Rich_Talborn @Rich_Talborn

East Coast U.S. Offline

OpenSims is an extension of my real life. I will always be pleasant in local and locally will always greet "everyone" regardless of personal feelings.

Joined 1 years ago

About Myself

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My Interests

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I'm Looking For

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Favorite Quote

If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing. (at least Publicly)

Music I Like

Mostly rock. Do not care for Gansta Rap or Death metal. Otherwise I have a wide range.

Films I Like

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Books I Like

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My Heroes

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OpenSimulator Version

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Viewer Version

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My Reviews

Avedon Park

12/28 didn't stay long and didn't see everything, but over all very beautifully done and the people I ran into were very pleasant. Definitely will have to make it back some time and maybe stay a while get to know the people better. A party or special event to give people a reason to stick around and get to know would be great at the landing spot.

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