Milly Money @Roleplayed

Los Angeles Offline

AKA MK Scott! I own and run the E Grid and Hub Grid!

For whatever reason, this great resource for builders and creators often shows offline at the Beacon.

Always try, even if it says offline :)

Every now and then it gets a restart, but it is usually up and running.

Maintenance on E Grid today.

Should be back up tonight.

Very happy to announce The Roleplay Grid is now accessible for Zetaworlds, to and from.

Please check out our new website at and consider joining our Grid :)

Work in progress, obviously, but lots more coming.

Big thanks to Zetaworlds for allowing access now.

Funland awaits you, like most places in Opensim not too crowded unlike Amusement Parks we go to in RL!

A giant Park with places to relax, eat, and then ride ride ride!

A little work is sometimes called for to find where the ride is activated, be sure to sit and secure!

If you enjoy please leave us a like for the Region, we'd appreciate it! :)