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I understand that though SL has taken the store down there.
Thinking it is like the Aeros Penis in SL where the store suddenly closed without warning and then months later was reopened but with a warning that there would be no support for the products. Leads me to suspect the original creator passed away and the rights went to someone who inherited it but doesn't know how to support it.
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Yeah that is what im wondering.
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Aye you can as long as Gloebits approves it and they get a bit slack with that.
And Gloebit has to happen to be online, of course.
i feel you, i was approved eventually so i am happy with that
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I don't want to pay money for something I'm not sure where the money is going to. If the transaction does not go through due to the creators paypal etc no longer existing, then why have it still listed on the MP? Maybe they have just overlooked it, though its been a year now.
sometimes too the creator is more in sl then kitely, ive found that out too. if i want it bad enough ill pay for it lol.
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Yeah its unwise to think you can make a living off selling things in OS but to make a few extra dollars a week or month may just help to cover a few costs. A monthly med you may need, an extra loaf of bread and some milk. As Luna said it helps to cover a few costs she has in world. There are those who are happy to pay for items they want as a way to express their thanks, even if they are few at least they are given more options to do just that. I also understand the reasoning behind using items brought in from sl as I have myself spent thousands of L there, perhaps unwisely, and don't own what i have purchased so I'm not to hung up on using it in OS. My main point is OS is a creators dream and to encourage original content here by paying for it i think is not a bad thing to do if it means some support goes to those creators. Hence I am setting up a Creators mall using Gloebits for now and i may look at doing podex to.
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The dancing next to a clothed child is not an issue. The issue is in what manner the child is clothed. Is the clothing child appropriate or is the clothing over sexualised clothing? Is the manner in which the child is dancing appropriate for the child or is it in done in a sexual manner? Are there people around the child who may be getting off on watching said child dancing? So many questions to contemplate. I do feel there should be dress standards for child avies on any grid but then we can not control how others run their grids.
We are not dealing with hypotheticals here. We are dealing with what Krusty has actually said and did -- and what she didn't do. She didn't target people and places well known for sexual ageplay and virtual child porn.

Instead, QAmom Minna Krustina has devoted her time and energy to posting two photos of child AVs on that grid. He claimed one was naked. Everyone could see that the AV was not. Then he posted a picture of a clothed child dancing. He said nothing about the style of clothing or dancing. He did not include a thought bubble over any adult's head that reveled that they were getting off by seeing a child dance. His only complaint was that a child was dancing NEXT to an adult AV.
How was the child clothed is the question? No thought bubble of course because you can't tell what someone is thinking. Did Kris post such a picture? I saw one they did post and thought to myself yeah that child is not appropriately dressed. In my mind no child should be dressed provocatively or naked in front of any adult whether virtual or real world. If as a community, we are aware there are Pedos around then we should do more to promote virtual and real child safety. That means setting certain standards for Opensim though i know it is hard to control what others do with their grids.
Krusty said, "Everything done in the light is keys to what is locked in the dark, dancing beside a child avatar speaks volumes of truths". Not once did he mention how the child is clothed. You've stated what is in your mind. He has stated what is in his. Dancing.
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Some of us are new to this debate and want to have the same excitement older users have had. We need some drama to. I myself like a good debate and promise to bring my pool noodle to beat everyone over the head with when they don't agree with me!
I really want to see that pool noodle. Please post a photo.
Heheh well at the moment it is relaxing in the pool and may not wish to be disturbed!
By overdue, I mean on the main page or in the box. The aim here is not to have yet another debate on these topics in the group, but to comment about what is said over and over and over again about them. Of course, it's also funny if people try to have the same debates here too. I suppose it's inevitable...
I promise to keep my debates and my pool noodle to the main page or box henceforth!
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Wow nice work! cant wait to try them
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Yes pray for the world and also do something today that will make your small part of the world a better place. Pick up some rubbish, call a neighbour to see if they are ok. Compliment someone, give your pets big hugs, tell someone they are loved. This is the only way we will all get through this.
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While I agree with your sentiments, I think its impossible to have peaceful coexistence with a people who have in their original charter the complete destruction of the Jewish people worldwide. If you believe this hatred comes from occupation, you are misled. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "You (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews until some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, 'O `Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.'"

I have included a link to the original Hamas charter for anyone who wishes to learn about it.
I'm sorry to read what you're saying.

Hamas is not the Palestinian people, just as ETA was not the Spanish people, nor was the IRA the Irish people.

Your observations, which I don't think are suitable for discussing on OpenSim, touch on a very delicate and controversial topic that involves multiple dimensions such as politics, religion, and history. It's important to consider that this is a very complex conflict and cannot be fully resolved or understood with a simple explanation. Keep in mind that both Jews and Palestinians have the same origin; they are Semitic (even many words are similar, and they have the same "prophets" on both sides). The exception is that, at a certain point, their religious beliefs diverged. Even so, Palestinians allowed Jews to live in their land, and the latter have expelled the Palestinians, condemning those who did not have the money to flee to live in the Gaza Strip (which is the no-man's land between the borders of two countries). These are stateless people, subsisting in tents and shacks without resources.

I don't know the human limit at which someone will not accept the desolation to which they are condemned due to their origin, but I do know that there is a personal limit at which someone will not tolerate injustices and takes revenge into their own hands (let he who is without sin cast the first stone).

I have lived there for several years; if you want to talk about it privately, I'd love to explain how both sides live: one in fear, the other in desolation.
My point is that you cannot coexist with someone who is bent on your total destruction. Jews have also lived in that area for thousands of years and we could get into a long-drawn-out chat about who has the rights to that land. I posted that link for general information in response to the OP about coexisting. Maybe ask the Jews about the desolation they have been subjected to over 100s of years. When you see Palestinians (and supporters worldwide) rejoicing over what has occurred, they show their support to Hamas. This was not soldier on soldier but the slaying of normal citizens, that is a war crime. This deep hatred of Jews is not a new thing it is a hatred that has existed since the beginnings of Islam. Thanks for the offer of a private chat but I will have to decline based on the fact you have assumed I know nothing about the situation.
If both cultures coexist, you just have to go to Jerusalem, but it's coexistence as the Jewish people want it, not by consensus:

-Schools are separate for both cultures.
-Hospitals and healthcare centers aren't shared; each has its own.
-Buses aren't either... etc.
-NOT EVEN THE BORDER, there's one exclusively for Palestinians and another for the rest of the world. I won't go into details, but it's heartbreaking when you see the treatment.

The quality of all this public care, you can imagine it's not the same for both cultures.

No restaurants, hotels, or anything. But they're living together there. Even though their cars can't cross the border (neither side), even though phone communications are cut off to Arab countries.

Hypocrisies, many:
-They coexist when Shabbat arrives, as Jews can't handle money that day, they hire Arabs so they won't lose the currency exchange commissions from tourists.

-It's so hypocritical that the Jewish Talmud says they shouldn't raise pigs on holy land, so they raise them on a one-meter-thick cement block to feed tourists.

The point is, if in all countries, diverse cultures and religions coexist, why don't they want to? Simply because of territory. For any country, annexing territory is seen as an invasion. The hatred they reflect is never towards Germans for World War II or towards Spaniards when we expelled them. The hatred is against those who let them live on their land.

I assume you're not very familiar with the situation. If you've experienced it, we can discuss because you would offer your perspective. If you only have the view of others, there's little to talk about.

And I emphasize, Palestine is not Hamas.
When people celebrate what Hamas did they most certainly are Hamas! Gaza is given a lot in aid money from different countries what they do with the money? Egypt has no love for Hamas either due to its connection with Muslim brotherhood. Many seem to forget there is a border between Egypt and Gaza which is controlled in a similar way. Get rid of Hamas and then "maybe" peace will happen in that area. I agree there is little to discuss so we will end this here.
whatever you say, generalizing, creating labels and stereotypes, you look evolved for your time. Best regards
In fact, many UN resolutions calling on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories have been ignored for 70 years. Are you aware of this? A persecuted people should recognize the suffering of being persecuted, so why do they engage in persecution and land expropriation? Why? Wouldn't it be simpler to leave the territories free as requested and respect the agreements? What is the reason for occupying land against international law?
If your neighbour has stated that they want you destroyed from the river to the sea would you concede land to them? If they have no intention of living peacefully next to you do you concede land to them? This hatred goes back way longer than WW2 etc. While Id love to see peace there its not going to happen until this ancient hatred is dealt with.
First of all, thank you for responding to the comment above in such an open manner and for presenting your reasoning instead of accusing me of being a flat-earther as the user "Grace Mondo" did (I also had a hard time translating her pointless comments, but fortunately there are better Italians than her, I'd say almost all of them). She responded with inappropriate and incoherent remarks, demonstrating ignorance because the UN resolutions and agreements of other countries are not misinformation, as she claimed, but rather rules and agreements on paper for years. I'm sorry, but I have to clarify this point, so in my opinion, a person who is not aware of the facts should be blocked.

That being said, I will respond to your comment. Unfortunately, there is little tolerance between the two factions, I know that. I have many Jewish friends, and they are good people. Some of them dislike Palestinians, while others believe that what is happening in Gaza right now is not at all right. However, we cannot ignore the terrorist acts of Palestinian extremist factions.

It must be said that as long as the agreements are not respected, this will be a real problem, and there will be no peace regardless. Honestly, at the moment, because the Jewish people are more widespread in the world than the Palestinians, there is clearly a greater intolerance on their part. For example, many of them who displayed pro-Israel flags have blocked me just for writing "peace in both directions," which is a logical thing to ask for peace from both sides. So we can say that there is a deep-seated hatred from some people close to Israel towards Palestinians, even though Gaza has been an open-air prison for the past 20 years, as many historians claim.

A step forward would be to respect the rules, to begin with, regardless of the hatred that the two peoples feel towards each other. Then, when Israel has given up the occupied territories to the Palestinians, liberated Gaza, and respected the UN and US resolutions, they can defend their right if attacked unjustly. But if, to defend yourself from terrorist attacks, you annihilate a people, even urging them to leave Gaza, causing a true exodus (many speak of war crimes or crimes against humanity, honestly, on TikTok, for example, the live videos are impressive), expropriating their homes and lands, and ignoring resolutions and agreements, there is little to justify. It's practically as if the police, to arrest a thief, killed half of the citizens, which would make little sense and be undemocratic.

Responding to hatred with hatred yields little... I also don't understand those Israelis who spit on the crosses of Christians when passing by churches, even though Christians are not waging war against them. So why do they do it? I really don't know, can you explain it to me? (One thing, I am neither Muslim nor Jewish, but I want to understand.)
You have to ask why it has been an open-air prison for the last 20 years? Could it have something to do with Hamas being in power there? They were voted in. Where hatred exists rules will not be respected. There has been a call for a global Jihad to attack people in other countries. People who have nothing to do with this situation. It is naive to think that if rules are followed that this hatred will stop.

I will say it again this Hatred goes back for 100s of years since the beginning of Islam. This is from the Hadith “Judgement Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews. The Jews will hide behind the stones and the trees, and the stones and the trees will say, oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew hiding behind me — come and kill him.”

Then in the Bible Psalm 83 talks about the enemies of Israel
Psalm 83[a]
A song. A psalm of Asaph.
1 O God, do not remain silent;
do not turn a deaf ear,
do not stand aloof, O God.
2 See how your enemies growl,
how your foes rear their heads.
3 With cunning they conspire against your people;
they plot against those you cherish.
4 “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation,
so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”
Id encourage you to read the rest of that psalm.

As for the conduct of Jews towards Christians I cannot say why other than Christian's belief in Christ as the Messiah bothers them or the persecution of Jews by Christians in history may also contribute. All I can say for sure is that when people believe in their own righteousness and that their cause is the right one, we end up with these situations. It is not just religious people who are prone to this eg Ukraine/Russia.
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Can I bring wine and cheese?
You can't get in without wine, cheese and vodka x
moi je veux bien le fromage .. je laisse le vin ...
Yes, but only if it is copybotted from SL. :)
Darn it, and here I have gone and made me own.
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Some of us in Opensim have not had these discussions yet and maybe want to know people's thoughts.
Just like the failure to debate abortion, gun control and if a hot dog is a sandwich often enough in the general internet. :)
Pffft a hot dog is not a sandwich! And pineapple belongs on pizza so there.
This means war!
Pineapple wars? Sauerkraut? Im partial to marshmallow wars myself.
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Yes I see this :) Sad we cant be nice.
For every hater, be kinder. For every liar, tell another truth. Confront closed minds with open ones. Most of all don't feed the haters with hate, then you become one of them and only because they made you that way. Love always, to all and unconditionally. Drawing a line for who deserves and does not deserve is their game. Some other hater made them how they are.
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Oh the first two options dont fit that?
No, they don't. Not everything comes from SL, I know lots of people build to share with all for free. I myself have built and shared. It's meant to be shared for everyone.
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Both items and grids are included. This poll does not include the social aspect.
It wasn't that I thought your poll was invalid :) More that if it's not in a social environment all the choices are diminished to me
Oh that's ok I'm happy to see your answer, I was just clarifying what the focus of the poll is. :) Getting my head around the economy/no economy debate that seems to come up so often.
IMHO all non-hate things are ok, we make the world! The subject of money will always be used for conflict I suppose. "I've a good mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it" -- Groucho Marx :)
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Anarchy does not mean a lack of rules.
And much of the Opensim metaverse seems to operate along anarchist lines, each community or standalone, or even individual region making their own rules. Sadly, for the ignorant anarchy will always mean lawlessness and disorder. Most will be familiar with the anarchist symbol of a letter A in a circle = Anarchy is Order. Also, anarchists tend to disagree with one another a lot... So the Opensim metaverse is well anarchist in that aspect!
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Seems things are working now yay
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Im hoping to be here for this!