Silver Mare @SilverMare

Germany Offline

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Wir feiern Silver sein Birthday
seid dabei Welcome

For a rare time, I went out on the HG to get some updated clothing. I know a shock. However, nice place and don't want to say the location is bad or allowing this. But, while shopping, an avatar landed in the region and immediately ran to intercept my walking path. I was approached by this child avatar that looked like (the Little Dutch Boy Paint /Angela Merkel / Hillary Clinton) who thought it was just fine to try to pull off my bathing suit. I asked it's age, "holds up 10 fingers". I said, there's things called laws and second, you are wearing 2 bodies (Proving it's a dude) and you do NOTHING for me. Replied "You Scared?".

This idiot who is 90% chance a 75 year old, Dirty Old Man living in Alberta Canada playing as a little kid (Like the one I knew about in other grids.)

Apparently this old, hippy dippy piece of dog shit feels that Viagra can't do the job anymore and needs to prowl the grids looking for willing participants to satisfy his sexually challenged fetish. Conversation is Note Carded for anyone interested.

I would recommend, as some already have done to ban this avatar from your grids:


Hyacinth: Not to blame the victim.. But if you're wearing a clickable, pull-offable by anybody bathing suit, isn't that inviting use? 3 years ago

Moonrose Presents Dj Richi in the Mix
ab 20.00Uhr
The Best Tunes for a New Week-Tune in and Dance out Club

He is Back Dj Achim Party Fun Radio
20.00 Uhr 11 PSD Hall Ich bin sehr stolz auf euch und wir freuen uns schon auf die nächsten Events. Endlich funktionieren wieder richtige Events Es ist noch viel in Planung die nächsten Wochen man darf gespannt sein......... 2 years ago

Even a farmer needs a break :-)

und so ist es!

Sylvia-Koeln: Findet das jetzt hier auch mal ein Ende *malfrag*? 3 years ago
Howdy folks!
You are invited on Saturday at 7pm Berlin time.
It will be a wild ride through a variety of good music.
A good mood and a pleasant atmosphere are guaranteed.
The Fort Sand Team and DJ Chris are looking forward to seeing you!
P.S.: There´s no dress code!

Stagecoach: hop://

Dance the Beats
Dj Rico Kronfeld @Centro

Kick Off Party
Moonrose proudly Presents Dj Crazy
Sunday 19/02,2023 20:00/11 Slt Club

ShariMei: Hammer Party, rappel voller Club und geile Tunes, der Abent lohnt sich. Danke für den klasse Abend 2 years ago

13. Gridjubiläum von Dorenas World
Heute Abend:
18. Jan. Mittwoch
20:00 Uhr Wolem Wobbit on Stage (Landing)
anschliessend Musik von den Djs Samira & Akira aus dem Dereos-Grid

Dorena Verne: Wolem war vorhin schon mal da, letzte Absprachen getroffen, in einer Stunde geht es los. :-) 2 years ago

Now presenting the Rublight that you can rub on anything. hold it in your hand and dance the night away. Available for free on the advertising sign next to the stage.

Tonight 11 PSD Beach and Reggae Night DJ Silver on Air and Party and Party 3 years ago

We Celebrate .............Dj Chris on the Turntables Club

Moonrose Presents DJ Tom O Melly
The Best Tunes for a New Week-Tune in and Dance out
Party Powered by Club

MONDAY 04/10
DJ Silver
The Best of the Years

Welcome to the "Back to the 80s" Party.
When : 8pm MEZ
Come over with your friends and lets Rock the 80s-90s

Hello brothers and sisters :-) Lothbroks and all flatmates, as well as slaves worked through the night on the conversion to the farm and earned a break with mead ;-) I hope you enjoy the new summer viking and have fun exploring and shopping : your Muri

Ab jetzt auch auf unserer Mare Welcome im Sky_SHOPS!
Porter stehen auf der Welcome bereit!

MuriMareDark: winter has come..i love winter! 2 years ago