Rogue Galaxy @RogueGalaxy

New York Online

Here to meet new friends, perform live, and have fun exploring the virtual worlds!


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Thank you! :) A friend gave it to me!
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GORGEOUS!!.. back I go!!
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Hey IrishWhiskey! :) Sending much love.. light and healing to you! I own quite a few of your scripts in SL still.. the greeter orb.. magic picture frame.. and visitor tracker! Thank you for this new script! I can't wait to test it out! I'm a big fan of your work! Get well soon!
:) Thank you for the kind wishes. Be safe, take care.
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THAT is absolutely GORGEOUS! WOW! .. I love it!
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I want to thank you for all you have done not only for me personally, but for many here in the opensim metaverse. I know we don't know each other very well, but you have helped me far more than you will ever know! I thank you for your kindness, generosity, and welcoming attitude. Your contributions to OpenSim over the past 15+ years will forever be talked about.. Maybe a few other grid owners can get together and dedicate a region in honor of you and your work on Copy Kat & Adachi. I'm willing to help with a project like that! It will be sad you see such a HUGE part of the OpenSim history come to an end.. I wish you much success, love, light, & peace now and in your future.. Thank you for being such a huge asset to the opensim community. hugs
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altho.. Im not quite sure why it calls me ROgue Garmers.. LOLOLOL
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lol so funny... I honestly didnt know this
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lol copper.. no.. its not a secret.. I'm looking to have something similar to this.. .. created, I dont want that shape board.. would prefer square and bigger photo display.. but that's the general idea.. I Want to use it for Open Mic Morning..
When I clicked that link I get: "The page you were looking for doesn't exist.".
weird.. maybe I can post SL marketplace links here
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sounds likfe fun and interesting! :) Keep me posted! Would love to check it out!
Will do :-)
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TY LittleField! :) I love performing at your grid! It's great fun and Ive met many new friends! Thank you for having me. I will continue to keep doing what Im doing.. only death can keep me from being me.. I will never be someone Im not.. I just hope that others will get over themselves and help support their opensim community and STOP hindering it!
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hehe.. yes.. they whine.. and I will continue to try to help build up a respectful supportive community here in opensim, I am only in control of my and I think my actions speak volumes.
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Shea.. I hear this.. but honestly.. I've myself made mistakes and double booked myself.. when you are busy it happens from time to time.. I'm human.. I make mistakes.. but I'm always upfront about it!
If your talking about the specific purpose of this post, due to what happened yesterday . The unsaid person was not crying, or complaining. They were just stating, would of been nice to be told, before they left the event. So was not an oopsie. That person had plenty of time to speak up, that they had other plans. This is the very first time, I have heard of grids crying about others performing anywhere else.
I have no idea what you're talking about.. and this is not in reference to anyone else.. its in reference to a discussion I had with a friends about some grid owners who cry poaching.. nothing to do with any particulart musican or singer or venue... you misunderstand my video and post
okie dokie. First I heard of this. I just try to support everyone.
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Suzi, I own Virtual Melody Grid, I host events there, and I have rented out regions there, but I don't need the region rentals to pay for my server.. Thats not why I opened my grid.. my grid is a private community for musicians dj's and music lovers, I have free land to give to people who want to participate in that kind of community.. ONLY the venues on my grid are public.. and to become a member its by invitation only. I also own regions on other grids, and I also host performers on WolfTerritories grid, plus I'm a performer myself.. as a performer, I have no problem sharing what venues have live music with others, as a venue owner, I have no problem telling musicians what other venues and grids have live music, as a grid owner, I have no issues sending musicians or music lovers to another grid.. to me, the more events there is.. the more support and attraction there will be for others.. I do pay usd dollars via paypal to my performers.. and I still support them and encourage them to seek out other venues and grids to play on.. I have note cards made up to share with them how to advertise and promote in opensim.. I have notecards with other venues.. I am placing a hypergrid teleporter to other grids and music venues.. I have note cards I pass out to new people coming into opensim on how opensim works etc.. I try to be very supportive.. if MORE people did this.. we would build a strong community.. I would not ever open or start a grid to rent lands or regions ever.. why?.. because you can run your own regions on OSGrid for free, you can run Ferd's software on your own computer at home for free, if you depend on others to pay for your grid by renting regions and you can not pay for that grid hosting on your own, without help from anyone.. you probably shouldn't have a public grid with regions for rent.. That's just my opinion.. I support my community members on my grid.. if they want to start their own venues, or host their own regions on osgrid or by using dreamgrid.. I will be the first to offer help.. because as a small community, that's what you do.. but I see people (other grid owners) getting bent out of shape and angry, calling names, and spreading vicious lies, and crying ohhhh you're poaching.. THAT is disrespectful to your community members! SO I am going to leave this here.. this is a quote from a friend I had a private discussion with.. "It's a shame that a grid's entire dynamic is how to accumulate the most renters rather than doing the best they can to support their grid and their community." YES.. it IS a shame! Shame on them!
In my early days of being an Opensim user I received an earful from my then Second Life landlord who pretty much regarded tier from her tenants as a birthright. I run my own server here at home (Not Dreamgrid, I'm not on Windows systems) and my sole reason for being in OS is that quite simply I couldn't do what I do in SL, either financially or technically. I also have helped plenty of people in setting themselves up in OS, from the mundane level of putting a half-decent looking avatar together to setting up a region server, which on one occasion included a crash course in installing and configuring a Linux system for someone who had only ever used Windows systems, but who, somewhat bizzarely that they wanted to run their OS server on a Linux system. On the 'free' element, OS is never actually free, the software is free of cost, but running it certainly isn't, which at this time of increasing energy prices (at least in the UK) is a consideration. For those who want to charge people rent for their land in OS, I say good luck to them, but also make it clear to those I meet that they can run their own regions quite cheaply, though I suspect that it would be very hard indeed to beat those hosting providers who charge a mere $5 a month for a standard region.
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Congratulations!! :) Wishing you much love, laughter, and happiness now and always!
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Jupiter :) Where do I find this setting? So I can change it
If this setting actually exists (I've never had a sim of my own, so I don't know for sure, only from hearsay), you can only change it in the settings prior to creating an OAR.

If the OAR already exists, it's set in stone. The only way to change it, again, if this setting exists, is to teleport back to the sim from which the OAR was made and make a new OAR. If this sim is no more, there's no chance to fix this anymore.