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Wolf Winter Fest Events

Trick or Treat!

I'm out at the beach riding my new seahorse thank you Passion Jumanji.

rayne: that is beautiful! i am looking for a good quality horse (rideable, not avatar) if anyone knows where to find one, please message me. thanks! 2 months ago

New the ZOMBIE - AO

Use Teleporter to Halloween from welcome
Benutzt den Teleporter vom Willkommen zur Halloween Area
begebt euch zum Halloween Shop- go to the Halloween Shop

Getting ready to goto "OMG 2 Winter Wonderland" on TTG, a Magical Winter region full of Christmas.


Free Shopping

Jared Seda: Happy Thanksgiving! 21 days ago
Rez Zone is a shared creative Sandbox where users can freely build. Please be mindful that all items left in the sandbox will be automatically returned every 24 hours to keep the space open and organized for everyone. By using this sandbox, you agree to respect the builds of others, refrain from disruptive behavior, and follow all community guidelines. We aim to maintain a positive environment for creative expression and collaboration. Thank you for your cooperation!

We are ready to Party!!!!!!

Friday, October 25 12pm noon

find a costume and come party with the Ghosts

Zuzu Bahro: We have a friendly crowd here - come dance with us! 2 months ago
Khiron up next - LIVE!
Tuesday at The Almost Islands

Lucky at 11:00
Khiron at 12:00
Evan at 1:00 (13:00)
Charice at 2:30 (14:30)

For Taxi: Azi Az or Danger Lytton

Danger Lytton: Khiron up next - LIVE! 9 days ago

Trick or Treat!

Safinemahoe2: Awesome outfit Aeris! 2 months ago
Tomorrow night, time travel with us to the time of cheap petrol and epic and glam rock! Let's take a deep dive into a time when music was large, long, and told fantastic and psychedelic stories!

Join us on Monday, 10/21, @ 5 PM grid time @ Wolf Territories: Lost

Come on out to the Playa - a massive and stellar music festival venue, the glorious love child of Woodstock and Tomorrowland, with a bit of Electric Forest Festival thrown in! Wear your best flared jeans, leather jackets, fringe, crop tops, tie dye, aviator sunglasses...and THE HATS! OH THE HATS!
Or just come as you are; we love ya any way you are there!

Extra extra read all about it we've just been in attack by the Psycho Kitty

Kaze no Mura (Wind Village) is a farming part of Kaze no Sato (Wind City) that uses VivoSim and SatyrFarm to train our slaves. We do this by providing protocol, hard work and scheduling. We offer husbandry, farming, metallurgy, carpentry, forestry, mining and more. This is just the beginning of the House Gestaga experience. All are welcome to explore, but know that we are still building.

La musique est au rendez vous sur Agartha, prenez place et écoutez notre chanteuse Emma dans un cadre apaisant tout près du centre ville ♥


Hier ein paar Impressionen von der Entstehung der Galerie in der Street of Art.
Um alle Ausstellungsstücke zu sehen, besuche uns in Xenotown.
Die Galerie in der Street of Art findet Ihr im alten Hafenviertel.
Entweder bummelt ihr in Xenotown oder nutzt die Teleporter.
Verweilt zwischen Orangenbäumen, hört Musik, oder geht shoppen.
Es ist bestimmt was für jeden dabei.
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