River @River


United States, East Coast.

Liked posts

New ♥ Valentines Outfits ♥

Ellen: Adorable sim and so many nice things not seen anywhere else! Very well organized into cute little shops! After shopping, take a walk around and see what a lovely job they have done! 2 years ago
Dancing under the Eifel Tower at Paris on Creative Landform from 10:00am (pst) with DeeJay Ted Junior
Singles and Couples, EVERYONE is welcome, Formal or Casual it is your choice.
Enjoy great company, Requests and Dedications always Welcomed
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Creative Landform
From walter.bankovitch@stanfordalumni.org Tue Aug 13 16:10:39 2002
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 19:40:46 -0000
From: Walter Bankovitch
Subject: Management Course
Status: RO

Lesson One:
A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit
saw the crow & asked him, "Can I also sit like you & do nothing all day
long?" The crow answered: "Sure, why not." So, the rabbit sat on
the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared,
jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Management Lesson?
To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high

Lesson Two:
A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to
the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the
energy." "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied
the bull. "They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of
dung, found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest
branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he
reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, he was
proudly perched at the top of the tree. Soon he was promptly spotted by
a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.

Management Lesson?
Bull Shit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

Lesson Three:
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird
froze and fell to the ground in a large field. While it was lying
there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on it. As the frozen bird lay
there in the pile of cow dung, it began to realize how warm it was.
The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and
happy, and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing
and came to investigate. Following the
sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung
and promptly dug him out and ate him.

Management Lesson?
1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
3) And when you're in deep shit, it's best to keep your mouth shut!

Here endeth your management course.


Full Avatar Evo Valentine's day #arkhamcity

Autum at Novale ends on November 12th
Still only a few days to enjoy Autumn at the farm

River: I must visit here soon! My previous visits have been amazing! 2 years ago
On recevait aujourd'hui les amis de la communauté francophone
Ici quelques uns d'entre eux font la traversée entre la Vallée Hantée
et Les profondeurs des ténèbres, lieu de la course au trésor.

MinordLoup: et bien sur, qui fais encore le pitre ? lol 2 years ago
New ! -- hg.cc-group.cc:8002:CCI - SONS of ANARCHY, Charming
CHARMING, California,
the hometown of the SONS OF ANARCHY
with all the important points from the series.
Anyone looking for them will find them.
The first and only beer spa in Opensim. An experience of a special kind, after 5 minutes in the beer bath you get the smell of beer in your real nose. We are looking forward to your visit!
Even water becomes a noble drop when mixed with hops and malt!

BELZE: Hat richtig gut getan das Bad im bier 2 years ago

New Elegant Dress for a very Good Night.....:-)

Interested in Roleplay? Already have a group, or looking for a new RP family? Learn about the Wyldwood RP , their regular meet-ups with other RP afficionados, and of course, the roundup of news in Opensim
InWorld Review: Sundays at 12 noon SLT
Like - Subscribe - Comment - be a guest on the show!

American Graffiti world
Radio Station
Who is he?

Antonia Ling: Bob Smith aka Wolfmann Jack https://youtu.be/99z-H_NEccU 2 years ago
Hey Everyone
I'm happy to announce the opening of my new business Galaxy Music Productions.. I hope to bring more talent to New Hope Grid & OPEN SIM!! I'm resuming all events and musicians concerts on New Hope Grid! Starting this Wednesday I will be starting with the Wednesday Morning Coffee/Greedy Social! Hope to see you all soon!

Free port Harbor area by night , I love to play around with lights so when you visit check out the sim by night.

We have a new merchant offering beautiful free dresses at Catena di isole Freebie Mall. Robin Ridley has a goal to create 100 free dresses, next time you visit please check out her shop 100 Dresses. We have one shop available free to rent. This is a freebie mall so please join us if you have created items you would like to share freely. We strive to offer new content not yet seen around the metaverse. continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Catena di isole Welcome, Robin! I bet you will exceed your goal so I better increase your store size :)

River: I am very excited to come for a visit! 3 years ago
LIVE NOW! :) Come join us!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴4:00p ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫ REBELS - New Hope Grid✫
» Шhat: • LIVE MUSIC •
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ Chic/Casual ∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸ login.newhopegrid.com:8002:Lyra

River: She's wonderful!!! A very strong voice! XO 3 years ago
The region hg.osgrid.org:80:Cherry Freebies is totally redone, my own original art freebies are displayed in different rooms : VOID, PLANT, BRUSH, RED, CUBE.
Some accessories I made, EEP, at SOUP.
All Fest'Avi avatars at FESTAVI.

Just select a room from the teleporter. Please remind that for a best experience, enable EEP and advanced lighting model.
There's no stream but scripted sounds (not everywhere yet) all from Morlitam.

photo displaying VOID room

FinjaFlux: An inspiration! Your art is like fireworks and animates new ideas! Another wonderful work from you!!! Thank you!!!! 3 years ago

Teleport Island Shopping

Ok... just looked through some of the recent front page posts. I've been here in Open Sim for about nine months now.

I have accounts in OSgrid and Kitely.

I'll have to admit a good deal of my wardrobe is possibly copybotted. I'd like to know if anyone is willing to send me a list of LM's showing truly original, OS based stuff (aside from Lunaria), I'd appreciate it. Most of my wardrobe is rigged to the Athena body. I also have a small number of Ruth2 takes. For my male alts (yes, I have a few, using the same names that I established for them in SL), I use Adonis and Roth2.

There was a discussion recently that influenced me to write this post. It's located below the post from Luna Lunaria, #92052. I totally understand creators desiring to be compensated for their creations. I have spent a fair amount of L$ to gather some of my clothes in SL. I wouldn't mind paying a few K$ or O$ for some creations on this side of the metaverse, as I think that's quite fair.

Thansk to anyone that can help me out, I appreciate it. I'd prefer that the links be included publicly (instead of PMing me), so other users can find it easily.

Misty_Falls: @Shea ... AGREED ....we the creators and builders of OS, do it because we want to better ourselves, by making things better for others; NOT for PROFIT.... money is evil, and will be the downfall of t... 3 years ago
Freshly opened! Orbit City in Neverworld!
Created by Rik Sullivan, Govega Sachertorte and Nexus Storm.

Come check out our Jetson's themed sim and learn why builders love Neverworld. Tons of space to fly about or pick up some related freebies.

Create an avatar here for your forever home. http://hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002/

OpenSimUser: Get over the SSL issue, most dont have or use them for Dreamgrid. 3 years ago
One of the reasons I love Wolf territories - nearly all regions are connected to each other, and there are tons of them. This is from my newest store region under construction, and this view is looking west toward one of the several large mountains you can find across the grid that are not mesh - they are actual terrain. I could literally fly from here all the way to the other side of the grid. The venue in the photo is the Victorian Club that will be ready for sale soon.

Created a Floral Hair Comb for your hair! Can be found free at the Monentes Jewelry Store, in the foyer.
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

River: Ohhh! I love this! 3 years ago
Announcing a new hud... "Wizardry". It is a magical hud with many more powers than all the other huds combined. It was created by a great Wizard in the kingdom of FreeMagic. The Wizard left it, where worthy young apprentices might find it, and use it for good, just waiting for the right one to discover it. The right one is NOT priscilla kleenex. When you arrive at FreeMagic on your journey to find this great power, you must take your time... Amble across the long rope bridge, do not fly or even attempt to. If you attempt to fly the dragon will push you out of the land, if you are pushed out 3 times you will be banned from the land of Magic. Slowly walk across the long rope bridge from the FreeMagic store to the Wizard's castle, then go around back and walk up the long bridge from the Wizard's castle to the College of Scripting Magic. Inside is a test for those who are worthy to receive the hud. But if you flew or attempted to fly, you will not be able to take the Hud. So Be IT as written! You are forwarned! Now a word to the wise young traveller.... The night is your friend.

New!!! Out now

The beautiful new build by Mudpuddle Cleanslate and Chelsea Louloudi in lfgrid.
If you like the Beatles, this is for you.

Dabici132: Neat assenblage of diverse natural habitats and Gnome paradise 3 years ago
I set out pretty sea plants and gif fish I created for you! I have added the link where I found great sea plants free, it is on the note inside the box. Thank you everyone for stopping by it has been excellent seeing you about! Stop by anytime!!

continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Catena di isole

Great classic from the 80's at sunset today
Some animated friends joined us including
Tricia Ember, who is very likely related to Thirza :)

Thirza Ember: I'd kill for that cleavage 3 years ago
"I Am So".
Whether it's inattention, inertia, ineptitude, or some other kind of in-thing, all too many people are lacking a profile picture. Are you to be counted among these unfortunates? Or perhaps you have grown tired of your profile picture and are looking for something a bit more...different.

Problem solved. Come to our new Profile Picture Shop where you have your choice of countless (mainly because I'm too lazy to count) interesting, intriguing, inexplicable, or some other kind of in-thing, profile pictures.

Some call me weird, to which I say, "I am so!" These pictures may be suitable for display in your home if not your profile. Whatever the case, just be ready to say, "I am so!"

Visit the new Profile Picture Shop, especially if you are bored and have nothing better to do. (Which is kinda why I made the shop!)


Nico Kailani: Visit the back room for the new color pix! 3 years ago
Although natural risks exist in Novale's Ocean in Summer
The biggest risk is not even being able to enjoy Novale
If you tried to come and crashed, try the following :
Avatar>preferences>Sound & Media>Voice>UNCHECK Enable Voice
Do that prior to TP to Novale and enjoy but watch for jaws!

River: I love this picture! Very cool, lol. 3 years ago
Mind Odyssey art exhibit is a spectacle of vibrant colors and animation. If you are free this weekend, please consider taking the time to visit this exhibit. Art is presented by these artists:
Nyx Breen
Cherry Manga
Amaranthim Talon
Shirl Tainted Angel
Bibiana has beautiful pieces about too!
and me~
A special thank you to Reyn Softly for creating this great region! When here you must view the land looking down from above, you will see a very cool head residing here! continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Mind Odyssey
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Mind Odyssey

River: It is a beautiful region, a must-see! 3 years ago

Peter Pan's adventure, a virtual trip at region Peter Pan/ Barefoot Dreamersgrid. Just playing with the stuf, fun fun fun!

Priscilla.Kleenex again out for hunting. Cerfull for this italian monkey him come again to GBG WORLD but i ma so fast to banned this monkey from italy and ejeck so i send him to the hell but stay cerfull all grid .
2022-07-09 02:27:27,382 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request for Priscilla.Kleenex @bubblesz.nl:8002 @ http://bubblesz.nl:8002/ () at using viewer Firestorm-Releasex64, channel Firestorm-Releasex64, , Mac , Id0 , Teleport Flags: ViaLogin. From region FreeLand 01 - French Connection () @ http://french-connection.tk:8002/
2022-07-09 02:27:27,386 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Checking users Mac against list of denied macs ...


Hostname: mob-.net.vodafone.it

ASN: 30722

ISP: Vodafone Italia S.p.A.

Services: None detected

Assignment: Likely Static IP

Country: Italy

State/Region: Piemonte

City: Ivrea

OpenSimUser: Just delete all the information on here, and ban their Mac address and be done with it, rather than possiblity of breaking laws by posting information that shouldnt be posted in public forums. 3 years ago
Where: Gentle Fire Grid
When: 3 years ago [12 Jul 2022 14:00 SLT]

THE WONDERFUL Zoree at club majestic
When: JULY 12, 2022, 14:00 SLT] Zoree
Join us Tuesday Zoree at 2:00 gird time. where at Majestic Club at Gentle fire Grid


We have Holocluck spinning the tunes right now at OpensimFest! come on over and join us
grid.opensimfest.com:8022:HG-Welcome so you can load your hg avie and get the Grid LMs and goodies,
then jump over to Event1

Visited @FerdFrederix @FredBeckhusen's Silent Refueling tonight-took a 360 -Excellent build Fred! outworldz.com:9000:Silent Refueling

Gin Leeder: WOW! 3 years ago

My New Hud! :)

Safinemahoe2: I would love that! Can I pick up a copy at your cool Free Magic store? 3 years ago

In celebration of Summer, this is the Summer Solstice ring-lapis lazuli
in the foyer of Monentes Jewelry. continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry


Mind Odyssey we invite you to view the art of @CherryManga @ShirlTaintedAngel, @NyxBreen, and @AmaranthimTalon
This is Cherry Manga's exhibit 360
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Mind Odyssey

The Festival is starting to come together.
Here are 4 photos by Doc Nolan of four very different builds already in place.
They are by: Aphra Hendrix, Kim Starr, Lain Iwakura, and Jillian 2000 Quintessa.
Can you guess who did what?
If you haven't finished your build, there is still time - but it's running out. See you on the grid!
OpensimFest July 8 - 24 2022
To see more photos, go to the Discord server and check out 'photos 2022' https://discord.gg/QceX93hJ

Thirza Ember: Is Aphra top right? 3 years ago