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Richard Lagoon @RichardLagoon

Nederlands Offline

Joined 2 years ago

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My Reviews

Trianon Complex

Peer pressure just to go to a party?? NO THANKS, I have enough of that in SL!! 10 users at the party here but 4 of them are the 24/7 fake traffic Avis Nice party winks!!bye the way.I don't like being told what to wear either!!If I wear jeans and a shirt and shoes that's fine.The main thing is that I'm not naked, right??But a suit?? No, I don't have to and I don't want to either!

CCC Boutique

Beautifully designed Region, ok Store only for Womans but the other nice little Items are cool.That little Christmas Market is cute ,smiles good Job !!


Soul Grid ist immer wieder einen Besuch wert euer Weihnachtsmarkt ist wieder einmal gut gelungen mit all den kleinen Dingen die einen freude bereiten wenn man sie sieht .Ihr macht gute arbeit .Danke fürs teilen mit uns

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