Sally Cherry @SallyCherry

Baltimore, MD USA Offline

3D Immersive Virtual Worlds Evangelist | STI Laboratory Consultant | AI Art Creator | Social Media Strategist

Joined 5 years ago

About Myself

Delighted to introduce myself... I am Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) aka SallyCherry. When I am in my "STI Laboratory Consultant/Instructor" role, I am also known as "Ms. BugLady". When I am traveling the Metaverse, I am known as Sally Cherry (Kitely), and SarVana Haalan (SL). Since 2006 with the help of several 3D avatars, I have been exploring, working, networking, and socializing as a 3D Immersive Virtual Worlds Evangelist and Virtual Content Builder. I am the Founder and Primary Moderator of the 3D Immersive Virtual Club in Clubhouse. Currently, I have dual citizenship in Kitely and Second Life with Kitely as my home base. In the physical world, I am a citizen of the USA residing in the state of Maryland.

My interests include medical laboratory science; 3D immersive virtual worlds; social media; public/community health; photography; information-sharing; and networking. In real life and in-world, I wear various "hats"... Medical Laboratory Scientist; STI Laboratory Consultant/Instructor; AI Art Creator; Social Media Strategist; Network Weaver; PhotoStoryteller; Webmaster; Blogger; Mother and Friend.

You are invited to visit and explore my interest-oriented virtual worlds located in Kitely as well as my real life "Cherry Network (CheriNet)" community, a network of interest-oriented websites, social media sites, blogs, and 3D immersive virtual worlds. Please feel free to share your information; send a friend request; send feedback; and leave comments.

My Interests

Medical Laboratory Science, 3D Immersive Virtual Worlds, AI Art, Traveling, STI Laboratory Methods, Infectious Diseases, Photography, Network Weaving.

Favorite Quote

Keep It Moving Forward!

Viewer Version



Intel Core i5-8300H CPU@ 2.30GHz 2>2.30GHz

My Regions

CheriNet Creative HQ
3 0 Creative HQ 0 Users
“CheriNet Creative HQ” is a complex of art galleries showcasing a special selection of artificial intelligence artwork (AI Art); and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as well as various NFT artists. It was created to raise NFT awareness; spotlight various AI artists and creators; and serve as a gathering ...
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Paradise Gardens
1 0 Gardens 0 Users
Paradise Gardens, a nature spot to relax, meditate, and meet friends. It features an English Garden and cottage. There are plenty of private spots for meetups and meetings.
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The Faith Garden
1 0 Faith Garden 0 Users
The Faith Garden, a wooded quietplace for silence retreats, walks of solitude on the trails; reflection, meditation and recentering spaces. You are invited to walk our newly built "Prayer Labyrinth, a path which leads to the center of a customized design and back out again. The Prayer Labyrinth can ...
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CHARE Village
1 0 Village 0 Users
CHARE Village serves as a virtual-based coworking space for the real life Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange (CHARE) Project and its real/virtual life community partners. Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange (CHARE) Project was established to provide HIV/AIDS prevention capacity building and tech...
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Virtual Laboratory Training and
5 0 Laboratory Training and 0 Users
The Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC) is also known as the “Virtual Laboratory Training, Career Recruitment and Retention (VLTC) Project”. It is a 3D immersive virtual world-based integration of sexually transmitted disease (STI) laboratory training; clinical/medical laboratory u...
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Indeed Tezpirit #107 has made CheriNet Creative HQ its home at The Stone Gallery. This special MetaverseSpirit Guardian has a special assignment... to watch over the 'Baltimore Inner Harbor Experience', a collection of AI NFT art.
Landing Plaza serves as the landing spot and teleport station within CheriNet Creative HQ. You are encouraged to click on the networked teleport system (tan "cherry" telepads) to select and visit various parcels.
February brought snow to Real Life and exciting additions to VLTCC...
The first week of February was an exciting week at the Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC)! The VLTCC Landing Plaza received a scheduled facelift with some scripting "pains". The new look was worth every "groan". A teleport VLTCC Destination Directory Board was added to the Landing Plaza to enhance the VLTCC experience of its visitors and training participants. Here, visitors and training participants can select the desired destination and teleport to it or any of the twenty (20) VLTCC destinations. Now, visitors have the option to use the VLTCC Destination Directory Board, or use the original networked teleport (telepads) system. The VLTCC Portal was added for any visitor who may land at the Opensim default 128, 128, x location. From the VLTCC Portal, visitors and training participants can teleport automatically to the VLTCC Landing Plaza, then teleport to any of the VLTCC destinations.

You are invited to teleport into Kitely, locate "Virtual Laboratory Training and " (Map), and teleport to a "VLTCC experience"...
* VLTCC Landing Plaza
* Polymorph Park (NGU/GC)
* STI Laboratory Training Center
* Medical Laboratory Career Center
* Virtual Health Coalition HQ
* VHC Amphitheater (VHC)
* Brownstone Office Rentals: Laboratory, Health, & Medical organizations
* BioChamber: SARS-CoV-2 Unit and BioHazard Unit
* Microscopy Field Lab: Brightfield & Darkfield Lagoons
* STI Resource Labs: Vaginitis; Bacterial vaginosis (BV); T vaginalis; Candida sp. Labs
* Sandbox and Orientation Lab
* Marketplace: CheriNet's Lab Supplies
* Ms. BugLady's Museum: VLTCC History & Timeline
* Gono Cluster, Discussion Pods, & "Intracellular" Classroom
* Sexual Health Center: STI Info & Resources
* Public Health Office: Awareness & Prevention Info
* Break Cove: Beach and Underwater Lounge
* Wellness Skybox Park
* VLTCC Wellness Skybox
* Wellness Center and Spa (Interactive fitness workouts)
* VLTCC Freebie Zone
* STI Clinical Training Office: Training & Events Info

VLTCC Address: Laboratory Training and
VLTCC World Page:
Announcing the start of Virtual Health Coalition (VHC) Monthly Meet-Ups
The Virtual Health Coalition (VHC) Monthly Meet-Up will be held on the second Wednesday of each month in Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC) located in the Kitely. The first meet-Up is scheduled for Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at the VHC Amphitheater within VLTCC. The first presenter will be Dr. Jasmine Ward, Founder and CEO, Black Ladies in Public Health (BLiPH) and the visionary behind the real life digital COVID-19 memorial, United Memories.

The VHC Monthly Meet-Ups offer an opportunity to discuss relevant uses of 3D immersive virtual worlds in medical laboratory science, public health, healthcare, and science; to promote public health awareness; to share “lessons learned” in virtual health and medical education; and to network with colleagues and interested parties. If you have any questions, contact SallyCherry @ Kitely or email

Next VHC Monthly Meet-Up
When: Wednesday February 10, 2021

Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm SLT

Where: Region: Virtual Laboratory Training and (72,662,22) Virtual Laboratory Training and (72,662,22)
In Kitely with Firestorm, use Firestorm Hop:
hop:// Laboratory Training and/72/662/22 (Map)

I look forward to seeing you at the Virtual Health Coalition (VHC) Monthly Meet-Ups.
Announcing the VLTCC Opening of... "3D Virtual Reflections of a Digital COVID-19 Memorial".
You are invited to visit the latest Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real integration project within the Virtual Laboratory Training and Career center (VLTCC) in Kitely... "3D Virtual Reflections of a Digital COVID-19 Memorial”. The 3D immersive virtual world project was created to share information about real life United Memories, a digital COVID-19 memorial honoring Black lives lost to COVID-19 in the United States. The real life COVID-19 memorial was created by the Founder and CEO of Black Ladies in Public Health, Dr. Jasmine Ward with other dynamic Black women from across the country who also serve as leaders in public health. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, these women have been investing their time, talents and treasures to organize and mobilize the community in a collaborative effort to develop United Memories. The real life United Memories website was launched to bring the names, faces and stories of the diverse community of Black people who lost their lives to COVID-19 in the United States to the forefront. It gives family members, friends, coworkers and colleagues an opportunity to share photos and stories of those lost to COVID19. The submission of related visual art, music, and poetry is encouraged. I applaud the vision, work and commitment of Dr. Ward and everyone involved especially the “Truth-Tellers” for pouring this cultural libation into the world as a ritual of recognition, honor, and remembrance.

The overall purpose of the 3D immersive virtual world building project was to share information about this powerful digital memorial. Throughout the building process, I found myself reflecting on the profound loss within the African-American community in the United States. The 3D immersive virtual world project serves as another way to grieve, reflect, and remember. It was an honor to build the "3D Immersive Virtual Reflections of a digital COVID-19 Memorial... United Memories" in remembrance of Black lives lost to the COVID-19 pandemic.

You are invited to browse the photo album for the 3D immersive virtual world building project entitled, “3D Virtual Reflections of a digital COVID-19 Memorial… the “Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real” integration of United Memories into a 3D Immersive Virtual World". You encouraged to visit the 3D immersive virtual world project located within VLTCC @ Kitely. To learn more about the real life United Memories, or submit information about a honoree; share uplifting artwork (or poetry) and/or know of resources to assist in the grieving process, visit the website at

Photo album:

3D Immersive Virtual World Evangelist and Builder: Sally Cherry aka Sally S. Cherry, BS, MT(ASCP)
Email: Website:
"Laboratorian Takes Networking Into 3D Immersive Virtual World"
Still excited about the release of a fourth interview video by virtual-based colleague, Selby Evans aka Thinkerer of “Virtual Outworlding” during his visit to Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC). Was thrilled to share information the BioLibrary, a networking or meeting space located on the second floor of the Biohazard Unit within Ms. BugLady’s BioChamber. Here, VLTCC visitors are able to link to laboratory regulations and resources such as Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA); CDC Coronavirus site; World Health Organization (WHO) Coronavirus site; Ms. BugLady’s Lab Notes (lab blog); and related medical laboratory resources.

The interview “networking” video shared information about the Virtual Health Coalition (VHC), a virtual-based group created by yours truly, Sally S. Cherry, BS, MT(ASCP). In June 2020, the virtual-based Virtual Health Coalition (VHC) group was introduced into the real life as a Facebook group within the business page. Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center. Thus, the bi-directional integration of my vision… “Real To Virtual; Virtual To Real”. The “Real To Virtual” depicts real life information; programs; training, and promotions being shared within the virtual setting. While the “Virtual To Real” depicts the virtual-based networking and community-building being transferred into the real life setting. The Virtual Health Coalition is a perfect example with its launch in-world and its extension in real life. As someone who is passionate about networking, I am excited about looking forward to networking with other medical laboratory professionals, medical/healthcare providers, and virtual world citizens in real life and VLTCC. Indeed exciting!! You can watch the video at:
Delighted that my speaker proposal for the 12th annual OpenSimulator Community Conference 2024 (#OSCC24) was accepted!! 🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️
The presentation, "Amplifying Medical Laboratory Science; Public Health; CoWorking; and Special Interests Through Bi-directional Integration into 3D Immersive Virtual Worlds Communities within the #Metaverse... Real To Virtual; Virtual To Real (R2V2R)" is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 8th; 2:30 pm PT (5:30 pm ET).

The "all-ages, general community event" features two (2) days of presentations, workshops, spotlight sessions, and social events across the diverse Opensimulator community. The #OSCC organizers expect around 350 attendees at the virtual conference, as well as an even broader audience through the live and archived #conference streams.
#3D #VirtualWorlds #Opensimulator #Opensim #MedLab #laboratory #AmplifyingLabVoices #MedicalLabScience #PublicHealth #CoWorking #GenAIVisuals #generativeAI
Delighted to be presenting Kitely-hosted project, “CheriNet Creative HQ – Integration of NFTs, AI Art, and PoS Blockchain in 3D Immersive Virtual Worlds” at 8:30 AM SLT (11:30 am ET) on Friday, May 20 at the Weekly Nonprofit Commons in Second Life Meeting.

The Kitely-hosted virtual world project, “CheriNet Creative HQ” serves as a vehicle for the integration of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), artificial intelligence art (AI art), and Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchains into 3D immersive virtual worlds. It was created to provide NFT-related capacity building; to promote NFT awareness; and to showcase digital media projects including artificial intelligence generated art (AI/GAN art), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and related videos. In addition, the project was created to enhance real life and virtual world access to digital media artists, digital media and blockchain-based digital media as well as related resources through the use of 3D immersive virtual worlds.

You are invited to join us at: Second Life, 8:30 AM PT / SLT (11:30 am ET), at the Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater at

Learn more at

#VirtualGood #NonprofitCommons #VirtualLearning #VirtualTraining #blockchain #NFT #DigitalArt #VirtualWorlds #Metaverse #SecondLife #Kitely

The Biz Centre serves as the operations headquarters and main coworking office for the creator of CheriNet Creative HQ, Sally Cherry.

Installed Tezpirit #87, a NFT Guardian of the Metaverse to watch over my Artist Studio in CheriNet Creative HQ and my collection of NFTcards, collectible cards about artists.

Announcing the renovation of CheriNet Creative HQ to display my growing GAN GANG collection. The renovation reflects my vision to use the virtual world as a vehicle for the integration of NFTs, AI art, and PoS blockchains in the OpenSimulator community. Thrilled with the additions... the first GAN GANG NFT air drops received of a collection of ten (10) unique NFT air drops by Marc Craig.

The first meet-Up is scheduled for Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at the VHC Amphitheater within VLTCC at Kitely. The featured presenter will be Dr. Jasmine Ward, Founder and CEO, Black Ladies in Public Health (BLiPH) and the visionary behind the real life digital COVID-19 memorial, United Memories. The VHC Monthly Meet-Ups offer an opportunity to discuss relevant uses of 3D immersive virtual worlds in medical laboratory science, public health, healthcare, and science; to promote public health awareness; to share “lessons learned” in virtual health and medical education; and to network with colleagues and interested parties. If you have any questions, contact SallyCherry @ Kitely or email

VHC Monthly Meet-Up - February 2021
When: Wednesday February 10, 2021

Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm SLT

Where: Region: Virtual Laboratory Training and (72,662,22) Virtual Laboratory Training and (72,662,22)
In Kitely with Firestorm, use Firestorm Hop:
hop:// Laboratory Training and/72/662/22 (Map)

Looking forward to seeing you at the Virtual Health Coalition (VHC) Monthly Meet-Up.

Now Regular Office Hours at the Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC)
The first week of February was an exciting week at the Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC)! As the snow was falling in Maryland, I was preparing for my first day of virtual office hours. I am pleased to announce that Monday, February 1, 2021 was the first day for regular office hours in my 3D virtual laboratory in Kitely. This was indeed an exciting “What’s Next” for my vision to integrate real (physical) life into 3D immersive virtual worlds. Although I have been interacting within the 3D immersive virtual worlds community since 2008, the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing fueled the decision to establish regular virtual office and lab hours with the in-world assistance of my 3D avatar, “Sally Cherry”. Now colleagues, friends, and anyone interested in 3D immersive virtual worlds can visit for informal chats; technical discussions; virtual meet-ups; training sessions; and to learn more about my vision, "Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real". Snow, ice and physical distancing are indeed Not issues in the 3D virtual world community.

My first day of regular office hours was an information-sharing and “coaching” experience. I was delighted that Ilan Tochner, CEO and Co-Founder of Kitely stopped at VLTCC to discuss some technical issues. The technical information that he provided will definitely enhance the in-world experience of an VLTCC visitor. Thus, helping me to keep the VLTC Project moving forward. Speaking of visitors, I am "over the moon" thrilled that a real life public health colleague and friend, Dr. Jasmine Ward, CEO and Founder of Black Ladies in Public Health (BLiPH) was one of my first visitors. Dr. Ward logged in for the very first time to start her 3D virtual experience. It was a delight to introduce and welcome Dr. Ward to the innovative community of Kitely. Upon her “smooth” arrival, the Kitely Community Center was her first stop to get acquainted with navigating and interacting within the 3D immersive virtual world community.

The next stop was my most recent 3D immersive virtual building project which highlights real life “United Memories (UM)”, a digital COVID-19 memorial. Dr. Jasmine Ward conceived the idea to create and share a digital memorial of reverence dedicated to the Black community experiencing and looking back on the COVID19 pandemic. She recognized the urgent need for an innovative way to gather, grieve, and honor these Black lives lost due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. You are invited to learn more about my 3D immersive virtual world building project in the blog post and photo album entitled “3D Immersive Virtual Reflections of a Digital COVID-19 Memorial… The Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real integration of "United Memories".

The excitement did not stop there! The first week of virtual office (and lab) hours started the real life and in-world planning for the launch of monthly Virtual Health Meet-Ups and Medical Laboratory Professional Week 2021 at VLTCC. While it goes without saying that my “first week of regular office hours was a learning, skill building, and planning experience, I am going to say it anyway… It was a very “good” week at the 3D Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC)

VLTCC Office Hours
Monday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm SLT
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm SLT
Thursday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm SLT
Please note: There is a consultation charge for training and coaching sessions.

Virtual Health Coalition (VHC) Monthly Meet-Ups: 2nd Wednesdays: 10:30 am - 2:00 pm SLT
The VHC Monthly Meet-Ups offer an opportunity to discuss relevant uses of 3D immersive virtual worlds in medical laboratory science, public health, healthcare, and science; to promote public health awareness; to share “lessons learned” in virtual health and medical education; and to network with colleagues and interested parties. If you have any questions or would like to present your virtual health, science or related project, contact Sally Cherry or email Please note: Nonprofits and VHC Charter Members: No charge to present. There is a registration fee for consultants and For-Profit (Business) organizations. Requests to present at VHC Meet-Ups must be received at least two (2) weeks in advance unless otherwise noted.

You are invited to visit the Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC) @ Kitely to learn more about my "Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real" integration projects, contact Sally Cherry or email Website:
Showcasing 3D Virtual Lab Training and Career Center at OSCC2020

Was delighted to have a Community Expo Booth showcasing my 3D “Virtual Laboratory Training, Career Recruitment and Retention (VLTC) Project at the OpenSimulator Community Conference 2020 (OSCC20). Indeed exciting! In November 2014, I delivered an oral presentation about my vision as a medical laboratory professional... "Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real (R2V2R) in Laboratory Science" at the 2nd annual Opensimulator Community Conference. The Virtual Laboratory Training, Career Recruitment and Retention (VLTC) Project aka "Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC)" emerged out of my vision to integrate real life clinical laboratory training; technical information-sharing, medical laboratory career awareness; networking; and public health updates within Opensimulator-generated 3D immersive virtual worlds. The Community Expo Booth offered an opportunity to share the in-world and real life research; building; and other activities associated with the Kitely-based Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC).

The OpenSimulator Community Conference (OSCC2020) is an annual conference that focuses on the developer and user community creating the OpenSimulator software. The virtual conference features keynote sessions, presentations, workshops, exhibits, and social events across diverse sectors of the OpenSimulator user base. It was held on December 5th and 6th. It is hosted by AvaCon Inc. and Opensimulator Community Conference.

Although the Conference is over, you can still visit my Community Expo Booth, “Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC) - Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real (R2V2R) in Laboratory Science" located in OSCC Expo Zone 5, Booth #29. The hypergrid address is:
Reflecting on My Journey as a Hypergridding "Frontier" Scout

As my Kitely-based avatar teleported into the recent Opensimulator Community Conference 2020, I found myself reflecting on a 2011 Hypergrid Business article, "Curiosity, pioneer spirit drive hypergridders" written by Miriam Pia. At the time, I was hypergrid jumping with fellow members of The Hypergrid Adventurers Club founded by John Lester also known as “Pathfinder Lester”. The Hypergrid Adventurers Club was based in JokaydiaGrid, an Opensimulator-generated virtual world that was focused on education and the arts. It was a group of in-world explorers interested in discussing and exploring 3D immersive virtual worlds on the Hypergrid.
In the article, several quotes from yours truly Sally S. Cherry aka SarVana Cherry in OpenSim and Sally Cherry in Kitely were shared... “At times, I feel like a frontier explorer and I look forward to the day when the exploration glitches will be considered just growing pains,”...“I see hypergrid jumpers as ‘testers for future travelers’ or ‘frontier scouts’ who will enhance the experiences of future jumpers,”... “Thus the main reason for my real life and virtual-based excitement and interest in OpenSim exploration including hypergrid jumping.”
Well, nine years later in the "frontier", I am still excited, interested, and still jumping on the Hypergrid (teleporting). Now in 2020, the "exploration glitches" are few and the experience has indeed been enhanced by a lot of software development and testing. Hence, the "growing pains" were worth every successful teleport made now. The virtual "frontier" is a~m~a~z~i~n~g!!

Hypergrid Business: "Curiosity, pioneer spirit drive hypergridders" written by Miriam Pia

📝 VLTCC Interview Video: SARS-CoV-2 Unit

Release of VLTCC Interview Video: SARS-CoV-2 Unit

June 8, 2020 to August 31, 2020. You are invited to the official public Opening and Celebration of Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center (VLTCC) ! Due to a brief medical delay, the virtual-based celebration of the creator's "Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real in Laboratory Science" vision and 45 years as an ASCP-certified Medical Technologist has been extended until the end of August. Various features, amenities and activities will be added throughout the Celebration.

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My Reviews

Kitely Welcome Center

Kitely has been my home Opensimulator grid since March 2011. As a Kitely resident, I truly appreciated the "sense of community"; building information; and support from the Kitely team. ????

HIE Welcome

My first time at HIE... It has been a fascinating experience with excellent presentations... colorful, informative booths... an excellent interpreter, and an amazing "out of body" experience in the "Sky Haze" with Cherry Manga. Looking forward to tomorrow!

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