Milly Money @Roleplayed

Los Angeles Offline

AKA MK Scott! I own and run the E Grid and the Roleplay Grid

Preemptive shutting down the E Grid with strong storms here.

Back online asap!

CyberGlo CyberStar: Yes that happens sometimes, the atmospheric conditions on this planet in the real universe are rather unstable. Some say it is an influence of solar winds and the movement of the tides pulled on by t... 2 years ago

Happy how the scarf dress came out last fling of summer

The soon to be available TTC ( Time Travel Capsule) ..Console and Attached room

The Etheria Grid is still offline for a day or two, routine maintenance. Will be back up soon as possible :)

Thank you to all our visitors!

Working McDonalds in City Of Boston ... some colorful customers :)

When in the restaurant area of downtown, be sure and check out the swanky Palladium ( the big black building near the ice rink), Starlucks (yes, silly play on names), the Pancake Factory and the Cakery! Dining out is more fun when things work .....

The Etheria Grid is back open, after some additions and maintenance!

Check out the working restaurants in Boston, we will be adding more soon!

The E grid is off and on during the Monsoon season ( we are in the Desert Southwest) -

we're having a humdinger of a storm right now so we close it down out of an abundance of caution.

Be back up soon :)

The E Grid is down for maintenance, a day or two :)

Boston and New London will be down till Sunday Night, starting around noon Pacific USA today.

Just doing some scheduled maintenance!

Come walk the fabulous Boston Maze, created by our own Sherlock Holmes ...


Is there a way to breed animals with markings of my choosing?

In other words, alter the main coat texture and then have that pass down to the children?

Thanks in advance!