LaviaLavine: I'm very sorry to hear this Milly and if your folks need homes we have free homes (houses) should they join this grid and we have regions available at very reasonable prices and if there is anything ... 5 months ago |
LaviaLavine: Hope things are back up and running for you! 5 months ago |
Mistressdalgato: Roll back versions of fs and that will solve your crashing problem, a note has been sent to fred a week ago regarding that issue. As far as tp board goes are you saying it doesn't work at all? if that... 5 months ago |
Milly Money: Looks like some items may need reset when you get them home. Resetting is often a good idea. 1 years ago |
Jupiter Rowland: I hope the Market will come back, too. 2 years ago |
JayR Cela: Hi there Milly, I just noticed the house w/working stairs and doors / LOL / that is a home I pieced together from several others and some unique tortured prims I came up with along with some mesh back... 3 months ago |
Tiana: I'm trying to go there but I can't 9 months ago |
Jupiter Rowland: It's one thing to drop one or several of those typical fast-food restaurants on your sim. It's another to make them usable instead of leaving them as mere decorational props. 10 months ago |
Star Ravenhurst: I haven't explored your grid that much. I do like Builds Ahoy and think you definitely need to keep that one as it is a great resource. The other regions I would love to visit when I have some time. Y... 3 months ago |
Star Ravenhurst: Oh boy am I in trouble! I am building a region using other people's stuff with less of my builds, so I am especially searching for architecture. I may need a big moving truck because I can spot some b... 4 months ago |
Aeris Irides: oh that looks fun. Meditation in the Arizona theme 4 months ago |
Zoey Cutey: I am having the same issue (I use Dreamgrid)! Everything looks right, and it was working ahhhhh! Good luck! 3 days ago |
Mike Chase: Actually more like courtesy - Bazar. 1 years ago |
Mistressdalgato: After paying a lot of money for this it was a shame that it was all the suddened released for free. if everyone has the same oar then there is nothing unique to set grids apart. im in no way begin dis... 2 years ago |
Jared Seda: That is one big pool! 3 months ago |
Mistressdalgato: what we did was split them up, some on smart suspend and some on smart boot. you could have another issue causing it, wish i could have been more help. your welcome nonetheless 5 months ago |
Marianna: Best wishes on getting restored! 💕 6 months ago |
Jerralyn Franzic: Stay safe, already called a few RL relatives from the area to make sure they're OK. 1 years ago |
SheaButter: You can have as many as you wish to have. 1 years ago |
ThorHawksinger: Hurry back! :D 2 years ago |
CyberGlo CyberStar: Yes that happens sometimes, the atmospheric conditions on this planet in the real universe are rather unstable. Some say it is an influence of solar winds and the movement of the tides pulled on by t... 2 years ago |
Ludo Davis: Happy Weekend! :-) 1 years ago |