Purrfectt Katt @PurrfecttKatt


DJ/events/Classic Rock, love music, building, hanging with Hell Hound and friends

Liked posts

EUROPA FARM now with its newest vertical farm system - feeding aliens on planets around 10 light years distance!
To go there, go to SIM EUROPA, then at MAGABAGA INTERSIM station, teleport to there or other regions.
Enjoy :)

Xenon Darrow: I love your art, Jimmy!!! 1 month ago
Please visit theedgeofreality.ddns.net:8882:Seaside Karaoke prior to March 12th to read the info posters on how to submit your songs via MP3 as we pre record our songs for sound quality as not everyones internet connections are the same and we want everyone to hear the voice and music at the same rates ,,,come on over and have fun as we dance and join together to listen to each other howlll out some kool and awesome tunes and we also have a few people that love to sing some tunes with thier own special touch of comedy by twisting and adding thier own words ,,,so come on over ya may get some great laughs with thier great sense of humor!!
****EEP SKIES HUD V2 UPDATED RELEASE **** You can now change your EEP sky (*) in your SIM with serveral nice seasonal day cycled options by a simple touch in a HUD! You just need add it to your avatar! Super easy! Nice for those who has zero skills on EEP settings or... just lazy!
Pretend you want play ur SIM as New York city RL so grab the correct HUD for it (and You will experience the same Sun position /angle, sunrise/sunset (approximated values) there! Like on RL. And many options of skies for clear day/nights, foggy, cloudy and rainy!

Available for FREE and FULL PERM at the newest BOX 08 or click teleporter and choose EEP as destination.

(*) Check to your grid manager if EEP sky is enabled;
(*) You must be SIM owner to make it work.
(*) Special thanks for Clifford (AMV Grid owner) who built this script and allowed me to share to Opensim community).
(*) Make sure ur Firestorm viewer is properly set to see EEP skies:
MENU > WORLD > ENVIRONMENT > "Used shared environment" must be selected.

Jimmy Olsen: ** EEP HUD V2 updated *** April 21th 2022 - Just fixed the SUMMER skies for LATITUDE 70 NORTH only. The others ones remain ok, if you don`t use it, update is not necessary. Thx (and sorry for the ofte... 3 years ago

*EASTER GREEDY GAME TABLE NG* for up to 08 bunny-players.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)

"The Land of Aussie & Ladylove" presents Country Line Dancing (or use our wonderful new dance ball) every Monday from 4:00p until the last cowboy and cowgirl says good night!!! DJ LadyB, DJ Purr and DJ Aussie will be spinning those wonderful vintage country and traditional tunes for your pleasure!!!! Fun and laughter like you haven't had in a long time!!!! Share this notice and TP your friends!!! COME JOIN US!!!!! Message for TP or hop://hg.osgrid.org:80/The%20Shed%203/103/211/28rid.org:80...

I am having health difficulties. So not here much, and often AFK when I am. Pardon me please? My worlds are always open to everyone. Enjoy your weekend. BIG HUGS, and HIGH 5'S ya'll. :)

Come for the freebies. Stay for the sites! Take your time exploring this beautiful sim, filled with picturesque views, large forests, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and beaches. Don't forget to visit Santa along the way.