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Back at you, Blessed Be!
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Does anyone have the Hucow Dairy items they might pass me please. I had them and my grid went poof and I am starting over
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I travel alot in SL and I honestly havent seen child grids. the only avitars for children that I have encountered are the ones Zooby sells to have older children.
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I have been a Mistress for 30 years. The difference between age play and pedophilia is consent. Age play should be between consenting adults while pedophilia is with children who can't consent. I have encountered a few sims that have pictures on the walls of child avi's with adults. I think this crosses the line. I reported it but what can you do when the sim advocates for this type of behavior? All you can do is stay away if it's not your thing or we can, as a community, come together to bring awareness. The point of Opensim was to allow free creativity and unfortunately, some of those who crossed the line in SL came her to hide. I don't think children avi's
should be allowed on Opensim. If you are a fairy or elf and need a smaller avatar, then let's work to create some that are for that purpose but remove the child altogether.
There would have to be, at minimum, user verification at registration. And with Open SImulator being free, not many are going to want to do that. Its even more difficult when some are running the sims from their home computers and not through a world service. I personally have Zooby babies so my partner and I can have a family. I dont know of any other time when it would really be necessary to need a child avatar.
very well said, but aside from the valid points the in question is how there using the term. We dont always know if the Avatar is a real Adult on the other end unless we did voice or something.

But Sl seems to have a confusing TOS rule from what i have read and been told. ive seen people get banned among personal experiences from games related to child Avatars or just referring to something inappropriate involving children.

A child Avatar does not defined Ageplay, that is not what Ageplay is including real life. I understand this is virtual but if someone if portraying a lifestyle they should do there research. The term sexual Ageplay is an incorrect term honestly made up. Ageplayers do not want to have sex with actual kids nor would they portray it. if someone is portraying sex with kids that is either incest play or pedo crap plain and simple.

if I may ask are you a pro Mistress in real life or is it an online only thing for you?
I don't agree with disallowing child avatars in Open Sim. They should be okay in all General, and most Moderate sims. If child avis are clearly engaging in adult behavior, sure, those users should get one warning IMO, and then banned if they repeat the offense. OS is more open ended though, so people can easily open another account, using a different email address to come back on board. I will admit I have alts in OS and SL that use different email addresses (a bunch for junk emails, mostly). The best we all can do collectively is to report abusers; Nico's suggestions to that end are spot on.
I remember when I first started opensim, there was a big hullabaloo going on with one of the grids maybe another having to do with child avis and other things. That really ruined it for the actual adult Ageplay community and how people see us because of mistakes from kids or chidl avatars. We dont know if they are adults behind those avatars or actual children, I think for safety concerns adult virtual worlds are not the best place for them.
I understand that. There used to be a designated area in SL for teens, but it closed due to lack of interest in sustaining it. It's sad that we have to deal with this nonsense. I think adults and kids can coexist in designated areas, that's what I think. I suppose I'd know better if I ran a grid or two, but I'd try it.
what some people dont relize is we all have real lives that can be jeopardized by associating with child avis
I get that. But I do think it's unfortunate. As mentioned earlier there are a number of reasons for someone playing a child avatar that do not represent anything "bad". However in RL most kids have parents and other adults in their lives. With everyone so scared of child avatar in whatever context it's disappointing for those child avatars that are treated like typhoid Mary.

I do see why.... But it's still disappointing.
I get your point, for me it comes down to personal experience and real life things. I just am being careful
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It works amazingly!
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Does anyone know how to add partners in Opensimulator, specifically, Dreamgrid.
what Snik said above works every time but you will need database table access.