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ai ai ai ai!!! my dear Cyber.... if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have realized that the costumes of the Magic Forest, I had forgotten to be exposed.... you can find the elf costume in the clothing area Tierra de Volcanes->Costumes, and on the floor you will see a sign that says Magic Forest
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Calm down Cyber, it is very likely that your teleport coincided with the exact minute of the sim restart and that's why you got that warning... I don't know... magics of these worlds, in any caseTierra de Volcanes is still in AMV the same as I left it last night.
You can come for the suits whenever you want, you are always welcome.
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for me it was!... I almost died! @.@ hahahah
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The avatar information is inside the avatar itself in a note, with the LM included.
------->( If you liked the Apple Body, you can find it in its entirety at Arkham Grid)
Thx Marpil, =)
Duh, sorry I didn't notice that it's a complete avatar. =P
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Weeeee!!! spectacular thanks for sharing!
You are very welcome Marpil :)
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for my taste... they are very special, that's why I decided to use them in this avatar, I think it gives a touch of uniqueness
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Hello! hahaha sorry for the dip, but if you look at the hop of the image says that it is at 3825 height, so if you are coming under water is because “something” is wrong when you take the teleport. But once you arrive to volcanoes land it doesn't matter if it is under water, copy the link that I have pasted in this image and for sure you will arrive to the point where this vendor is ok, another thing if you see me online open me im, and I myself will gladly give you tp to the site ok?
Thank you, I will try again.
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Buon anno alla famiglia Sciattisi Grid!!! che il 2025 sia un anno meraviglioso!
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Feliz año hermosa!!!! te mandamos un abrazote gigante y nuestros mejores deseos de un 2025 extraordinario!!!!
¡Super abarazos precisísima! Por un año de archivismo y recogida de semillas juntas jajajaja
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Hi! you probably joined the group when we were in the Astralia grid, but when we switched to AMV that group became obsolete (as it belongs to another Grid) so you have to re-join the new one, how? the same way you did before ... at the entrance there is the point where to take the group :) I apologize for all this, but when we changed the Grid there was no other option
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los dossssssssssss hahaha
hay fiestas para dar y regalar asi que a lucir todo!!!
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marpil empieza a buscar vestido para la boda... tralari lara
@Pilar wait until you see the ones @alexme has taken - those do look very weeding-ish
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esto es lo mas divertido y bello que he visto en mucho tiempo lo ame!!!
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waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa al fin!!!!! super gracias preciosa excelente trabajo
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yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! gracias eres la mejor ea ea ea (marpilcita baila de alegria )
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OK.... ya esta ...reborn esta incluido .....
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa las odio!!! por que me hacen esto ..... alla va marpilcita a buscar el reborn.....mmmm .... >.
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yay que linda te ves...conste que puse legacy por ti .... ponet zapatos o te resfrias! >.
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jiji poco a poco seguiremos importando cositas navideñas... y tu abrigate hahaha
@Pilar yo estoy con algo que creo que te va a gustar.... super mega hyper fatpack...y para chicas... :D
ya me gusto hahahah