Passion Jumanji @PassionFlower Land Offline

I am the owner of the grid Land. I only accept visitors, I do not have any plans to have residents. I am building my grid for ABSOLUTE fun & pleasure seeking individuals to come and rest their weary minds, body's and soul's & escape from real life ;) Just come, take off your hat, kick up your feet, and REVIVE your selves! ;)

Here is another screen shot of my Little Flower Garden!

I wanted to take a better picture! ;)

A new beginning! ;)

I am pleased to announce that I will be starting my VivoSim farming experience once again! ;)
I had a huge farm elsewhere at one time, but the grids assets got corrupted along with my huge 6 X 6 farming region.
Needless to say, I was devastated and had given up all hope of farming again.
I've been revived now! I want to start farming once again here only on Wolf Territories Grid, my new home & forevermore! ;)

This 360 pic is just the beginning. I pieced together this Something Magical Little Flower Garden Area with items from around open sim! ;)
When you come to visit my region Magical Fairies Pass 4, please excuse the clutter as I am just beginning once again, from scratch!

Please come enjoy what is here while you can see me as I progress on my farm as I build something spectacular!
This is the new Opensim Fishing area that I just placed here.
You may come on down and try it out for yourself!
Non-monetary SUPER gifts coming your way! ;)

You will notice the Wolf Territories Blimp floating up above.
For your convenience, we have boats out in the water for you to fish in.
There are chairs on the board walk in the center.
If you would like some solitude, thee are stumps and rocks along the edges for you to fish with yourself or a partner or friend.
You can see Bobby our AI that will answer all your questions about Wolf Territories! He tells poems, stories, etc! ;)
Bobby is so much fun! He's chock full of information ;)
There is also a destination board. Just click on that and it will bring you to any destination on Wolf Territories.
Come on over and ENJOY friendship & fun! ;)

Take this link here directly to the fishing area:
hop:// Fairies Pass 4/235/225/23

These are three of my avatars just dancing' the night away on my Magical Fairies Pass 2 Fantasy region! ;)
So much fun adding to these OAR builds ;)
