
VENDETTAGIRD.LIFE. Santorini shop Owner & Creator

OMG I am so grateful that so many people and GRIDS have contacted me to show their support in my move from Junglefriends GRID.
Thanks to all of you who give me, Arthur and Linda Support through our work.
We don't want to give room for others to copycat our idea' what we build.
It is all of you who give us support, to want to continue doing what we love.
A preview of what I'm building...
Follow us at opensimworld for more news.
with kind regards Angelina, Arthur and Linda

Dios mío, estoy muy agradecido de que tanta gente y GRIDS se hayan puesto en contacto conmigo para mostrarme su apoyo en mi mudanza de Junglefriends GRID.
Gracias a todos los que me apoyan a mí, a Arthur y a Linda a través de nuestro trabajo.
No queremos dar espacio a que otros copien nuestra idea de lo que construimos.
Sois todos vosotros los que nos dais apoyo, para querer seguir haciendo lo que amamos.
Un adelanto de lo que estoy construyendo...
Síguenos en opensimworld para más noticias.
Atentamente, Angelina, Arthur y Linda.

OMG, ich bin so dankbar, dass so viele Menschen und GRIDS mich kontaktiert haben, um mir ihre Unterstützung für meinen Wechsel von Junglefriends GRID zu zeigen.
Vielen Dank an alle, die mich, Arthur und Linda bei unserer Arbeit unterstützen.
Wir möchten anderen keinen Raum geben, unsere Vorstellung von dem, was wir bauen, zu kopieren.
Sie alle sind es, die uns unterstützen, damit wir weiterhin das tun wollen, was wir lieben.
Eine Vorschau auf das, was ich baue ...
Folgen Sie uns auf opensimworld für weitere Neuigkeiten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Angelina, Arthur und Linda.

Mio Dio, sono così grato che così tante persone e GRIDS mi abbiano contattato per mostrare il loro sostegno nel mio trasferimento da Junglefriends GRID.
Grazie a tutti voi che supportate me, Arthur e Linda nel nostro lavoro.
Non vogliamo dare spazio ad altri per copiare la nostra idea di ciò che costruiamo.
Siete tutti voi che ci sostenete, che volete continuare a fare ciò che amiamo.
Un'anteprima di quello che sto costruendo...
Seguici su opensimworld per ulteriori notizie.
Cordiali saluti, Angelina, Arthur e Linda.

Mon Dieu, je suis tellement reconnaissant que tant de personnes et de GRID m'aient contacté pour me montrer leur soutien dans mon déménagement de Junglefriends GRID.
Merci à vous tous qui me soutenez, moi, Arthur et Linda, dans notre travail.
Nous ne voulons pas laisser la possibilité aux autres de copier notre idée de ce que nous construisons.
C'est vous tous qui nous soutenez, qui souhaitez continuer à faire ce que nous aimons.
Un aperçu de ce que je construis...
Suivez-nous sur opensimworld pour plus de nouvelles.
Cordialement, Angelina, Arthur et Linda.

LaylaHart42: I cant what to go see 7 months ago

Finally I have my own GRID and my LOGO

Thank you so much to Masala at Masala Estate for making my dream come true.
Great friend and server Guy. Always there when I need you.

Finally the GRID is up but still under Construction.
my best friend in all worlds Arthur King are with me and my best friend Linda is with me in this journey, ofcourse we have Santorinishop, REBORN and all as it was, Bella Terra, Mi Amore and a new big surprise store that Linda & Arthur is fixing. Me is building my CLOUD9 with more shops to come, we love to create and do as we want, clubs as before and hopefully we will have DJ s that wanna come and play at our GRID and join us in our adventure, home Islands will be added and much more. This GRID is only for Adults.
No kids,teens or child avatars on this GRID.

At VendettaGrid Life, we believe that living a purposeful life is within everyone's reach,to have friends,build your dream and to be part of something,
living the best in opensim Let's embark on this journey together.
Follow us for updates in opensimworld webb.
We will be back...
Angelina Santorini

LaylaHart42: i love the logo and i know when you open up i will be there to go shopping 8 months ago