Milly Money @Roleplayed

Los Angeles Offline

AKA MK Scott! I own and run the E Grid and Hub Grid!

We are sad to announce The Roleplay Grid is shutting down as of August 5th, and at this time we do not anticipate a return.

The E Grid will remain running and is stable and very much still alive!

For us it was a situation of changed circumstances and cost of running TRG.

The E Grid is a grid running on our own 64 Gig Server, and so the cost is still not an issue.

Tenants on Paradise have been messaged, but if you did not receive, you have till August 5th to find a new home. We are sorry for this, and have tried to give some notice instead of just suddenly being gone ...

LaviaLavine: I'm very sorry to hear this Milly and if your folks need homes we have free homes (houses) should they join this grid and we have regions available at very reasonable prices and if there is anything ... 5 months ago

Summer storms here in the desert southwest ...

E Grid shutting down till they pass, for security sake.

Should be back up tonight or in the morning at the latest!

LaviaLavine: Hope things are back up and running for you! 5 months ago
Still checking out the Smart Start.

Seems at times to be trying to work correctly, but FS keeps crashing on tp -- and updated to the latest FS and same thing.

Is this something that happens a lot with teleporting to a Smart Start region? Also, noticing my Dream grid tp boards are often not resetting to be active at all once the regions start. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

I have my delay set to 30 seconds. Have tried 45 seconds too, and same thing. The time for a region to close down in 2 minutes. Have tried less and more, no change.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Or does this just often glitch out?

Mistressdalgato: Roll back versions of fs and that will solve your crashing problem, a note has been sent to fred a week ago regarding that issue. As far as tp board goes are you saying it doesn't work at all? if that... 5 months ago
The Matrix is a Work in Progress Shopping Center, with the Shopping Vault as its heart. Many thanks for the release of the Vault and to the creator of this incredible shopping place!

We can't wait to see other takes on this fabulous region! Thanks again for the release, all credit for the Vault contents and arrangement and all the hard work goes to the Creator!

There will be dining and a whole other experience down on the ground as well.

Stop by when you can!

Milly Money: Looks like some items may need reset when you get them home. Resetting is often a good idea. 1 years ago
Wow that took longer than anticipated!

The E Grid is now back up, and we're sorry it took so long. Relocating to a good SSD Server took ten times longer than anticipated. We'll be adding more regions as we go along, thank you for your patience with our move!

The Etheria Network will be including lands on other grids as well, so stay tuned :)

Also a big shout out to Fred over at Outworldz for all his help, Fred you're a lifesaver!

Jupiter Rowland: I hope the Market will come back, too. 2 years ago

Please be SURE to get the E Grid Residents Group so you can rez :)

Beautiful homes for rent in Dublin.

WORKING stairs, WORKING doors. Going up and downstairs isn't a battle, nor is getting in and out. Lovely Ranch style 2 story. Some right on the seaside.

500 prims to start but very negotiable if you need more!

Paste into your World Map:

hop:// Of New Dublin/1124/360/23

JayR Cela: Hi there Milly, I just noticed the house w/working stairs and doors / LOL / that is a home I pieced together from several others and some unique tortured prims I came up with along with some mesh back... 3 months ago

Got a couple messages that the Vault at Matrix was acting up .. it gets bogged down at times.

We just restarted it and it should allow items to be copied again :)

Tiana: I'm trying to go there but I can't 9 months ago
The huge 10 x 10 City of Boston is back online!

Come see this massive sprawling take on the beautiful City of Boston. Horse riding park, incredible maze with City Aquarium within, many places to dine (that work!), ice skating, the Docks, the Bay Bridge, the Saints Preserve, Romeo Beach and the Wetlands, much more!

Come spend a day or night in Boston!

Jupiter Rowland: It's one thing to drop one or several of those typical fast-food restaurants on your sim. It's another to make them usable instead of leaving them as mere decorational props. 10 months ago
A few regions are down for the Weekend. Maintenance and upgrades, most are still up. Funland, City of Boston, and a couple others are down.

We're trying to determine which of our regions are the most and least popular and/or wanted.

If you could take a moment and leave a comment here to let us know which of the E Grid regions you like, if any, we'd be grateful. Most of the regions get fairly heavy traffic but few reviews, so it's hard to tell.

Thank you!

Star Ravenhurst: I haven't explored your grid that much. I do like Builds Ahoy and think you definitely need to keep that one as it is a great resource. The other regions I would love to visit when I have some time. Y... 3 months ago

Builds Ahoy! Has moved to Osgrid!

Please update your Landmarks and we will see you at the new location. As always, be patient, there is a LOT to load in ...

Star Ravenhurst: Oh boy am I in trouble! I am building a region using other people's stuff with less of my builds, so I am especially searching for architecture. I may need a big moving truck because I can spot some b... 4 months ago
Different Themes for FREE regions in E Grid.

Currently available: Arizona theme with gorgeous desert hills and streams

Free full regions in E Grid. 10000 Prims limit, absolutely free.

Just come get the Residents Group tag and rent from the rental box, always found in one corner of the parcel. All parcels set to Moderate.

Once you choose a parcel, message me inworld ( MK Scott) or here on OSW and I can set your parcel to Residents Access only and remove from this list.

*** Paste in your world map as shown.

hop:// 3/128/128/22

hop:// 4/128/128/22

hop:// 5/128/128/22

Aeris Irides: oh that looks fun. Meditation in the Arizona theme 4 months ago
We've finished the move, upgrade and relocation, as well as calibrations of E Grid, but we have some port forward issues that are new.

Tech coming out today, this one is beyond me.

The Grid and regions are safe. Just no hypergrid. Bear with ...

Zoey Cutey: I am having the same issue (I use Dreamgrid)! Everything looks right, and it was working ahhhhh! Good luck! 3 days ago

I love realism when it comes to things I use at home on the Virtual. The Arizona bed set in a great example of that: Even getting under the covers is possible with this beautiful set, just like in real life.

Come get your free set at Matrix, courtesy of the Vault collection.


Mike Chase: Actually more like courtesy - Bazar. 1 years ago

The E Ticket Amusement Park.

Good eats and better rides, come stay and play, in this wonderful playland!! Great for the whole family, just opened!

All thanks to Cuteulala :)

Mistressdalgato: After paying a lot of money for this it was a shame that it was all the suddened released for free. if everyone has the same oar then there is nothing unique to set grids apart. im in no way begin dis... 2 years ago

Is there a way to breed animals with markings of my choosing?

In other words, alter the main coat texture and then have that pass down to the children?

Thanks in advance!

Perhaps the largest outdoor swimming pool in Opensim, this beauty sits at the newly opened Dublin Estates Apartments. Apartments feature outward visual windows, privacy on the inside!

Now open for rentals.

Pool has swimming balls supplied, just click on and swim! Adult Region, 8 x 8, many rentals available.

hop:// Of New Dublin/1132/169/22

Jared Seda: That is one big pool! 3 months ago
After spending most of the day working with it, we won't be doing the Dreamgrid Smart Start after all.

After crashing repeatedly with three different versions of Firestorm, and finding with no Smart Start the crashes ended - as well as the very large and heavy regions we have not loading as they need to -- it's just not working for us. It's a great concept, however. With a pretty powerful dedicated 64 gig Server we should be okay.

I think this works well for some grids and not for others, depending on what has to be loaded in etc etc.

Many thanks to Mistress Delgado for all her advice and help trying this out! :)

Mistressdalgato: what we did was split them up, some on smart suspend and some on smart boot. you could have another issue causing it, wish i could have been more help. your welcome nonetheless 5 months ago

Second weekend for upgrades and backups on E Grid, down for the weekend, sorry for the inconvenience.

Will be back up Monday morning if not sooner!

Thank you :)

Marianna: Best wishes on getting restored! 💕 6 months ago

We barely got all the maintenance done and now there is a hurricane coming!

Please be aware we are on the West Coast and E grid may shut down during the weather alert.

Stay safe out there!

Jerralyn Franzic: Stay safe, already called a few RL relatives from the area to make sure they're OK. 1 years ago
I've tried messaging to find out but no response yet, and I cant find it in the rules .. is there anything that says you cant have two separate accounts here?

I just added a new separate grid and would like to do a new account for it ...


SheaButter: You can have as many as you wish to have. 1 years ago
The Grid will be down approximately from June 10 to June 20 for upgrades, and maintenance.

There will be up times of testing, so regions may be off and on. expect outages.

We will be back soon, thank you for your patience, and thank you for visiting!

ThorHawksinger: Hurry back! :D 2 years ago

Preemptive shutting down the E Grid with strong storms here.

Back online asap!

CyberGlo CyberStar: Yes that happens sometimes, the atmospheric conditions on this planet in the real universe are rather unstable. Some say it is an influence of solar winds and the movement of the tides pulled on by t... 2 years ago

E Grid Tenants and Guests:

The E Grid will be down from around 5 PM Pacific time Sunday 8/6 to approximately 8/16 for maintenance.

Thank you for your patience !

Ludo Davis: Happy Weekend! :-) 1 years ago
Just in time for Christmas!

Winter Wonder.

A calm, peaceful place you can rent a free cabin, or just walk around, relax and take in the holiday themed winter sights. No one to bother you or ask you what you're up to.

A perfect place for Christmas meetings and gatherings!

Designed by our own E Grid Co Owner Lee.
One great tech dude later, and all the regions are up and running that we have active now on the E Grid.

Relocation and recalibration and upgrades ALL done.

Thank you for your patience Visitors and Renters!!

Grid Offline for System Upgrade and installations Thursday 12/12/2024 to Saturday 12/14/2024

If we finish early we will be back online Friday night!

Important upgrades for the security of our Grid, thanks for your patience!

As some already know, we have had issues a couple days with access to the private E Grid lands.

Great News!

A configuration setting was adjusted and access was restored to the private lands here!

Thank you for your patience!

The Welcome Region for the new Hub Grid.

Come see and pick up a membership in the Hub Grid Residents Group as well, for Rentals.

We have a starter Box for male and female available!

The E Grid should be back up tonight.

Apologies to our Residents and Guests!

Thank you for your patience. Be sure to check out our new Hub Grid, many of your favorite lands are on there now!

The Hub Grid is our new Secondary Grid and its run by the fantastic Una of Masala Estates.

This Grid will host most of our public lands, but many of our rentals will stay where they are. The private land rentals will remain on E, and a few of the large sims will remain there too, if they have rentals already.

Please update your landmarks for some of our best lands now, on The Hub! :)

Planned down time for the E Grid:

the entire grid will be down from Sunday 12/1/2024 to 12/7/2024 evening.

There may be an additional downtime from 12/12/2024 to 12/15/2024.

Planned maintenance and upgrades will be done during this week. Sorry for the inconvenience folks!

The beautiful St Mary's Cathedral by moonlight.

First snow of the season in Ireland at midnight ...

The E Grid will be down all weekend for maintenance and upgrades.

Sorry for the inconvenience to tenants and guests xxx

We expect to be back up Sunday night or Monday morning.

E Grid back up and running.

E Grid Maintenance ...

We expect to be back up before the end of the day.

Apologies to residents and guests, we are hurrying :)

All E Grid Members are eligible for one free 1 x 1 parcel, you'll get to own (not Godmode) and will have 10,000 prims available to you.

Go here to join the Grid:

You must contact me here or inworld (MK Scott) and let me know you have joined.

Once this is verified I will send you information on your new land :)

*** Just a heads up I will be on vacation and mostly offline from Thursday to Sunday night, but I am here today to set you up. You'll also need to join the In world group E Grid Residents to rez.

You'll find the Group Join sign and the box to rent from in one corner of your land.

Sunset in Paris, from the top level of one of the Condos there ...


The massive Aquarium at the Aquatics in the Zoo ...

Up close with a Polar Bear at the Zoo.

You just never know who you may run into up on the Glacier ...

Noah's Ark at The Zoo is a mostly unknown newish Region that only features 'living' animesh creatures in its lands.

The Panda family moves and feeds here in the bamboo forest. You may approach but carefully! They are very shy :)

The Zoo also features an enormous aquarium and working dining choices, many spots to rest and relax in nature before returning to exploration of the creatures here.

Savannah, the Outback, the Bamboo forest, the Woods, the Rain forest ...