Silken Nakita. @SilkenNakita

UK Offline

Too busy being Fabulous.

Joined 2 years ago

About Myself

I am the sea of permutation
I live beyond interpretation
I scramble all the names and the combinations
I penetrate the walls of explanation
I am the wheel
I am the burning
And I will lay my love around

My Interests

How people
Can have so little

I'm Looking For

Intelligent signs of life.

Favorite Quote

(About my art)
"I've worked very hard to make this unacceptable".
- myself.

Music I Like

(to name just one).

Films I Like

The Handmaiden.
In the Mood for Love.
(to name just two).

Books I Like

Money - Martin Amis
Sum: Tales of the Afterlives - David Eagleman
The Psychopath Test - Ron Johnson
(to name just three).

My Heroes

Jonathan Meades
Christopher Hitchens
Zaha Hadid
Tony Wilson
(to name just four)

OpenSimulator Version

Why would anyone care about this?

Viewer Version

Or this?


FFS. Seriously?

My Regions

0 0 0 Users
Private region. Please do not attempt to call uninvited, as a punch in the mouth often offends. :)
more info



Interested in getting into AI art? Simply understanding more or creating it yourself? Search OSGrid groups for "A.I. ART" or IM Silken Nakita to get involved - or just stay informed - now!

A.I. Art Group in Opensim
This is to announce the inception of the first A.I. Art Group, based in OSGrid. The purpose of this group is to foster the exchange of information, mutual support, help and advice for people both working in this area and curious beginners. It's also a place to share images, workflows etc.

Please search OSG Groups for "A.I. Art" (without the quote marks - doh!), or contact Silken Nakita in OSG for membership, questions etc.

Love to my tiny handful of lovely friends. You know who you are! XOXO

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Profile Comments

I am the will
I am the yearning
And I will lay my love around you.
I miss you a lot radiant Nakita