SparkaphatDoobie @SparkaphatDoobie

Right Here Offline

Hello, I'm Sparkaphat Doobie


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That does look good Aeris.
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I love how PBR looks, you did great. Is there a library of materials, or how do we do that in Open Sim? I have updated the viewer and would like to experiment.
Hi Spark :-) PBR is rewarding but will take you a little time experiment with to get comfortable with it.

Note: As Marianna mentioned below, your grid will need to have already been updated to version 0.9.3 or to the comparable Dreamgrid version before PBR will be available for you to use there.

Here are some links to get you started that were helpful to me.
My work with PBR started like many with trying to make a mirror. That taught me the basics of what to look for when editing materials in the the viewer. This is the video that got me started:

This link will cover the basics about PBR in Second Life, and by extension Opensim. Use it as a reference as you go along:

Here is a great place to get free materials and assets you can upload into Opensim:

And finally you will need a program to pack the pbr textures into a file that Opensim will be able to upload. I use this free program that's very easy to use just on your pc:

And of course you can always message me here for more info. I'm usually here in the evenings or during the day during my work week.
The grid will need to be implemented with PBR too. Before my grid was updated (thank you @Ferdzee) I tested at Osgrid.
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Where have all the Dinkies gone, fun size passing?
No We was there, where was you :) we just went on a roadtrip :)
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Is there an Athena/Maitreya version with Material Layers?
Please send location :)
Thank you.
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Does this using the eZombie Module?
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And It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia!
LOL I just read your name. Brilliant!
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If there is a decline in Open Sim, part of it may be due to the high school level drama that goes on in some places. Live, and let live.
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I wish people would not ban or censor anything at all. It's dangerous territory when we start silencing the words of those we disagree with.
Very much agree with this! It would be nice if OSGrid and Opensimword would set the example from above.
Spot on! I agree!