Pagane @Pagane


Throw on me all stones, even if you are in sin...


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I hope one day you will return. Kiss
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Are you not know about "cow girl" dreams of pseudo puritan society here?
well, i wasn't trying to start anything, just letting some people that were looking for these items, where i found them.
BUT, i see your point, someone, I am sure will get their panties in a knot over the jacket. Thanx Pagane.
One of the great things about the cowgirl is that she is always on top of everything. Get it? On top?

OK, I'll shut up now.
rofl a Big & Rich music fan are we?
I don't know about music, but I do like men who are big and rich. :)
the song is "save a horse, ride a cowboy" the duo Big & Rich
I'm sure it's a good song, but will never beat my favorite, Horsey! Keep Your Tail Up (Keep the sun out of my eyes).
A pioneer spirit, a special [American] brand of courage. The cowgirl faces life head on, lives by her own lights, and makes no excuses. Cowgirls take stands, they speak up. They defend things they hold dear.” The courageous Fellows truly possess the cowgirl spirit. I guess i don't know what Pagane is trying to stir up. But this is the meaning of a "cowgirl".
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Few hours ago I posted here how to reach second position in rank without a single real visitor using a fake beacon. My post was deleted. Thank you OSW for all.
P.S. Fake beacon is here.....
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you and all other is welcome in forgottenworld.
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We all here is NOT COURT!!!
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We all here is NOT COURT!!!
Don't you notice?
Before there is a verdict from the court that has come into force YOU ALL SPEAKING SLANDERS!!!

Friendly advice - measure your talk! It is almost impossible to prove anything about AgePlay or Pedophilia, but there is nothing easier than proving that YOU are all spreading slander. If you can't prove them in court and convict!!! accused by you, then you are SLANDERS!

This is the law!
No matter how many arguments there are, Ageplay does not involve child avatars!
Are you name is Kim or Mao???
Oh yes, you is GOD?

What you not understand? This is the law!

About names in list..... How you have this list? We all know only 2 way:
1. You is member of this same group.
2. You use photoshop to slander peoples.....
you dont have to member of a group to get the list, you can see who is a member before joinig.
I didn't know this part. Seems they didn't think that through all the way.
all you have to do is once you click the group, click the refresh button and it pulls up the list of members.
Chiming in here to point out something. Now I am assuming this person is working in good faith, which may or may not be the case, but let's go off that assumption. For an investigative thing like they are attempting, it is only reasonable to make a burner account, join said group to infiltrate it to gain information, and then produce the information you have gained. This is done a lot in investigative journalism and law enforcement. So, it doesn't really work as a gotcha to say "but you are in the group too." Also, if you are trying to claim photoshop, you could prove it by getting the photo analyzed.
Do you understand my position now???
Yes, I understand your position. You can say that "the real pedophiles are getting their naked asses shined!", even when they have not been convicted in court. Is it slander? Not when you do it.
You use names and judge! I only warn true pedo and they understand without naming.... Are you not understand "small" difference?
AVs can't go to court. If anyone wants to reveal their RL names to sue me for slander, and are willing to have the facts come out, they are welcome to do so.
So, when you refer to the real pedophiles, you refer to people other than those named in the post? Got it. But I make no judgement about you. It's unfortunate that you were, unknowingly, a member of a group with known virtual child abusers.
How nmany of them you judje my god? Are they all is already in hell?
I don't know. You tell me. How many of those you judge to be real pedophiles are in hell?
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But why close the topic? It's just starting to get interesting and the real pedophiles are getting their naked asses shined!
Or were you scared that someone would post more information about your secret haunts? But they are not so secret!
no other things to do ? Pagane
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Unfortunately, the legal incompetence among server admins is rivaled only by their technical ineptitude :(
Literally unrelated and legally contradictory placards and declarations are being waved en masse! The fact that you have a sign at the entrance "I hate children" does not absolve you of any responsibility! Putting in size filters and such savagery actually makes things worse!
In addition to declaring ageism, which is criminal even in North Korea, you require women to be taller than one or two meters (no matter how much). You put a requirement on the size of tits, ass, genitals .... Not only is it insane, even for the thought of putting such requirements on the door of an establishment in the real world, you will be convicted on the first hearing and no lawyer would defend you !

Why am I dissatisfied and do I protest? Well here's why:
1. To be the height, size of tits, ass and genitals whats you want... In the real world, such a "woman" can only be a transsexual man with more than 1000ml of silicone on the tits, with a dick extender, ass enlarged with an new explosive method unknown to me and..... Well, there are no such women! I don't want to be a transgender man with two buckets of silicone badly placed!!!

2. You ban child avatars..... well your choice! Preposition - supposedly we protect the children... NONSENSE! Entry for children under 18 is permitted everywhere! Check out the photo above! Until you do NOT have this flag marked, everything is false slogans and hate!

3. I enter SIM and there the administrator lifts my skirt, examines my panties, touches my cleavage to feel my tits... Shameful! Do you think I'm making this up? After such a review I am banned from EventPlaza in OSWorld (no panties under long dress)!

I won't go on because it doesn't make sense.
But consider that normal people, those who are not taller than the NBA champions, who are not of abnormal proportions, are not transgender or LGBT+/- also have rights.
We don't want to be raped and abused just because we are like our ancestors from the last 10 million years of history. We want to be the normal men and women with normal bodies that God made us to be.
Can it?
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Unfortunately, the legal incompetence among server admins is rivaled only by their technical ineptitude :(
Literally unrelated and legally contradictory placards and declarations are being waved en masse! The fact that you have a sign at the entrance "I hate children" does not absolve you of any responsibility! Putting in size filters and such savagery actually makes things worse!
In addition to declaring ageism, which is criminal even in North Korea, you require women to be taller than one or two meters (no matter how much). You put a requirement on the size of tits, ass, genitals .... Not only is it insane, even for the thought of putting such requirements on the door of an establishment in the real world, you will be convicted on the first hearing and no lawyer would defend you !

Why am I dissatisfied and do I protest? Well here's why:
1. To be the height, size of tits, ass and genitals whats you want... In the real world, such a "woman" can only be a transsexual man with more than 1000ml of silicone on the tits, with a dick extender, ass enlarged with an new explosive method unknown to me and..... Well, there are no such women! I don't want to be a transgender man with two buckets of silicone badly placed!!!

2. You ban child avatars..... well your choice! Preposition - supposedly we protect the children... NONSENSE! Entry for children under 18 is permitted everywhere! Check out the photo above! Until you do NOT have this flag marked, everything is false slogans and hate!

3. I enter SIM and there the administrator lifts my skirt, examines my panties, touches my cleavage to feel my tits... Shameful! Do you think I'm making this up? After such a review I am banned from EventPlaza in OSWorld (no panties under long dress)!

I won't go on because it doesn't make sense.
But consider that normal people, those who are not taller than the NBA champions, who are not of abnormal proportions, are not transgender or LGBT+/- also have rights.
We don't want to be raped and abused just because we are like our ancestors from the last 10 million years of history. We want to be the normal men and women with normal bodies that God made us to be.
Can it?
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I will try to explain how the "virus" works

The ultimate goal of the attack is to gain access to the server's console, or at least to the Robust server. Unfortunately, many of the servers directly allow access to ports 20, 22, 139, 8003, 3306, 3389. Some change the port number to "non-standard" hoping to hide it - naive! Passwords? Are you joke????????
For those who make this mistake, the attack ends here - successfully and with unlimited damage. Read this:

What if you did protect yourself? The hacker tries the next step:
Each OpenSIM server exchanges assets with the others. This happens when you "wear" or when you "rez" object on the ground. This allows you to use things created on other servers and see the avatars of visitors. This is very nice but....besides the "normal" assets opensim servers also exchange an asset of type "LSLBytecode" (opss what code?) and "Link" (hmmmmm Where does this link point to and what is being loaded?)...
Whatever the hacker wants!
Uploaded script start to work like proxy between hacker and local machine. I cannot understand more, because hacker try to attack Robust, SQL and SSH some time and leave (in my server all these is not accessible this way)

A defense against that?
1.NEVER allow to visitors or users to BUILD!!!
2.NEVER rez or wear in "god mode"!
3.NEWER allow to script to rez anything!

And again USE ROUTER! If you is on datacenter use TCP Wrappers! Firewall NOT WORK against proxy already inside....
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Everyone account have 18+ flag. Many admins set this to set without check. Others allow to user to check this.
If user without this flag set try to visit he will be restricted.
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This is not new script. Sacrarium create this before years to protect assets from using god mode for unlock and edit. Of course they lost control where is included this and.... We all including Sacrarium is threatened.

Many times i already say - Disable BUILD for all visitors, guests, friends..... ONLY OWNERS MUST BUILD!!!
Some "great" furniture greeter etc scripts ask to build .... NO!!! To add NPC script no need to build!!! Virus script use Build to access SQL..... ops.... enough!
Stop to disable execute scripts fron visitors - this only make Athena and man bits unusable:)
Script download from Internet and rez/build invisible object under the terain. Next start long and very bad attack. All ends with total control of computer.....
All what you must know and do to protect is HERE:
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Again sad news:( Haters group kill next sweet heart.
Not know how to help.

All please read and use this short HowTo:
Thank you for posting this link Pagane, appreciate it. I had a brief read and there is a lot there so will go through it if we set up a new grid.
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LOL... Look same as USA before president elections:)
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It is not possible to change your age or gender by staring at the monitor!!!
If you do it right it's called Role Playing!
If you don't understand how to do it, it's a complete waste of time! Go wash dishes or change diapers!
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"just move the database and dns and test" only this may make without downtime:) I hope "other" works to do without problems!
KISS and
Osgrid has 2 main grid servers one old one new both running, they just move database from the first one to the new one, Server 1 then dies Server 2 becomes live after the move of the dns and database and testing. Server 2 was also pre-setup prior to this downtime, this is a very simple task not the end of the world. lol
I just speak for SQL redundancy but i see you is more rude than competent, sorry
Denial my dear?
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every REAL woman know that half of womans up to 20-25 years is FLAT without boobs! Silicone boobs is not for niclear power or starships!
About size - on my 63 year i'm 1,54m high, my 9 year daugnter is 1,65m, and is not absolute flat. Hmmm who of us two is adult?
Who is adult or who is kid? Look one of Bulgarian Rhythmic gymnastics...
YES!!! She is Adult!
Remember womans outside of anglosaxon world is not cow size!
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Community is mental sick:(
And this here is pride, not community!!!
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Please stop with the white powder and take your pills!
How is it possible to have sex with pixels or rape them without their consent? I've been trying to get consent from two monitor pixels for years, but they're gay and don't like women :(
I also try incest with whatever is in the middle area of the monitor, but it always turns out that the entire monitor is born in China and no part is related to me :(
I even tried to pay for sex and put greenback into the computer. The fan got stuck and I paid for an expensive repair (no sex).

It is not possible to change your age or gender by staring at the monitor!!!
If you do it right it's called Role Playing!
If you don't understand how to do it, it's a complete waste of time! Go wash dishes or change diapers!
OMG ... so funny!
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Well, the same problem again... Defense is not done this way. It is impossible for your script to be a defense because the attacker has already penetrated and achieved his goal….
It's like treating an upset stomach with a big plug up your ass. It seems effective but only for others. The patient swells and bursts...