in the comments tried to : defend the indefensible, making up absurd things, deliberately offended people who have little money, which is shameful and reading the comments it is there for all to see, tried to impose his thought by writing words in capitals which is equivalent to shouting.

does not deserve more attention, only reporting, and I add, as I said, staying on the topic of the post, it does not help Lone Wolf, in fact it disproves those who claim that the community in the wolf grid is made up of good people. In fact I think most of them are simple people, excluding a few, but she might make believe otherwise with her clearly discriminatory and silly comments, her account should be blocked by the administrators for T.O.S. violation.

so, I think you wrote something correct by expressing yourself without offending, unlike many others.

have a nice day :)
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Sad thing to is the fact that here Araya Sunshine was complaining about doing things fair blah blah blah.
So they post a posting here to complain,. and i siimply comment why not take the drama elsewhere instead of on this site, and it gets deleted and i get blocked, im starting to see a real truth to it all here lol.
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Stay away from Contabo, their services have gone downhill in the last months.
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Nice place to visit and fresh things to see.
thank you very mutch!
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This is why its a good idea to either run it from your own pc or use a paid hosting, so you always have access.
I do pay for hosting. My sim apparently is a resource hog, so the IT guy moved it to someone's private server and never told me. The last backup he did was 2 years ago. It's ridiculous.
I purchased a refurbished computer from Amazon for hosting my simulators. The cost of the machine was less than the price of 1 YEAR worth of hosting and it literally paid for itself in less than 6 months. Austin Tate has an excellent tutorial on running your own simulator. I was shocked when I found out just how easy it is to start my own grid. Lots of free info and support out there... Good Luck!
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Let them whine, let them cry, just do you and dont worry about those you have no control over.
They just love to feed off of drama anyways.
hehe.. yes.. they whine.. and I will continue to try to help build up a respectful supportive community here in opensim, I am only in control of my and I think my actions speak volumes.
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Except for the complete change of scripting engine, that breaks any and all scripts in opensim.
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Go Go Power Rangers......
and killed again...just fell off the marine tour landing
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Nice start, looking forward to more getting added.
As well a nice region design.
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But i dont think this will have any effect on Pagane's big ego
You are thinking about the Inflatable Ego Inflating Bot! This is not that. But that's not really the issue is it?
We must go bigger, much bigger
I love big bots and I can not lie.
you other botbrothers can't deny...
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I come here to find places to explore, or for things i need.
I could care less about traffic rankings.
Because this is basicly the only main directory for any and all grids and regions.
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No one cares, get over it, and just move on.
Almost all of us come here to enjoy sharing and visiting others regions and grids.
We do not want or care for all this uneeded drama.
So please, just grow up and get a life.
Save the drama for your mama.
Just delete and one OpenSimUser offtopic.
The topic is about the rules!!!!!
Alot of us care, when as Pagane stated, rules are defined, clarified and the community benefits from a CIVILIZED discussion about it. But in the case of this, immature, self-righteous, constipated judgemental cancel culturists like yourself, choose to PRESUME that the REST of us don't care. FYVM for deciding whether or not if I care or not. Who appointed you judge jury and executioner of what I prefer or not? I'll answer that question for you, since you seem to have the answer to mine, NO ONE. Got it? Great! How about You stay out of the convo if YOU do not care about it. I don't want the drama, but have to sift through this childish shit because of posts like yours to find out what direction and positive outcomes might arise from it. I would prefer this was NOT a topic on the front page and kept in private messaging, but since it's in the open, I will follow the progress of the discussion.
Oh well, get over it and stop your whining about what you dont have control over.
The sooner you do, the sooner you might just start enjoying life again.
So go work on your own regions/ grid and items you put out instead of being a drama Queen.
Says the self righteous drama queen who presumes I do not enjoy life. Actually I do, I am fine. Sadly though, being such a constipated self righteous, un-achiever and contained in your bubble world, you are in dire need of an enema, and I am not. Welcome to cancel culture. Buh Bye, cyaaa wouldn't wanna byaaa.
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You are the man Hairy
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I think you rezzed the wrong Beacon for this region
And many items are not copy or buy
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You need to update the link, the actual region is called "Never Depot" and not "El Rincon Canario"
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Myself, do not understand why people are complaining, the region i just visited, granted nothing is copy, so what.
Think the region is beautiful and put together nicely.
And most of the buildings are buildings that are free for anyone in so many other places, grids and regions.
Not your fault that you got creative and cleaned them up, made adjustments to them to fit your liking.
Aside from yes, there are some other buildings not seen inworld anywhere else.
But so what, not everything has to be free for others to just take.
Myself like finding a very nicely built region that is just really nice to look at and enjoy visiting.
Sad that others cant just be happy that someone actually makes a beautiful region to let others enjoy seeing.
Well, some people say that everything HAS to be free for others to just take. LIterally everything. They don't grant sim owners the right to have anything unique on their sims if it means that there's something that they personally can't copy into their inventories. Or even box up and slap against a wall at their freebie store with no creator credits (or even implying they've made it).

It's those freebie hoarders who grab everything they see anywhere on a sim, regardless of whether or not they may have any use for it. They can't stand not being able to copy something.

As I've said, they demand that famous unique structures such as the Lbsa pyramid (, the Sendalonde Library (, the Lani Mall ( or the Tromsø Arctic Church ( be copyable for everyone and full-perm. I'm pretty sure that all these sims are being copybotted regularly because someone feels like having to "liberate" everything that can't be copied. And I'm also pretty sure that the owners of big freebie sims frequently have to reject boxes with these buildings inside sent to them because they've got enough common sense not to offer them.

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So we should just sit around together and sing kumbaya and think rainbows, unicorns and glitter, while the world just burns down around us?
I like unicorns, but not those ones that fart glitter.
Lol Thirza XD
Yes that would just make such a mess.
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I am proud of you good sir, keep up the amazing hard work.