SinaSinister @SinaSinister


Hello I am Sina Sinister and live in Darkport a 64 sims big place were is a lot of water. Pirates can sail and fight and trade on those waters .. and the waters of the Thassa are just a port of this grid

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Visit Shirelands to get access to allour Shire Sims - Hobbiton, Mikwood, Bree and Rivendell - plus our freebie mall and the massive 64 sim Steampunk Gor adventures in Seas of Thassa!

We are now back online. So come and visit Bag End, the Green Dragon and then perhaps take a trip to Bree and the PRancing Pony, vist the elves at Rivendell or even risk a horse ride through Mirkwood! You an even make your home in any of these sims ..

We now have Rivendell, Hobbiton, Bree and Mirkwood to explre - visit Welcome to Shirelands hub (and mall) to visit!!

into Bag End, a full house roughly based on Tolkien's own floor plan - which makes it rather large...but a good scale to cam around and even allow long shanked folks getting in without hitting their heads ...

the Green Dragon ...