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Shops and stall are filling up!!!!

Jared Seda: I tried going again but can't get there either. 7 months ago
Colorful typer for Holi - to celebrate India's festival of colors :)
Just add and type in local chat to see the colors around you. Copy and add more for more intense effect.

Available at the welcome area at Shanti.
Pure Exhaustion

I fell out underneath the SF leather-work station from overwhelming exhaustion and starvation, lol.

All things I found so far all over the hypergrid, belonging to Autumn and Halloween at one place . nice arranged, some modified . The sim has 3 parts.. on the Plateau you will find Autumn things for decorating your home. The horrible blood and gore part is inside the circus tent, surrounded by a more or less rotten ,abandoned funfair. Next to the Circus tent you find..well to much to tell and I want you to look yourself and explore. And for all Freebie Hunters..there are 4 places on the sim where you can overindulge your massive shopping, lol.:
-Next to the landing point
-Inside the Magic Shop
- tons of boxed stuff inside the church
- the house next to the graveyard
Not everything is copy but most! (and it is really a lot!!!)
And to give it a name I call the sim "Autumnville -where good meets evil and in between"
The sim is fully decorated ,so please give it time to rez or ,if necessary relog for better results! Have fun

Noodle's Garage Sale is back up .....

Grid ON

Thank you @Jimmy love the fireworks, have them all set up and ready!

New Years Glasses! Let's rock in a beautiful New Year with these fun Tortoise Shell Glasses! Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Had to get a selfie, before it vanishes.

Ichime-gasa, Japanese classic full face shield with hat, available at Shinobar Annex.

10 year rezz day of Lani region on 1 May 2020
