Shayna Savira @ShaynaSavira

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Pasha of Tor.

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Join us for the
Hypergrid Safari Four Region Tour
11th December 11:00am - 1:00pm SLT

Discover new places of interest, meet new friends and learn more about the fine art of group hypergridding.

Symphony: Look at that setting! \0/ :) so cool! ty for the invitation. 2 years ago

DJ Rosa's Belly Dance Party at Hot Daddy's tonite at 6:00!
Where: Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys
When: Tonight at 6:00pm!
Close your eyes and imagine soft flowing silk, middle eastern romantic music and warm breezes..then add sultry dances and the camaraderie of friends in a beautiful, opulent Middle Eastern venue under the evening sky, and you have DJ Rosa's Belly Dance party!! All of that is here and more! This is one of our most popular events! Belly dancing is for men and women, all of them love it and you will too! There are free boxes of silks and togas at Hot Daddy's and Rockin' the Blues. Wear them or come as you are! You will just love this amazing evening!! Can't wait to see you there!! Bayou Hot Daddys

Kith Whitehawk: Rosa is on stage and spinning some seriously sexy belly dance music! Get on the magic carpet and come on overt to Hot Daddy's! 2 years ago