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That is a stale loaf of bread right there :P
Thats the point :P
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From what i did see of it, very nicely done.
However the lag got to be so bad that i couldnt even move, and just logged out.
Edit: I Seen in the logfile that the region was restarting and generate the maptiles. That should be fixed now :)

Hey, im sorry to hear that, normaly we cared about lag issues with the Building and got no Large Mesh in it. i just restarted the Region, could you try again if you got lag? Greetings
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Unable to access at all.
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Ok so remove your'e OSW beacon an delist the grid then, since there is no access any more.
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Some very amazing & beautiful regions to be seen here.
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And for a much less price per month, you can rent a vps and run all of those and more much cheaper.
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Not the brightest crayon in the box was he
Oh dear, I am now thinking Homer Simpson, crayon, up-nose... That'd explain TONS.
Lmao yes it would
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She might have been trying to use the prim penis to impregenate everything in site lol
Lo siento mucho.
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He apparently didnt like me being honest with him, and blocked me lol.
He hasn't yet deleted your comments. Also, maybe he doesn't know that anyone can read his posts and all the comments, even when banned.
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A Smart person would not have anything inworld that can control something like that, its just to big of a security risk, and the only way you pass through walls is due to LAG.
you can move your camera through walls and click on things. anybody can do that. and that is what she did from the OTHER side of the sim. Also security orbs have been in virtual worlds for over 15 years. secondlife marketplace is full of them, and everybody uses them. so your point is moot.
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Wish you the best of luck with it.
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And NO, many of his items were not his original creations, and were brought into opensim by a group of russians, quit a few years ago, they have been floating all around in opensim,all he did was to export them, and re import them, so that they have his name, but it still doesnt make them his creations what so ever.
Stop the jealousy and hate. OpenSimHater.
I know Gustavo, and everything he puts in his stores are exported from SL. And by putting R. Lion on his exports helps us identify what's good and what's not. Same with other creators in opensim.
You reminded me this other user that was always full of hate and unable to be grateful for what we have.
Seriously, you really need to stop being so jealous of facts, and by the way, i have many of his "creations" in my region, that have been around in opensim longer than he has been, but that is fine, you just blame ignorence rather than accepting the real facts, and its not hatred nor jealousy, just fact that someone really shouldnt be bullshitting others, because sooner or later, oh, someone is going to call them on it.
OpenSimHater, I feel sorry for you.
There is no hate, only the facts, so stop sucking on the straw of dillusions and get back to reality.
But what part of "exported FROM SL" is that you don't understand?
Are the hate eating your neurons or are you drunk?
I won't keel answering to your nonesenses. Grow up.
The reality that you want to invent? No thank you.
Go get a life, find something to do, instead of hating.
Maybe you need to stop, take a look at the things he has there, then take a look on Secondlife marketplace, and i bet you will find everything there, made by other well known sellers, yet i am the hater? You need to get a dose of reality.
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Just because someone exports and then imports someone elses work, doesnt make it theirs.
And...? I don't think anyone thinks it's his own work. Please provide some proof that he claims it is.
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Just because someone modifies someone elses work, doesnt make it theirs.
In what way does he claim it is his work? Sure, he puts him name on it. Putting the name of the item as it is known in SL is inviting trouble. Please tell me where else this item is available in OS, and who is named as the creator. We need to chastise them as well, don't we?
Most of this stuff was originally brought in by the russian group, all those "Stuff" boxes, where do you think those came from? lol
All of those Stuff boxes, originally brought in by the Russian group, that you have on your private grid? You sent me a picture of them.

There are no items from Stuff boxes in his shop. The latest Stuff box available is from 2018. Check your calendar. That was six years ago. Your astoundingly irrelevant comment answers my question about him claiming the items he imported as his creations, not at all. Neither have you answered the question "tell me where else this item is available in OS, and who is named as the creator". I think it's safe to say that anything you say is eminently ignorable. OpenSimUser or OpenSimLoser? I think you have earned yourself a new nickname.
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Just so that everyone also knows, these buildings were NOT created by Richard Lion, they are not his creations, they have floated around on grids for awhile now, completely free, and full perm, just so that this is clear.
Yes, it is well known that when someone imports an item into OS, they are named as the creator. Also, if you have an item that is part of an OAR, you are named as the owner when you later upload the OAR. Hardly anyone named as the creator of stuff in OS is the actual creator. But thanks for making that clear. Make sure you keep reminding us of that, just in case something that is well-known is somehow forgotten.
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But most of these buildings are not his creations, they have been floating around completely free, and full perms on grids for a long time, so again, these are not his creations.
Wow! News flash! The well-known importer of items from SL is not the creator of these items. Good to know.
Get a life.
OpenSimLoser is not the boss of me. :)
Please remember to take your meds
As it is said. "Should you ever find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, smallness, or insecurities, remember things could be worse ... You could be them."
*Rolling eyes*, and because you arent worth the time and energy.
Get a life? Take your meds? These sayings are not your creations. They're from Idioms by Idiots 101. Rolling eyes? Drama Queens 101. Seriously? Is that the best you can do?
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Why? because that structure has been out there forever on grids, and was not created by Richard Lion?
Has it? Maybe, but I do not see it in a lot of places, at least not "intact" and functional. I like R. Lion because I know things will usually be functional and in good condition. The original creator? No... but they clearly put a lot of work into what they offer.
The shame! Oh, the shame! How can we ever forgive R. Lion for importing stuff to OS and unavoidably being named as the creator?
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Think i will pass, but thanks
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Good News, not found
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I stuck out like a sore thumb, because i was in color.