Social Mouse @SocialMouse


I am the Proud and Humble owner of The Social Mouse Grid.

Liked posts

Fashionable masks

Some helpful Links and more.. for the BOM - Baked on Mesh

Another Brrrrry release at the shop. At least this time something that will warm you up.
I've put out a winter log seat with SFposer for sitting by the campfire. When you need to feel toasty but still want to be outside. Campfire included of course :).

We caught a huge one ! Please do not break the glass.

DJ Kith "Tribal Soul" Event at Hot Daddy's Monday at 6:00!
Where: Hot Daddy's Dance Dock on Wyldwood Bayou
When: 6:00 Tonite!! [22 Nov 2021 18:00 SLT]
Our DJ's Choice DJ of the week is DJ Kith with an evening of International Indigenous Tribal tunes, or "Tribal Soul"! The Blues Tribe is not the only tribe on this planet! Every culture in the world uses magical sounds and voices from their instruments and people to create music that not only entertains but sparks the imagination and touches the soul! Come embark on this wonderful journey with DJ Kith tonite and see what we mean!! FUN never sounded sooo good!! Daddys

Would you buy a car from this man?

YaKa-Island 1 for
for your relaxation

YaKa-Island 2

yet another tedious job..:)

NEW * Pet Store * NEW

* Static Animals * Animated Animals * Wearable Pets * Scripted Pets *

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

Athena 6 Bom is available at Women Store.

Arrival of Athena 6.0 available in the Women Store at AusMall as well at Temptations Region too.

Did you ever want to cruise the stars? Visit alien worlds? Atlantis is a Way Station for interplanetary guests and temporal travellers. Come visit today!

get into your 'beach boy' attitude

You can now choose to receive notifications when a new visitor enters a previously empty region. You can find the relevant setting in the bookmark button of every region. Let us know what you think

Fall Gift - Log Lounger With Fireplace Lounger is animated single - couple cuddles - couple adult (of course its animated!) Enjoy look forward to more

Social Mouse Grid - Is now performing some routine maintenance - Please allow us 1 hour and we will be back :-P Thanks for all of your patients during us rebuilding and revamping Social Mouse -- We will Reveal her a new once we are finished!
Social Mouse Grid - Is now performing some routine maintenance - Please allow us 1 hour and we will be back :-P Thanks for all of your patients during us rebuilding and revamping Social Mouse -- We will Reveal her a new once we are finished!