Joined 3 years ago

About Myself

Not Much to Say
If You Can't Share Your Toys, Then I Will Not Be Playing With You

My Interests

gardening, sketching, painting

I'm Looking For

freebies and more freebies

My Heroes

my mom

Viewer Version

Firestorm 6.617


Acer gamer laptop

My Regions

1 0 0 Users
My private developer's sandbox. Not open to the public.
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My Reviews

NakedWorldz Grid

Good music, great people, ya they're nude, but so what, at least the bad rigging of some clothes isn't a problem. Surf boards were cool and loungers are comfy. **Update 12-17-24** To NakedWorldWarning, GridsWarnignInc, EWG87GUJ438HGUJ3, Papa Johnson, Pueppi or whatever stupid ALT you have made, get this ... you were banned for sexual misconduct on the grid (posing as a boi pu$$y soliciting sex)...

My Groups

Profile Comments

Whoever you are about I have no clue what you're talking about, I did notice you deleted your account on here lol Plus please prove it's me I don't use alt I don't need to and I own a grid. So get a life dude...
my 3 year old account is deleted, yet you comment on it with your 5 month old account .... we all own grids thanks to dreamgrid, so no real accomplishment there. According to the stats of OSW "Shall We Date" hasn't been online in a very long time ... I smell jealousy.