Pagane @Pagane


Throw on me all stones, even if you are in sin...


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Because refuse to be "This daddy sweet LGBT sex toy"... EASY!
what makes you think it was all about lgbt?
May be aliens or my hate mind?
How many times to say - I HAVE SAVED CHAT!!!

And Please LGBTQ+=/%& etc activists to read and think more.
YES i will not go to judje in court someone about pervert mind! But.....

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Yes, you were TEMPORARILY blocked for writing your mentally twisted comments in your own post.
I am NOT a psychiatrist and I will NOT treat you or any of the other crazy people!
And if you start filling my posts with your sick fantasies again - YES I will block you again! The time of "No Bann" is over!
What kind of sick fantasies do you mean?
Look at ANY of your posted here pictures. Show them to your psychiatrist and he will explain in detail.
And, better NOT show him text of your posts!
Jealous because you can't do that?
English word "jealous" is used for other.
True word in english is "concerned"!
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Just delete some of Dorena OFFTOPICS! If she want to say some lets make own topic. I'm NOT tolerant to peoples who is not tolerant to me. Understand?
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Absolute true!
With only one addition - if is not two-way, tolerance degenerates into a dictatorship:(
How do you equate tolerance with dictatorship? Quite clearly you are the one who is being intolerant. You had a bad experience with one random stranger on a grid and take out your frustrations on an entire community of folks and expect everyone to bend to your narrow minded way of thinking? Let's talk dictatorship...
Come on pagan, does your anti-LGBT button on your profile picture show any tolerance??
Same as LGBT flag in half G rated grids..........
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If Dorena not delete fast her LGBT pasquil all normal peoples will understand me.
Are they not ask MANDATORY transgenderism? Are they not hate everyone not transgender?
Where did you come up with the nonsense that all transgender people hate hereros? What are "normal people" for you????
Last few thousands years humans write and READ! I see you not read:(
I read that you despise all transgender people and think that all transgender people want you to become transgender too....
And i was kick out and banned because refuse this!
All post is about this extreme simple story!
Do you accept transgender people and allow them to live their lives???
Now is happy?
This is your mental changed post where we all read your godess light:)
I'm glad you recognize me for what I am.^^
Go back to read again!
I NEWER ban or say nothing against LGBT! Only not want they to force me to change gender!
I don't accept forced behavior any more than you do, but unfortunately I can't believe that someone tried that with you...
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I never said that this happened in the LGBT grid! We straight people do NOT visit such places and do not force our opinions on the LGBT community. The problem is that transsexuals are already so aggressive that they are no longer satisfied with tolerance. They demand MANDATORY transgenderism for all humanity!
You demand transgenderism for all of humanity?? Sorry, you're completely crazy. What makes you think that? Has your hatred blinded you so much?
Are you know to READ?
They ASK from me to be Transgender and TEEN slave and because i ignore was banned!
YOU is totally blinded from hate, and peoples like you take world in dark asshole where we all is now!
You're talking nonsense and I don't believe you when you say that some transgender people want to turn you into one, rather I see a lot of blind, almost fascist hatred against transgender people in you...
No dear, i have chat log where all this is writen in clear english.
And remember, may be sometimes i speak bad english, but NEWER nonsenses!!!
I feel that I belong to the LGPD and what you are writing here is completely alien to me. Nevertheless, you condemn everyone who feels that they belong to it, including me...
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Only to explain, no ban chat - was baned from access to region!
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objectively speaking, from the point of view of the concept of the "English language", Americans who use slang write much more nonsense than us non-English speakers.
Yes! and when you add typos it is even "better"....
typos??? in american english??? are you know at least one creature in universe to define this???
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Just now ask Google: "compare us to europe women weight"
Answer is:
The average American female weighs 170.6lbs at 5'4”. European women weigh an average of 156lbs and just over 50% are deemed overweight.
Jan 14, 2021
Not like answer?
Sorry, this is not EU problem, in Europe men take wife/lover on seats inside car, not back in the truck!!!
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Regarding the size of the tits: Just asking - is there at least one American court that wouldn't instantly convict any fool who dares to say that my tits are too small or too big?
I will not talk about the racist criteria regarding the size of the eyes, nose, head and so on, because they will again tell me that I am a Putinist or a fascist because I don't change my gender and I don't have a silicone ass or at least tits...
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Don't be mad, most Americans are elderly. Any doctor will tell you that it is impossible for them to understand you! Can't you see they can't even find a replacement for Joe!
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Just now visit Paramour Shopping and see this one V2.0 BOX with MODIFIED Silver/squares V2.2 machine from Walter Balazic inside box.

Not find original Aine Caoimhe machine!
That's what I've already written about. It's the relabeled guts of a v2.1 plus extra NPCs poured into a disco ball not made by Áine.

I'm going to pay Walter a visit, tell him about that thing which he has put there himself and give him a genuine, original v2.1, made and packaged by Áine in case he doesn't have one.
Of course we have one. While you're playing detective, maybe you want to look back on Aine's original blog about her move to Littlefield:
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Since my name is involved, I must explain:
I have NEVER done V 2.2!!!
Some people grossly corrupted the original engine code, put dressed and defective NPCs (soft or flat at all) and wrote my name as the author of this bastard.

Yes, I am the author of TWO sex versions, both containing 100% original version 2.1 code!

Bright Red: with several lesbian animations.
Name: Clubmaster Dance Machine v2.1 FF/FM Sex edition
Description: by Aine Caoimhe, and dirty stuff from Pagane

And pink-purple: with a clear orientation for group sex
Name: Clubmaster Dance Machine v2.1 Sex party
Description: by Aine Caoimhe, and dirty stuff from Pagane

Both versions are available to copy in my region: Bordello
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All FS after 6.6.14 not communicate properly with server.
And result is different because C# (DotNet) is extreme standartised same about Mono PHP and this only make finding of problem possible only with many shaman rithuals.
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Open your Inventory, Outfits folder
If you have Saved appearances you must see folders with links to assets in every one appearance.

But if you see empty folders or broken links...... OOOOPS is late!
If you see how 🢒 sign before folders disapear one by one...... This is NOT worm!!! This is your FS and now he kill your SQL database.

Similar must see and in other folders.
My server is on virtual machine and i restore from FULL disk backup.
OAR and IAR only explode size of SQL files but assets not returns:(
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Yes, and may repeat how many times want!
Full server backup/restore is 15-20min. Next is enough to save new appearance and ... assets links in SQL server is dead... (My server NOT have FSCache and bug is imediatelly and total!)
In full server with cache etc errors will be visible later...
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Before 4 months i try to warn about this FS bug.
Peoples continute to not understand whats happen.

Before 11 days AGAIN try to warn :

Last 3 versions of FS contains bug and when owner edit assets FS broke assets on server.

And whats happen???
Super dupper mega experts know better...
Keep wide closed eyes and wait:)
Pagane can you provide more details about the bug? Do you know where in the code the bug is? Do you know how to fix it?
P.S. I forgot to say - feel free to continue insulting me and accusing me of incompetence, while your servers crash and assets disappears in the malice...
Not know WHERE is bug bot know WHY and HOW:
Last versions of FS and server have major misunderstanding about SQL, server cache, file system and file system cache. ALL THIS in last 3-4 versions is one big omelette!!! And every next version is so bad.
Problem start in 9.2 version of server (I try to warn but was kicked like street cat) where someone invite mixture from filesystem caches and SQL and assets in file system .... may add soma jam, juice and what you want!
Next FS start to use same omlette from SQL, ancient Flosam cache, bad understanded BTRFS, SQLITE and essence of NTFS bugs!

Server read from SQL DB but write in OS file system CACHES!!! And wait OS to return this to SQL DB....
Viewer read whats come..... But when you edit write direct to SQL. And may be not write data, may be write indexes, file names or idk whats write but..... Sometimes server decode and repair bugs.
(If your server not use any caches like my > destroy SQL DB imediatelly)

How to find more than few major bugs multiplied in all code of server and viewer?
How to find where is assets and to return from files to SQL???

May be must ask some priest or Native American shaman!!!
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Many years ago, when I still didn't have my network and had to pay for land, I had a small shop.
On the right wall, all my items were offered for free.
On the left wall, the SAME items were offered for money.
In the middle I had a sign with an explanation and a request for assistance. I had money to spare and in just a few months I had prepaid for ten years ahead. I know at least three people here who could attest to that.
For the last 6-7 years I have my own server and offer everything for free, with full rights.
I hope more people copy, improve and distribute them!
And I'm happy when I see the original or modified copies in clubs and homes I visit!
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Oh yes and i know why they hate me - i have 5 kids and 5 grandkids......
This is 10 times more than ALL LGBTQ production in all world history (including Arnold baby)!
Sorry, that's crazy. Why would anyone hate you because you have children and grandchildren???
Don't you compare your kids to my kitty kats. >:( How dare you! Also, grrrr.
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This is why i NOT love LGBTQ - they NOT ALLOW ANY OTHER!
Until LGPTQ peoples not stop to be agresive and anty human oriented no way to love them!
Lol, are you serious?? I'm afraid so
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What is this? 256 color mode? or is it what PBR textures look like on an old computer without a PBR viewer?
The grass in the lower right is like a greasy nylon carpet. The rest of the grass is like cheap Chinese paint smeared on with no base preparation.
The inside of the barrel is like the 256 color games of 40 years ago.
Water is ... a strange opaque surface ... it doesn't even look like a liquid.
The figure of the wolf ... as before, when low or medium quality mode is selected.
If this is the vaunted PBR result, I see no point in even discussing it.
I saw the PBR Second Life demo video. When compared with ULTRA (without pbr) I thought the older Ultra looked slightly better, I understand where they are trying to go with this but like all new things, it could take a while before people are willing to adopt it.
I compare this photo with LOW and MID quality of "old". If this one photo is comparable to "Ultra"...... imediatelly fire all staff!
No, their superiors the employees only carry out instructions