Rogue Galaxy @RogueGalaxy

New York Online

Here to meet new friends, perform live, and have fun exploring the virtual worlds!

Joined 5 years ago

About Myself

Rogue Galaxy, has been making a name for herself amongst the virtual world's Boomer, GenX, & Millennial communities at her Classic/Southern Rock Shows! Singing classics from bands like The Stones, The Beatles, Bonnie Raitt, Eric Clapton, Janis Joplin, ZZ Top, SuperTramp, Bob Segar & Many others!

Rogue is a long time SL resident (16+ years) & OpenSim (3+ years), who's purpose for being in the virtual worlds is Live Performing, Hosting Live Music Events, & bringing people together through music. This soulful, raspy, songstress performs music for all tastes and occasions, spiced with humor and a warm personal touch.


2020 People's Choice Sammy Award Nominee (Syr. NY), Cathie Timian) is a seasoned musician/vocalist and must hear performer! The timbre and tone of her voice is unique to the Blues, but she also performs Classic Rock, Jazz, Rockabilly, Country, Pop and more!

My Interests

Live Music, Live Musicians, Performing, Singing, making new friends!

I'm Looking For

I'm looking for honest loyal friends to hang out with and have fun with!

Favorite Quote

I have a few..
1. When words fail.. music speaks!
2. A friend is a single soul in two bodies.
3. Only those who risk going to far, can possibly know how far one can go.

Music I Like

Classic Rock, Blues, Rockabilly, Classic Country, Southern Rock, Jazz, Easy listening, Americana

Films I Like

good drama, some action movies, favorite family shows & movies, fantasy movies, mystical movies,

Books I Like

spiritual, self improvement, fantasy, metaphysical

My Regions

6 0 0 Users
Tempo Isle Residential Community & Event Center Offering FREE 1/4 sim STARTER Land with 7500prim limit Event Center FREE to use for YOUR own events!
more info
3 0 0 Users
The Home of Romance! - A place for lovers & friends. Live music special events!
more info
8 2 0 Users
OSGrid Special Events Region
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Parsons Creek Lodge
9 0 Creek Lodge 0 Users
Parsons Creek Lodge - Live Music - Open Mic - Movie Night - Hang Out - Games - Dancing & More! RESPECTFUL ADULT RATED REGION! NO CHILD AVATARS PERMITTED MUST BE FULLY CLOTHED & ALL PRIVATE PARTS COVERED! Do not come to our region in your underwear with your bits hanging out. You will be banned...
more info


Hello folks.. I have a situation that's been brought to my attention. I loaded a 2 year old OAR of an old region I had, where I had a newbies shop for new musicians coming to open sim.. the idea was to collect free starter stuff and have it in one place, because open sim is quite confusing to people who have never been here before..

So.. when I reopened virtual melody, I loaded the old oar.. and one some of the items.. it changed the name of the creator on some of the items to MY name! I did not create these items.. I do not own these items.. I even have poster boards up explaining that the items in the shop were all collected for free on the hypergrid and that I don't own them.. This has never happened to me before and I'm seriously upset that it's happened now. Has anyone else had any issues with loading old oars like this? I have to go through all of the items now to make sure my name is not set as owner! To the people, who do create these items, I'm truly very sorry that this has happened. I will fix it!


Thirza Ember: I'm beginning to suspect Rogue didn't make all the content on her sim. But I could be wrong. 2 years ago

OPENSIM - The grids that cry poaching..

ShalHeira: You can't poach someone who owns their own free will. You are an amazing singer and I would come visit you more often, if I only remembered where to look. Seriously. I miss having you around. You were... 2 years ago
Hello Everyone.. I'm looking to hire a scripter to create a specific item I need for inworld.. Please send me a message here or on Discord RogueGalaxy #6096 if you know OpenSim Scripting or can refer me to someone who is a great awesome scripter! I can pay!
I'm looking to have something similar to this.. created, I dont want that shape board.. would prefer square and bigger photo display.. but that's the general idea.. I Want to use it for Open Mic Morning..

Snoots Dwagon: In earnest, most people don't realize how much hired scripting costs. Scripters are computer programmers... and usually not cheap. 2 years ago
In reference to my post yesterday..
A professor gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The professor then mixed all the balloons. The students were given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, no one found their balloon. At that point the professor told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 5 minutes everyone had their own balloon.
The professor said to the students: “These balloons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people's happiness....we'll find ours too. This is the same as "community building" if we all help and support each other.. we would be much happier.. just something to think about.. as a side note.. I love teachers who teach like this!
Here’s to caring about everyone’s happiness .. now and always!

Suzi_Avonside: I think you've just fundamentally described what socialism is! I realise that that will probably scare the living daylights out of the average, everyday American over the age of 40, but think about i... 2 years ago

We are overwhelmed with the amount of support we are receiving for the OSG17B Grand Finale!! THANK YOU EVERYONE! :)

Yin Yang Town: nice Party..great Music and a lot wonderful People ....this is so goooooood !!!!! 5 months ago
Hello Everyone ? Come Celebrate Halloween with us!
★ ════ ☆10K in Prizes BEST IN UGLY CONTEST
★ ════ ☆with Rogue Galaxy LIVE
★ ════ ☆2:pm - 4:pm
★ ════ ☆ Coast 80s
♥ When: 2:00pm OST - 5:PM EST - 4:PM Central
♥ Where: THE VAULT
♥ Dress: CASUAL
♥ Map: hop://

NoraCola: it's a great party so far! 8 months ago

Hey all :) I'm looking for a magazine script to use to produce a magazine inworld. Please let me know where I can get one of these? Thank you!

Rogue Galaxy: Thank you everyone :) I got a couple of them now!! I will pass them along! Thanks again! 2 years ago
Hey Everyone :)
I'm Performing at Wolf Fest at 12:00pm
Come join in the celebrations, request a song or two, and have some fun with us!
Ride: hop://

IndigoQueen King: My first time hearing you sing Rogue!! I loved it!!! Thank you so very much for helping make our Wolf Fest amazing! Appreciate you. What an awesome performance. Huggies 6 months ago


» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴10:00am ∵∴ ❈ CLAIREDE DIRVAL
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴11:00am ∵∴ ❈ BART HOORENBEEK
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴12:00pm ∵∴ ❈ JAKBNIMBL RIDDLE
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ Casual ∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸ Plaza

Sylvia-Koeln: I'm looking forward to Bart 2 years ago

My new Office at Wolf Territories - inside3 Territories Welcome

James Delphin: Looks great, what shea said.. I'm offering too :P (j/k ofcourse ;-) ) 3 years ago
Couple Poses?

Hello :) I'm looking for couples poses for photos.. does anyone know where I can find some? Thank you!

TRUST. 1: Trust, assurance, confidence imply a feeling of security. Trust implies instinctive unquestioning belief in and reliance upon something: to have trust in one's parents, friends, partners, business associates, etc. Confidence implies conscious trust because of good reasons, definite evidence, or past experience: to have confidence in the outcome of events.

What do you do when trust has been broken? How do you react to broken trust in something or someone? Trust is a very hard to build, it takes a lot of respect, belief in the positive, truth, communication, etc. But.. It's so very easy to lose.. When someone or something breeches or does something for you to NOT trust them anymore.. how do you react to that kind of disappointment? **Thinking out loud.. would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this.
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
BEST IN SEXY - 1000g's to the top winner!
What's YOUR sexy?
Time: 11:00am Grid Time (2pmEST) (1pm Central)
Place: Stark Islands Sextra Discotheque
MAP: hop://

niki stuart: woot yea rogue can't wait!!!!!! 5 months ago
Get on your gowns, tuxedos, semi-formal and formal best wear
Bring your special friend, your love, partner, wife or husband
and come join us for an early evening of love and romance!

Three very lovely talented ladies will be wooing you with lots
of love songs and ballads.
11:00am - Zoree Jupiter
12:00pm - Evee Blackstar
1:00pm - PutriSolo Singer

Lynne Lundquist: LOL! 10 months ago
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Sound City -
Littlefield Grid! Classic Rock - Blues & Holiday Music! Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00pm ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫SOUNDCITY✫
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://
» MAP: East

falene hawks: super you lucky 1 years ago
LIVE NOW! :) Come join us!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴4:00p ∵∴ ❈
» Шhere: ✫ REBELS - New Hope Grid✫
» Шhat: • LIVE MUSIC •
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ Chic/Casual ∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸

River: She's wonderful!!! A very strong voice! XO 2 years ago
The Hostage Crisis will enter its 13th day tomorrow.. I have decided to talk and tell my story to anyone who asks. If I can help one person from falling victim to this type of grid-owner behavior, I feel I will be justified in my actions. :) I don't want anyone going through what I'm going through.. This description of HOSTAGE is accurate.. when someone holds something hostage to get what they want is nasty business.. ESPECIALLY when the hostages are members of your own personal fan group that you are no longer allowed to notify of your events.. oh yeah.. Entering the 13th day on Jan 20th.. we will see how it goes.

Rhianmilena: I like the idea , lets hold this at GasWorks on the AviWorld 4 years ago

Last day to grab you Christmas Freebies folks!! :) This Region will be taken down tomorrow until next year!! Grab your freebies while you can!

RIDE: Welcome

KikiBaily: Alles Gute zum 1.Geburtstag aus dem KiWo Grid 1 month ago
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
Time: 11:00am/1100hr Grid Time
Place: Stark Islands Studio 54
MAP: hop://

Nekotomoyo: YAY Rogue ! :3 i wont miss that . 2 months ago
I'll be performing LIVE at Black Sun today!
Come over to Kitely & join us for some fun!
WHEN: 3:00pm OST (opensim time)
MAP: hop://

Alex Leo: Oh darling, your world tour has begun. Amazing. 5 months ago
ya know.. there sure is a LOT of imature, high schoolish, jealous, so called adults, who are drama queens & kings across all grid of the metaverse.. here's a little advice.. if you have a beef with someone.. Take it up with them "Personally".. email them.. reach them inworld on their grid.. reach them on facebook... reach them on discord.. but whatever you do.. do NOT reach out to them publicly on someone elses post, profile page, or advertising poster, or what have you.. if you are blocked LET IT GO.. if its THAT important that you absolutely MUST keep the drama going.. create an ALT inworld.. go to their grid.. send them a message let them know exactly who you are.. and then say what you gotta say.. HOW DARE YOU start drama on someone elses post here on .. 2 words for you.. GROW UP! & Keep your business and drama off of other peoples posts!
Have a nice day!

Arielle: Where is the fun in that? People post here to have an audience that will hopefully validate one's point(s). Sending an IM or e-mail sounds good and mature but negates most of the entertainment of post... 7 months ago

sooooo cozyyyyyyyyyyy

AnKaBi: wunderschöne sim rogue :)))) 1 years ago

Its on its way folks... looking out through the window and the snow falling..

SheaButter: Woke up this morning to the snow on the ground in real! ugh! Let the 7 months of torture begin. 1 years ago

Decorating my region for Winter Solstice Festival.. listening to the Frank Sinatra Radio Station ( great channel! and find myself getting in the wintery mood.. :)

Luna Lunaria: Lol I'm still trying to get into a Fall mood 1 years ago
2020 People's Choice Sammy Award Nominee (Syr. NY), Rogue Galaxy, is a seasoned musician/vocalist and must hear performer! The timbre and tone of her voice is unique to the Blues, but she also performs Rock, Jazz, Rockabilly, Pop and more!


TIME: 12:00pm
MAP: Territories Colorado

Lone Wolf: Come on down!!! 2 years ago
As I sit here listening to Bluez Preacher, the last act of OSG15B, I can't help but feel a sense of love of community and pride for a wonderful weekend long birthday celebration event. The dj's and live musicians were all Amazing. Thank you Aussie for keeping things running smoothly with backgrounds and streams! Amazing JOB! Dan Banner.. thank YOU for asking me to to co-ordinate this wonderful Birthday weekend of live musicians, Thank you for trusting in me and giving me the opportunity to help give OSGRID a wonderful weekend Birthday event! The musicians we booked for this weekend were all amazing! THANK YOU for sharing your time and talent with us here in open sim! To all of the Musicians from SL, THANK YOU for taking the time to come to open sim and make avatars, and learn how we do things here! THANK YOU for your patience and understanding as you put those avatars together! lol.. YOU ARE ALL DIAMONDS in my eyes! Thank you just doesnt seem to fit what Im trying to say. Music is the universal language.. you dont even needs words.. just the melody will make you feel.. we all share that and have that in common.. it truly doesnt matter where you are from, what you do for work,what color your skin is, what religion you are, what sexuality you are, what political views you have etc etc.. MUSIC embraces us all the same way.. mentally.. emotionally and soulfully.. Thank you for making us all feel good this weekend.. Smyles Avery, Bart Hoorenbeek, Jack Dryden, Zoree Jupiter, Marqs DeSade, Djembe Dragonfire, Billy Talon, Clairede Dirval, Agatha Nowles, Katia Portugal, CTM Underwood, Dan Sings, Greybeard Thinker and Bluez Preacher.. THANK YOU for making this event a HUGE SUCCESS!! I hope to get to help out with this again! :) hugs.. xo Rogue

SheaButter: Rogue, you did an amazing job, of lining up, some of the most amazing, funny, entertaining bunch, of fun loving people like we have ever seen. Talented bunch, including you. Aussie always runs a smo... 2 years ago
◂◄◀MONDAY MAY 16TH ▶►▸
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00p ∵∴ ❈ HOLLY GILES
» Шhat: • LIVE MUSIC •
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸ Plaza
◂◄◀ LISTEN ▶►▸

Hailing from Australia, Holly Giles brings a fresh voice to the live music scene in the virtual worlds! A long time promoter of the musical arts, she further enriches our world with her uniquely moving vocal range and passion. She finds joy in music that is not only felt by the listener but fuels each and every one of her performances. Her genre ranges from classic country and classic rock through to modern pop. Holly Giles is a name AND experience you won't soon forget!

SheaButter: Isn't Osgrids birthday in September? She has an awesome voice. Can't wait to hear more. 3 years ago
Hello Everyone ? I'm performing at the Black Opal tonight at 6:00pm on Gasworks Region! Get on those beautiful gowns & suits, & Come on out and help us celebrate my 1 year anniversary of performing at GasWorks! I will be going live to facebook as well.. so please invite your friends.. like share and have fun!!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴6:00pm∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ catch your ride here ▶►▸
5000$ D's to the Best in 50's Colors!! Get on your best 50's wear, grab your friends and come join us! WEDNESDAY JUNE 9th!!
════════━┈ EAST COAST CLUBS ..━════════
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ proudly presents ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ ★
★ ════ ☆ BEST IN 50'S COLORS
★ ════ ☆ with ROGUE GALAXY LIVE
★ ════ ☆ 2:00p - 4:00p grid time
★ ════ ☆ WIN $5000 D's
★ ════ ☆ Hill Valley Diner - East Coast 80s
★ ════ ☆ Map: Coast 80s/192/101/22
It's a DOUBLE EVENT! - Grand Opening of Interlude @AviWorlds and a Valentine Celebration!
Interlude at Aviworlds & GasWorks proudly present..
A Valentines Day Tryst
Hello my friends!
You and your friend or lover are invited to come join us for our Valentines Day Celebration of Friendship & Love! Don your favorite semi-formal/formal wear, and come take a sunset stroll along the board walk, take a few photos in our Valentines photo booth, get a rose for your friend or lover, take a beautiful carriage ride though our beautiful nature trail, and then dance the night away with DJ BlueLou, Rogue, & Zoree!
1:00pm - DJ BlueLou
2:00pm - Rogue Galaxy Live
3:00pm - Zoree Jupiter Live
Please feel free to invite & share this invitation with your friends! Drift

On Valentines Day.. take a carriage ride through the nature park.. :)

WOW!! Hypergrid Business did a great write up on our protest tomorrow!!

Hello Everyone :) We invite you to join us today from 4:00pm - 6:00pm for Back to Back LIVE Concerts at The Lodge!
We have Bflat Unplugged at 4:00pm followed by Paul Nowels! Great Musicians from SL! Come on by and hang out with us! :) It's gonna be great fun! :) See you There!!

[[♪]] «----» ☀ PAUL NOWELS
[[♪]] «----» ☀ 5:00pm
[[♪]] «----» ☀ Limo Ride: Lodge
Hello Everyone :) We invite you to join us today from 4:00pm - 6:00pm for Back to Back LIVE Concerts at The Lodge!
We have Bflat Unplugged at 4:00pm followed by Paul Nowels! Great Musicians from SL! Come on by and hang out with us! :) It's gonna be great fun! :) See you There!!

╠●╬ WHEN☀ ➩ 4:00pm - Dec. 14th
╠●╬ RIDE☀ ➩ Lodge
I'll be performing LIVE at Black Sun today!
Come over to Kitely & join us for some fun!
WHEN: 3:00pm OST (opensim time)
MAP: hop://

ToniaKara: One of my favourite regions on Kitely! 16 days ago
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
Time: 11:00am/1100hr Grid Time
Dress: Seasonal/Casual/Club Wear/Nakie
MAP: hop://

niki stuart: yay woot woot for rogue 1 month ago
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
Time: 11:00am/1100hr Grid Time
Dress: Seasonal/Casual/Club Wear/Nakie
MAP: hop://

niki stuart: looking forward to it as always rogue 2 months ago
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
Time: 11:00am/1100hr Grid Time
Place: Stark Islands Cafe Gossip
Dress: Casual/Nakie
MAP: hop://

niki stuart: woot woot, big yays for rogue, come see her live soon 2 months ago

comments 122 post likes 1719
No upcoming events

My Reviews


I love the design of this region and all of the quality items they have here for free! Check it out! You wont be disappointed! GREAT eBody clothes too!


I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this region! It has a very down home welcoming feel to it. :) Great to just sit and relax around a campfire and listen to some great music! :)


I LOVE THIS REGION! Great holiday clothes and costumes.. trees.. decorations.. WONDER HOLIDAY SPIRIT! hugs TY :)


This is a wonderfully designed region! Very relaxing with a down home feel to it. I wanna be a gypsy too! :) This is AWESOME! TY for inviting me!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE this venue! Not because I sing live here.. but because it is the BEST BLUES joint in open sim! They play all genres of Blues from old swing style to modern.. from delta blues to memphis blues!! If you are a TRUE blues lover.. THIS is the Club to be in! It's Not some pick-up joint.. it's an actual.. honest to goodness blues club with great blues dj's! If you ever get a chance to ch...


Very cool to see an older build like this! Thanks for sharing!

East Coast 80s

Great Region! Many clubs, lots of shopping! Beautiful residential area! Check it out! I love performing at East Coast 80's! Great fun crowd always!

Rock City

I love this region and the owner is very welcoming and helpful! The Eternity night club is a great place to hang out and listen to some great music, make a few new friends, and become a part of a very loving caring supportive community.

Kingman City

I love this grid and all the regions! Felix is very friendly and welcoming and helpful! Great free items for all! Check it out!

Gateway to the Stars

I had a personal tour of this region a little while ago. I absolutely loved it! Great concept and no mesh! It's how it use to be back in the day! Very well built region! Great ideas here and loved my "shuttle" ride! Check it out, you wont be disappointed! Tell Copper that I sent you! ;)

Profile Comments

Please I made av on Arkham Grid ask to wait for administrator to approve and I don't know who the approver help me I enter my av calls Kim Becker
you need to speak with Felix Mafia :) He owns Arkham Grid.. Great grid.. full of very nice stuff
Nice profile, and your places look great. I thumbed up all for you, and sent an add invite. I will not be offended if you chose not to accept it. I just wanted to offer an add. You appear to be nice, and your page/worlds are interesting. I admire wonderful creations politely, and enjoy meeting good people. Have a great week. hugs n high 5's :)