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Looks Wigwarm and cosy!
Yep! I've actually camped in one that I made in RL, in the middle of January one time. We survived just fine. I am part Mi'kmaq though... I might have the northern-canada genetics for it. hehe
You must do! Being Aussie id probably freeze
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Love to see people being creative
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I am not sure about Lockguard but i am using SF poser and it can take a bit to work out at first. I prefer it to AVsitter.
Yes, I've seen it working with AVposer... I might have another look at it. I'm jsut way too familiarised with AVsitter
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You are a building machine!!
Only when I'm inspired.
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I rezzed it out its lovely thanks!!!
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Stop being so adorable plsss!!
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Wondering if this party will still be on today?
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Seriously awesome. Perfect for the world im creating!! If you use the rezzer you cant go across sims but I tool the dragon out of the rezzer and it crosses fine and i can do barrel rolls heheeh
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Don't forget The Butcher, The Baker and The Candlestick Maker to. A poetic thriller.
Let's not forget The Nun, The Nun II, The Pope's Exorcist....
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Hhaha logged in and insulted someone!!! Such an opensim thing hahahah
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As Im Aussie i will still be asleep for this sorry but i hope you all have fun.
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yes! I'm working on the animations for it, hope to throw it in the shop some day soon:)
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Israel's temper tantrum?
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A ton of effort to do this!
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Wow you are rocking this animesh thing!!
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So many sounds here yay made finding a Sawing sound easy!
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SO after everyone's input and several hours of testing and getting ChatGPT to rewrite this over and over this is what i have got so far. The only issues are that the ingredients (which are placed near the crafting station) do not get deleted and for some reason the chair option on the menu does not rez out. The table and stone wall do however. I tested naming prims the ingredients and the end product. There is a menu option to select which recipe you want to make.

// Crafting Station Script
integer dialogChannel = 1234; // Channel for dialog
list recipes; // List of recipes
list requiredIngredients; // Ingredients needed for crafting
string craftedItem; // Variable to hold the name of the crafted item
integer foundCount; // Counter for found ingredients
list detectedIngredientKeys; // List to hold keys of detected ingredients

// Define some crafting recipes
recipes = [
"Chair", "Wood1", "Nails", // Chair requires Wood1 and Nails
"Table", "Wood", "Nails", // Table requires Wood and Nails
"Stone Wall", "Stone", "Cement" // Stone Wall requires Stone and Cement

llSay(0, "Welcome to the Crafting Station! Touch to see available recipes.");

touch_start(integer total_number)
// Create a list of crafted item names for the dialog
list itemNames = [
"Stone Wall"
llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "Select an item to craft:", itemNames, dialogChannel);
llListen(dialogChannel, "", llDetectedKey(0), ""); // Start listening for dialog responses

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if (channel != dialogChannel) return;

// Check if the item is in the recipes list
integer index = llListFindList(recipes, [message]);
if (index != -1)
// Get the required ingredients for the selected item
requiredIngredients = llList2List(recipes, index * 3 + 1, index * 3 + 2);
craftedItem = message; // The crafted item name is the selected message

// Reset the detected ingredient keys list
detectedIngredientKeys = [];
// Check for ingredients nearby after a short delay
llSetTimerEvent(0.5); // Set a timer for 0.5 seconds
llSay(0, "Recipe not found. Please try again.");

llListenRemove(channel); // Stop listening after processing the message

llSensor("", NULL_KEY, ACTIVE, 10.0, PI); // Start sensing for nearby objects
llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // Stop the timer

sensor(integer total_number)
list detectedObjects = [];
for (integer i = 0; i < total_number; i++)
detectedObjects += llDetectedName(i);

// Check if all required ingredients are found
integer count = llGetListLength(requiredIngredients);
foundCount = 0; // Reset found count for this sensor event
detectedIngredientKeys = []; // Reset the detected ingredient keys list

for (integer i = 0; i < count; i++)
string ingredient = llList2String(requiredIngredients, i);
if (llListFindList(detectedObjects, [ingredient]) != -1)
// Store the key of the detected ingredient
key ingredientKey = llDetectedKey(i); // Get the key of the detected ingredient
detectedIngredientKeys += [ingredientKey]; // Add to the list of detected ingredient keys

// If all ingredients are found, craft the item
if (foundCount == count)
llSay(0, "You have crafted a " + craftedItem + "!");
vector rezPosition = llGetPos() + ; // Adjust the position as needed
llRezObject(craftedItem, rezPosition, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, 0);

// Call the function to delete ingredients from the world
llSay(0, "You do not have the required ingredients nearby.");

on_rez(integer start_param)

// Function to delete ingredients from the world
deleteIngredients(list ingredientKeys)
integer count = llGetListLength(ingredientKeys);
for (integer i = 0; i < count; i++)
key ingredientKey = llList2Key(ingredientKeys, i);
// Send a message to the ingredient to delete itself
llSay(0, "DeleteSelf"); // This message will be listened for by the ingredient scripts
And sooo now here is the working script !!! The station gives the crafted item into the inventory of the crafter and then deletes the ingredients YAY!! Ingredients and crafted item can be changed in the script though i did try getting Chat GPT to make a config card it would not work for me.

// Crafting Station Script
integer dialogChannel; // Channel for dialog
list recipes; // List of recipes
list requiredIngredients; // Ingredients needed for crafting
string craftedItem; // Variable to hold the name of the crafted item
integer foundCount; // Counter for found ingredients
list detectedIngredientKeys; // List to hold keys of detected ingredients
key crafterKey; // Variable to hold the key of the player crafting

// Define some crafting recipes as a list of lists
recipes = [
"Chair", "Wood1", "Nails",
"Table", "Wood", "Nails",
"Stone Wall", "Stone", "Cement"

llSay(0, "Welcome to the Crafting Station! Touch to see available recipes.");

touch_start(integer total_number)
// Store the key of the player who touched the crafting station
crafterKey = llDetectedKey(0);

// Create a list of crafted item names for the dialog
list itemNames = [
"Stone Wall"

// Generate a unique dialog channel for this user
dialogChannel = (integer)llFrand(10000); // Random channel between 0 and 9999
llDialog(crafterKey, "Select an item to craft:", itemNames, dialogChannel);
llListen(dialogChannel, "", crafterKey, ""); // Start listening for dialog responses

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if (channel != dialogChannel) return;

// Check if the item is in the recipes list
integer index = llListFindList(recipes, [message]);
if (index != -1)
// Get the required ingredients for the selected item
requiredIngredients = llList2List(recipes, index + 1, index + 2);
craftedItem = message; // The crafted item name is the selected message

// Provide feedback on required ingredients
llSay(0, "You need: " + llDumpList2String(requiredIngredients, ", ") + " to craft a " + craftedItem + ".");

// Reset the detected ingredient keys list
detectedIngredientKeys = [];
// Check for ingredients nearby after a short delay
llSetTimerEvent(0.5); // Set a timer for 0.5 seconds
llSay(0, "Recipe not found. Please try again.");

llListenRemove(channel); // Stop listening after processing the message

llSensor("", NULL_KEY, ACTIVE, 10.0, PI); // Start sensing for nearby objects
llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // Stop the timer

sensor(integer total_number)
list detectedObjects = [];
list foundIngredients = []; // List to hold found required ingredients
for (integer i = 0; i < total_number; i++)
detectedObjects += llDetectedName(i);

// Check if all required ingredients are found
integer count = llGetListLength(requiredIngredients);
foundCount = 0; // Reset found count for this sensor event
detectedIngredientKeys = []; // Reset the detected ingredient keys list

for (integer i = 0; i < count; i++)
string ingredient = llList2String(requiredIngredients, i);
// Case-insensitive matching
if (llListFindList(detectedObjects, [ingredient]) != -1 ||
llListFindList(detectedObjects, [llToLower(ingredient)]) != -1)
// Store the key of the detected ingredient
key ingredientKey = llDetectedKey(i); // Get the key of the detected ingredient
detectedIngredientKeys += [ingredientKey]; // Add to the list of detected ingredient keys
foundIngredients += [ingredient]; // Add found ingredient to the list

// If all ingredients are found, craft the item
if (foundCount == count)
llSay(0, "You have crafted a " + craftedItem + "!");
// Check if the crafted item exists in inventory before giving it
if (llGetInventoryType(craftedItem) != INVENTORY_NONE)
llGiveInventory(crafterKey, craftedItem); // Give the crafted item to the crafter
llSay(0, "Giving " + craftedItem + " to " + llDetectedName(0));
llSay(0, "Crafted item not found in inventory.");

// Call the function to delete ingredients from the world
// Only announce the found required ingredients
llSay(0, "You do not have all the required ingredients nearby. Found: " + llDumpList2String(foundIngredients, ", ") + ".");

on_rez(integer start_param)

// Function to delete ingredients from the world
deleteIngredients(list ingredientKeys)
integer count = llGetListLength(ingredientKeys);
for (integer i = 0; i < count; i++)
key ingredientKey = llList2Key(ingredientKeys, i);
// Send a message to the ingredient to delete itself without any announcement
llRegionSayTo(ingredientKey, 0, "DeleteSelf"); // This message will be listened for by the ingredient scripts
Bravo !!! :-)
I have been slowly improving it today to :)
You will be a pro before our Leo ;-)
No Pro I am using a chat thing haha
I saw but only the result counts! ;-)
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We need more of it in this world for sure! :) :)