Snoots Dwagon @SnootsDwagon


Izza Dwagon

Joined 4 years ago

About Myself

Am a dwagon in real life. Honest.

My Interests

Likes cookies, driving fast cars, airplanes, exploring, cookies, hunting down awesome freebies, dancing to good musics, did I mention cookies?...

Favorite Quote

The lessons of consequence are not so gentle as those of common sense.

Music I Like

Almost anything but heavy metal and rap. Swing and Electroswing rawks, as does mood musics, soundtracks (Da hills is alives... Let it goes, Let it goes, not can holds it back anymore....)

Films I Like

That very difficult. There so many good ones. I not even gonna try to list thems. Is too many. Maybe elebenty.

Books I Like

Ohhh that a hard one. There so many. Dragonriders of Pern definitely. The Martian Chronicles. I Robot. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. There soooo many.

My Heroes

God, hands down. And people like firemen and health workers who risk their lives to help others.

OpenSimulator Version

Whatever version happens to be active at the time as I hypergrid jump. Whichever of TWO script engines might be in operation. Whatever of THREE physics engines might be functional. /me bites virtual world industry in da hiney butt. mwahahahahaha...

Viewer Version

Firestorm, latest version.


i5-based Windows 10 with 16 gigs RAM, SSD hard drive, Nvidia 3060 12 gig graphics card. That's a good configuration if one isn't a "hyper-gamer power" user. If you're a power user, be ready to drop some heavy coin.

My Regions

2 0 0 Users
Large multi-genre science fiction city featuring Star Trek, Firefly, Doctor Who, TRON, Portal, Warhammer 40K, HHGttG, Steampunk and much more. NINE starship surround the city. Replicant City is located in high sky ELVENSONG region, but forms a region all its own.
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1 0 0 Users
5x5 VAR dedicated to the group ELF CLAN, the oldest large fantasy group on the virtual worlds. Beautiful Fantasy theme at ground level, and wondrous Sci-Fi theme at Replicant City in high sky. Open to visitors 24/7/365. Come visit!
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4 0 0 Users
Ground Level: ElvenSong is the home of the ancient group ELF CLAN, the first large fantasy group on Second Life. High Sky is REPLICANT CITY, a large multi-genre science fiction city. Amazing and varied place to explore; it can take hours or even days to see it all. Family-friendly lands. Visito...
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4 1 0 Users
Replicant City is a high-sky multi-themed science fiction city set on the VAR region of ElvenSong, home of Elf Clan. Replicant City is highly detailed, built over a period of 13 years. Includes Star Trek, Doctor Who, Firefly, TRON, Stempunk, full-size starships and much more in a fully-interactive...
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My Reviews


Weefolkenshire is a wonderful Dinkie community where avatars of all sizes are welcome. Their All Things Tiny shopping town, Varmints Village, the Amusement park, EATS Diner, Critter Club, Pirate Caves and more make this a fascinating place to explore. Shal herself is one of the most creative designers / landscapers I have met, and I've been on virtual worlds since 2000. She is also a very friend...

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