RulusKaliopov @RulusKaliopov

Earth Offline

Only the tax accounting is more uniform than me


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If it were a sad situation for "all of us", the question arises as to who voted for this person. Apparently fewer people are sad than you think. So your statement cannot be true.
I live in the US, and I am despondent and horrified. Speak for yourself.
As long as you don't live near me, I don't care what you think or say. TC USA Thing.
I live in Canada, and I did not vote for this nutbar. I think those who voted for him, are hitting their forehead , going
' WTF did I do."
Apparently you feel addressed because of the voting. We'll imagine the rest.
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Good idea with the switch, but in my opinion the topic of BDSM is slowly being exhausted, it's strange that you rarely see knight role-playing games or pure novels... but having yourself glued to a pixel thing using RLV scripts and then describing something and then that too In most cases it falls more into the realm of comedy and is unimaginative. Sex can be so simple but people make even that complicated. But as I said, the Switch thing would be a start... but what do I do if I like eroticism but don't feel like doing DOM sub then I'm no further along than before.
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No Firestorm lol this has to work with all viewers .. the basics in all Viewers are the Linden Lab Viewer ... for what you need that TOS ha ha ha .. the Gatekeeper Service gives you all Infos block troublemakers .. the Region gives you IP and Viewer Version what you want more ... not all pll are from US .. other Countrys other rules ..... wish you many fund and luck with your Region Grid :)
As stated several times these are the terms that are enforced by who runs the grids servers I am sure they can find the same free items in other grids if there not able to get in. Those are the rules and I cant change them its pretty simple enjoy your day.
i will i will .... and you are right OpenSimulator have other nice Regions too :)
Yes, there are loads of beautiful regions that are giving away similar items Agora, Decadence, and the most popular of all Adachi, if you can't get in you, can check out plenty of freebies out there. I am sorry my TOS is bothering people but that's just how it is here keep enjoying opensim with a smile.
They can try after all this is for those who is having the problem I have no problem tp in from kitely and 3 other grids without any issue so hey it's on them to figure out what will work for them.
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Someone seems to be deleting conversations or sections :D

@Ellen many Americans are a bit strange and different... but i can live with that. (I would never kiss a flag, no matter which)
This is the exact sort of ignorance I am referencing. I would never kiss a flag either. I honestly do not know a single American who HAS kissed a flag.
you are not America .. America is huge ..... you can't know everything either ...... ignorance is something to ignore where something has been ignored .. I only write my opinion and that's my right how it is your right to write..... and from my personal point of view some Americans are funny, but there are also funny German Swiss etc.... it's not my fault that you react to my text you could have "ignored it " but in that case you feel addressed and not only by the @Ellen ........
Your response is so amusing!!!
then it was already worth it ... I made your day (night) sweeter
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ohh Grid Operators and what with the Regions Owner host the Region and spend every Month Money too .... hmmmm btw. even if you are right .. nothing is for free there is no reason to shout your opinion as binding.

Content creators need support, but it's up to you to pay for the content or leave it. Otherwise, I advise the content creators to look for a place to sell their goods to the buyer for money. In the end, everyone will decide for themselves which way to go.
Agreed: It costs me $100 USD a month for my chunk of 24/7 Opensim. If I am going to spend several hours making custom, one of a kind items for virtual worlds, it comes natural to expect a return on invested time & licenses paid for to complete the project.

The Opensimulator end user license does not impose such "FREE" restrictions on users, I know this because I have read it. IN FACT, because of the BSD license the project has chosen, anyone can take the code and change it; then SELL THEIR CHANGES. Moreover, they are under no obligation to share the code back to the Opensim project. As an example: Meta probably could use opensim software as a base to power their VR experience, end users would not know this because they are unable to look at the modified code. The GNU/GPL licence is known to be the preferred licence on FREE (as in freedom) software but I am sure the developers had their reasons for adopting the BSD license.

I made the "OPENSIM IS FREE" signs several years ago in response to the "opensim should be free" signs and offer them to anyone who wants them in my freebie locations, it uses the same syntax as displayed above. The bold letters make it easier to read. Please understand it is not my intent to offend anyone... just keeping things aligned with ORIGINAL BRANDING.

I'm on your side.. I'm not saying that someone shouldn't ask for money for the things they do in OpenSIm, everyone has to decide for themselves. And the customer will then decide whether to buy it. Both have their freedoms.

I too have server costs (not including maintenance time) for $100 a month. I too, like many others, of course, donate to OpenSim and the Grid.

Because of the code ok you could rewrite it, but since almost only Ubit does what ... I think less because someone reprogrammed the old engine. (excluding experiments due to VR etc.)

But I think the opinions are as diverse as there are active users in OpenSim.

Try to live in peace... and do it better than the press is showing at the moment.
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is to cooperate ..... wake up girl.... the reality is different..... respect your wish it will probably remain a wish Opinions are too different and considering the average age in OpenSim ... there are a lot of people here between 40 and 80. But hope always dies last
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always from the perspective of the beholder....not everyone will claim (I mean rl) that you are pretty...some maybe will
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Yes, but it is more complicated than described here...
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be careful with the copyright .. it has to be 100% proven ... each part is unique in the USA for example everyone has to pay their own costs which can be between 1000 - 1 000 000 and .. you have to be the copyright owner and it can take months to years for a case to be decided.
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And what comes next?

is that any of your business?
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the world and above all the people were logical?

those who want to spend money should go to second life .. so bye bye (except donations to the developers and grids)
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is also important to me... you should go to the right places to make money. .Second life would be a small example.

Ohhh use the OpenSimulator software for free, use the viewer for free, use Blender for free, maybe borrow Avastar from colleagues, maybe get a region for free.. all for free... :D I hope you at least take the people who do everything with it for free you have this platform and you can use it in your prayers
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impressive ..... the world population is about 8 billion at the moment. In the open simulator there are maybe 5000 per month (without old avatars and relogins), that's 0.00000...6% ..... Close this topic again. Funny entertainment XD XD XD .. The World have other issues.
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perfectly need to add anything more
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No No No .. i am not a Bunny and not a Party Boy ..... OpenSimulater have many other things in my eyes OS can be many ... but 100% not a Platform for German Party Evils ......
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20 - 3 Alt Avatars = 17 or less
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ich lese mir mal das Zeugs nicht durch ... aber dein Server .. Region kann noch so perfekt sein ..... das wichtige für den User ist der Client und der Viewer ... du kannst einen Quatencomputer haben ... das inerissiert den Client der zu 98% die Ursache von lag und Problemen ist überhaubt nicht. Ich bin deutsch .. bitte nicht für mich sprechen .. ich will selber entscheiden ob ich ein Party Hase bin oder doch lieber etwas anderes .....

I don't read through that stuff... but your server.. region can be so perfect..... the important thing for the user is the client and the viewer... you can have a quantum computer... that does not care about the client, which is 98% the cause of lag and problems at all. I'm German .. please don't speak for me .. I want to decide for myself whether I'm a party bunny or something else .....
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without a Drink O.O omgosh ....
Oh yes a drink is nice too. What fun!!!
thank you for the like ... but .................... I thought more that you would give me some of the popcorn :D
Oh pull up a chair. Here is your popcorn. You are going to LOVE this show!!! Best drama around!!!
you seem to have plenty of time to read.. ahh now i see it, no boys on LBSA at the moment....
Oh there are always boys at LBSA, Rulus! I am really not looking to hook up, partner, or make pixel porn! I just like chatting and building.
I assume that a woman like you will make a certain selection ........ not every type of pizza tastes the same
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I don't want to experience what's going on in local chat when there are 100 avatars in a region. And whether dancing is still possible with the home PCs, some of which are really strong, I strongly doubt (there are still particles... the sausages that some Lords of Creation never want to take off and their scripts, other things like collars, cuffs, Region scripts, IP bad packets and much much more). Also it depends on the grid and how the services are managed.. you could write books about it. I think a nice party with 10-25 people is a good thing, maybe 40. Next, with every relog and when avatars arrive, the region is loaded and also the physics and the SIM FPS. So better 10 good friends and a nice evening than 100 people you probably won't remember after 20 minutes.

Ich möchte garnicht erleben was im local chat los ist wenn 100Avatar auf einer Region sind. Und ob bei den Home Pc die teilweise echt stark sind ein tanzen noch möglich ist bezweifle ich doch stark (es kommen ja noch Particel dazu ... die würstchen die manche Herrn der Schöfpung niemals ablegen wollen und deren scripte, weitere Sachen wie collars Cuffs , Region scripte ,IP Fehlpakete und vieles vieles mehr). Auch kommt es auf das Grid und wie die Services verwaltet werden .. man könnte Bücher darüber schreiben. Ich denke eine schöne Party mit 10 - 25 Leuten ist was gutes evetuell auch mal 40. Weiter wird bei jeden relog und wenn Avatare ankommen gehen die Region belastet und auch die Physics und die SIM FPS. Also lieber 10 gute Freunde und ein schöner Abend als 100 Leute an die man sich warscheinlich nach 20 Minuten nicht mehr erinnert.
Not to mention the chatspam gestures with which every other avatar renders the local chat useless as an actual chat. Whatever you post will immediately be drowned in two dozen lines of chatspam.

Ganz zu schweigen von den Chatspam-Gesten, mit denen jeder zweite Avatar den Local Chat als eigentlichen Chat unbrauchbar macht. Was auch immer man postet, wird sofort in zwei Dutzend Zeilen Chatspam ersäuft werden.
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das sind auch die Gridowner die Beta Viewer blocken. Aber den Viewer kannte ich jetzt noch nicht
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dann kauf einen M2 de rwird auch ohne FS warm ... so die letzten Berichte die ich gelesen habe .... ich denke du bist hier wegen deines Problems falsch .. wende dich an den FS Support