
VENDETTAGIRD.LIFE. Santorini shop Owner & Creator

Liked posts


Sylvia-Koeln: So tolle Kleider....... danke Chubby 11 months ago

13:00 OS TIME

Come and shake your pants off!!!

hop:// Terra/227/49/25

Hello everyone Do not forget to bring your loved to the place, Mi Amore Tonight .or come yourself and enjoy the good atmosphere and the beautiful music we play here!
Hope to see you here

Celeste Charnelle: cette sim est tres belle 11 months ago
I'm banned but you're not!

If you don't ever see me in your favourite opensim grid, most likely it’s because I'm banned.

My grid has no such bans though, so do feel free to visit anytime and help yourself to my free, unique and original creations, if you want!

Kelly4U : that place is going nuts. and way over board 11 months ago

New destination added at EUROPA: At any interphasic bubble teleporter totens, choose as destination ARBORIUM.. Its a nice place to escape from the alien reality and chil :)

Sodasullivan: sometimes it is important just to escape the alien reality and chill. =) 11 months ago

Full body with Waify boobs

OUT NOW IN "Black Shades" store

hop:// Terra/227/49/25

New clothes for REBORN BODY in the shop "Black Shades"
Come check them out
hop:// Terra/227/49/25

come join us.. everyone is welcome, Adult grid

Slowhand: No regions found with that name 12 months ago

Ellen: Perfect build!! 12 months ago
🥳We, at R. Lion Stores, hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.🥳
According with Santa's nice List, this year the ladies were the best behaved, so our gift is for them:😇
The new LaraX Mesh Body is available now at our new Avatar's components store, for you to get. Come quick!

SheaButter: Happy Holidays, to you and your family. Thank you, for sharing all those wonderful items. 12 months ago

Happy Christmas everyone!

thedeeferry: Best to you also sweet Wolf and to all who love you and all you love. Stay sweet, sweets! (ɔˆ ³ (ˆ⌣ˆc) my sweet Friend Did I mention how sweet your are? lol 12 months ago
Ich wünsche Euch und Euren Familien ein schönes gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest 🎄🎅 und für 2024 ein Jahr voller Glück und Harmonie, zufriedenen, fröhlichen Stunden, wundervollen Momenten und vor allem Gesundheit

I wish you and your families a wonderful and blessed Christmas 🎄🎅 and for 2024 a year full of happiness and harmony, content, joyful hours, wonderful moments and, above all, good health

Star Ravenhurst: Merry Christmas!! 12 months ago
oh HELLO and beyond
This well-known shop is part of the perhaps lesser known Xinashi Region. Let's fix that.

The Xinashi Region is home to...
.:Aether:. An airborne art project. Make sure to sit on the rotating cube. It's synchronized dancing to the 3rd power!
.:The Club:. A dancing and hangout spot on the Collective Hub sim.
.:The Eros Yoga Center:. Animations for singles and couples. You know what I'm talking about.
.:Marche Noir.: AKA the Black Market. Classic imports that are so old, they are new again.
.:oh HELLO | Outfits With Options:.
Curated outfits for the Athena body. Each vendor has all the items pictured. PLUS, if the item is part of a fat-pack, you get the entire pack!
.:Rocket Club:. Featuring the Dancing Stan Hologram
.:Sol Et Luna Dance Club:. The Sun. The Moon. And dancing.
.:Tree House Park:. Logger AVs are banned.

We aren't competing for traffic. We prefer to be judged by your likes and comments. You will do that, yes? Thanks

Nico Kalani: Such lovely people. Thanks all for your likes. 1 years ago

Harper Held: Tell me you're an AC/DC fan without telling me you're an AC/DC fan... 😜 1 years ago
I have found a way to create an openai chat gpt bot in opensimulator without having to have your own website to host the code, and without using php. What this means is that if you are interested in your own chatbot, you just need to get your api key from openai and come see me, if you already made one in the past just go to their website and delete the old one and make a new one, then save it in a notecard. But if you still have your key in a notecard then just bring that it should still work. At any rate it is now possible to do this in a much simpler way than before, if interested contact me in world. p.s. i lost my friends list due to a grid crash, so just find me at

Kawaii Unicorn: I am consistently astounded by your intelligence and the creations you bring forth. Your magic region, in particular, stands out with its remarkable scripts that add an extra layer of awe and wonder.... 1 years ago

Body Shimmer "Gold&Black" For Reborn Body

hop:// Terra/226/50/25

Wizardry Hud - The Most Powerful Hud of All!
[Teleport] - teleport to anyone in the sim
[Spying] - remotely view anyone in the sim
[Scrying] - find lost objects
[Invisible] - go invisible, click again to become visible
[Sanctuary] - rez a secret hideout perfect for a wizard
sub buttons...
[Bubble] - rez a bubble shield if you are in a rez area.
[Interceptor] - click this button for on/off. Repel bullets shot at you!
[Deflector] - wear a shield that reports collisions.
[Cluster] - rez a thick multi layer shield.
[Disruptor] - rez a star that will follow you and push everyone away.
[Megaceptor] - a giant shield.
sub buttons...
[Platform] - rez a green magic platform and be tp'd to it.
[SuperJump] - some cool thing here.
[Sim Razor] - rez a keyframe object that will bulldoze priscilla's prims away.
[Radar] - rez and attach a radar on screen.
[AFK Orb] - let others know you are afk. works in no rez areas.
[Air Walk] - rez metal magic disks in the air you can walk on. Click again 2 stop.
[Magnus Vox] - talk to everyone in the land and have them see what you type.
[Fix Cam] - fix your camera back to normal settings.
sub buttons...
[Bright Magic] - click yes to attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Dark Magic] - click yes t attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Follower] - Follow anyone in the sim very closely.
[Orbiter] - Send your friend or enemy into space.
[Clouder] - Put a cloud around your frenemy that follows him/her everywhere.
[Ban] - ban a person in the sim pestering you.
sub buttons...
[Attract 50] - in a sim with push allowed, pull everyone 2 u from 50 meters.
[Attract Sim] - pull everyone in the sim to you.
[Repel 20] - push people away 20 meters.
[Repel 50] - push people away 50 meters.
[Repel Sim] - push people away to the sim edge.
sub buttons...
[End Attacks] - end all attacks at once.
[End Utility] - end utility functions.
[End All] - stop everything at once.

Lunaria Emporium is back online

Mal burns Interview with Wolf Territories Grid

Thirza Ember: Thanks for being such a gracious guest Lone! 1 years ago

We are partying today at the Rooftop!

Richard Lionheart: 1 years ago

New Dress for REBORN BODY "Phantom Black"
Use the Stargate to "Town" in MI AMORE
hop:// Amore/126/241/3012

Don't miss the Rock party tonight in RAW Dance Club "MI AMORE" Jungle friends GRID
13 SLT
hop://jungle Amore/122/130/2161


hop:// Terra/171/204/70
OverWatch Sentry v 37. A bug was found in the code by "theprinceofamor". It's on line # 481, instead of an if statement it should say "else if". This prevented the whitelist for dinkies and other approved 'shorties' from working. It is now fixed. Please get your copy at Wizardry in the grid, or just change line 481 yourself. Thank you.

Prince Amor: Always amazed at your skill sir 1 years ago
Now has a clickable menu. You can turn it on /off in the menu. You can click the [ban] button on the menu, and select ban by radar, name, ip, or key. This way you can manually add in a name, ip address, or key OR if the person is on your sim at the moment you want to ban them, just click the radar button (sim wide) and click their name on the menu. They are unsat, ejected, tp'd home, and all their info is saved to the appropriate file. No more manual notecard editing (unless you want to...) I hope you all enjoy it. NOW AVAILABLE NEW AT WIZARDRY!!!
ELVEN HUD version 20 released!!!
If you are an elf you need this hud! :) Recently updated, and many bug fixes.
The hud collapses to a small trifoil button which when clicked expands the buttons of the hud. What the buttons do:
1) Teleport - presents a menu to tp you to anyone in a sim.
2) Spy - presents you menu to zoom in on anyone on your sim.
3) Scrying - rezzes a green ball that you click. This ball has several menus. It is used for finding things. You click the ball and select the type of items you are looking for, such as agents, active, scripted prims, passive prims. Then it shows you a list of all such items near you. Then you click select and click an item in the menu. The ball shoots out a greenish stream of light to point to the item. Great for finding lost tiny things that you can't see.
4) Invisible - Turn off your ao and click invisible and you sink below the ground, seemingly disappearing from view. To return to view just click the round TRI-Foil button. Note clicking the round trifoil button ends most spells.
5) Sanctuary - This rezzes a lovely fantasy elven pavillion created by cat of alternate metaverse grid. Then... It tp's you to the top of your own ivory tower, giving you a view of the lands. To get rid of it when you're done, just click the trifoil button and the entire tower vanishes magically. You can also invite friends to sit at the top of the tower with you and contemplate the meaning of the forest. :)
6) Shield - This just rezzes a simple shield that will ask if it can attach to your avatar. To end this shield simply click the trifoil button. :)
7) Speed - This increases your walking, running, and flying speed by 3x the normal values. So you can zoom across your land at the speed of a wood elf. :) To stop and return to normal speed just click the speed button again. It will tell you in local chat your speed is returned to normal.
8) Attack - If you are on a land where you can rez, this will present a menu of people nearby. If you select a name, blue light will shoot from your hand and zoom to that person. The person will be caught up in a whirlwind of bluefire, and as they try to walk they will be lifted higher and higher off the sim. To end this magic effect just click the trifoil button.
~ Note ~ This is the only magic hud that is currently working due to recent changes in the scripting engine. I will go through the other huds eventually and update them to work again. Starting with the ones people request. Those huds are: wizard hud, witch hud, fairy hud, vampire hud.
Note: The radar hud and the multisim status reporter hud have been updated as of today to work with the current sim changes. All 3 huds ( elven hud, radar hud, and multisim status report hud ), are all available at wizardry.
Please enjoy and have fun.

Opensim should be....

  • A Hobby that includes all the copy botted items from sl and everything shared for free.
  • A Hobby that does not include all the copy botted items from sl and everything shared for free.
  • A platform for people to make a little extra pocket money from selling services and items.
  • A for profit decentralised business.
Vote (41)
HedFaktori Mission Statement:

Our aim is to provide stable, working, Full Permission products to the best of our ability and encourage others to utilise these assets in play or in further developement to enrich the virtual lives of everyone.

Our wish:

It is our sincerest wish that everyone dispenses with all the debates about rights and wrongs and accepts that what we do, we do for the purest of reasons and for the good of everyone.

Current Affairs Statement:

We are not concerned with traffic numbers or grid rankings and we have no desire to provide a mall or store and have our grid constantly feeding hungry travellers who take everything in a single visit. We provided items that could be used in stores and malls who do wish traffic and numbers and rankings and if that is how they want to play? We will not interfere. We should all be able to have fun and share the good things OS has to offer without any dramas. However, many people seem to have an issue with this and others also want to claim kudos for new products on their regions which we developed and they simply removed our logo and rebox them. As if this wasn't enough? They then restrict the perms to no copy or no trans or both. This is in direct contradiction to why we developed the assets in the first instance and this is why despite our 'Mission Statement' and wish to avoid dramas we have removed our products.
We will continue to develop and build on the assets we had always planned on doing and when the Open Sim community is ready to treat both our assets and our wishes with respect we may release them but until then we remain NotSorry.

Road Kill

Synthetica: I'd just like to point out to anyone interested that the assets that that HedFaktori have provided to Open Sim users over the years amounts to over 12,000 hours of work shared by a small group of peop... 1 years ago

Art Gallery at Wolf Territories Grid Wolf Mountain

New Mesh Concert Stage "BEATS LIVE" available for all free scripted commands turn on and off lights, headlights that follow you! Smoke machine included! Media streaming included!

Great: I saw the post about this stage and went to see it. I did not expect to find myself in entertainment heaven. A region complete with everything you need to organise events. The owner is a very humble a... 1 years ago

Enjoy the Never Village Market Square!

Jamie Wright: Shea, the grid is getting some TLC. Check back in a day or two and it should all be back. Never Village is a super sweet region:) 1 years ago
I designed and copyrighted the "Peace for Ukraine" pendant with the intention of it being worn in real life (RL). I've received numerous requests for the STL, DAE, and OBJ files to enable 3D printing and wearable reproduction. To address this, I've dedicated time to enhance Monentes Jewelry Downloads page. You can now conveniently download the files directly to your hard drive and employ them as desired. Please bear in mind that the design is copyrighted, and it is imperative that it is never used for commercial purposes or sold. You will find the download link on this page: it is listed under Pendants.

I will be adding more jewelry here as I can.

Thank you for all your support!

Marianna: Added new earrings to the download page-I have decided that the jewelry on the download page will be new and never seen in the store. 1 years ago
OVERHAUL of ZweetZ' shop is done;lights, main floor now glass with big hole,stairs going down to basement, where I will line up all the statues; I started to make mesh game characters, beauties, samples are already there. Lemme know what u think! ? :)

Two new Horns for your avatar "SKULL & GARDEN"
Available in the Shop "BELLA DONNA" REBORN

LeonitasLionheart: snek! any decent snake and im sold :D 1 years ago
Qui potrete trovare outfit fantasy oltre che avatar completi vestiti da donna e uomo forniture scarpe outfit dark
Here you will find fantasy outfits as well as complete avatars dressed for women and men, supplies shoes, dark outfits
On empire island we have released new fully mesh disco creations! Exclusive! New animations over 2500 BENTO MoCap dance animations sorted by couple, woman, man and unisex dances! Come and visit the temple of animations!

Auf Empire Island haben wir neue Disco-Kreationen komplett in Mesh veröffentlicht! Exklusiv! Neue Animationen über 2500 BENTO MoCap Tanzanimationen sortiert nach Paar, Frau, Mann und Unisex Tänze! Komm und besuche den Tempel der Animationen!

Sur Empire Island, nous avons sorti de nouvelles créations disco entièrement en maille ! Exclusif ! Nouvelles animations plus de 2500 animations de danse BENTO MoCap classées par couple, femme, homme et unisexe ! Venez visiter le temple des animations !
¡En Empire Island hemos lanzado nuevas creaciones discotequeras completamente en malla! ¡En exclusiva! Nuevas animaciones ¡más de 2500 animaciones de baile BENTO MoCap clasificadas por pareja, mujer, hombre y bailes unisex! ¡Ven a visitar el templo de las animaciones!

#disco #club #animation #dance animation #danceanimation #furniture #discofurniture #disco furniture #clubfurniture #club furniture #lighting #lights #club lights #equipment for clubs #equipment for club #intan #couple #discolights #pole dance #poledance #consolle #disco #club #animazione #animazione di danza #animazione di danza #arredamento #discofurniture #arredamento di discoteca #arredamento di discoteca #illuminazione #luci #luci di discoteca #luci di discoteca #pole dance #poledance #consolle

Druskus: With great pleasure and thanks to this post, I want to thank Thomas Etzel for giving me back some of my old discos that I had built on Clone Life and thought were lost, they are now available again fo... 1 years ago

New Miu Outfit
several Colors
Happy Shopping:)))