Rosanna Galvani @Roxelo

Italy Offline

I'm the founder and owner of the Museo del Metaverso project, born in Second Life from 2007 and active in Craft World from 2010

Where: ROTWANGS Labor
When: 3 years ago [24 Sep 2021 12:30 SLT]

Tomorrow night, Friday, September 24, 2021, we will open a very interesting exhibition, entitled "Semantic Intuition". The author of this interesting and conceptually complex exhibition is Laszlo Oerdoegh Diabolus , Velazquez Bonetto in Craft.
It starts from the assumption that creative activity favors semantic intuition and therefore the birth of new and innovative ideas.
One of the widely used creative techniques is brainstorming, which often gives solutions to the creation of new ideas.
To tell the truth, I must confess that, for the choice of the name Museuo del Metaverso, together with our friends at that time, Zer Milla and Lucian, we started a brainstorming session in Second Life to find the name of that creative activity we had in mind to realize in World. In fact, as Velazquez explains well in his notes, during semantic intuition, sometimes the name is born first and then the product.
In our case, the product was a virtual museum, but the name came first and then the idea became concrete.

Where: ROTWANGS Labor
When: 3 years ago [24 Sep 2021 12:30 SLT]

Semantic intuition
Idea generation and creativity techniques are methods for promoting creativity and the targeted generation of new ideas in order to develop visions or to solve problems. For this purpose, innovation workshops and innovation projects are carried out in business, politics, education, etc.