"Since a long time ago, 99.99% of the stuff in OpenSIM is poorly stolen assets from SL or collected with the paddle from some foreign grid, with broken scripts and diverging assemblies in the forms :("
When the copybotting craze started, creativity in OpenSim took a nosedive. Result: A lot of legal scripted freebies in OpenSim are so old that they have painfully outdated scripts. Many of them were made before the introduction of the YEngine, now the XEngine is dead, and that isn't even necessarily the only issue.
Some buildings from SL have always been scripted poorly, and as SL importers have as little quality assurance as freebie merchants have time to test and curate stuff, hardly anyone notices. For example, door and window scripts that don't terminate after the movement has ended and keep running at full blast. That's even worse than buildings that were botted from SL and never scripted. Or botted from SL, then scripted in OpenSim, botted again, but not scripted again.
Lastly, I've increasingly got a hunch that even AVsitter 2.2 hasn't aged well. At least not in OpenSim.