Spax Orion @SpaxOrion


Ozone MiniVerse -

I am pretty sure the simulator will ignore 'Agent Limits' in Opensim but it was fun playing with the settings. I guess I will do NOTHING for now until I think of what to do next. ROFLMAO!

Brettson: This setting means nothing to me! SMH 2 years ago

WOW, I wonder what I can do with such a GENEROUS land impact?

Spax Orion: @Jimmy Olsen I have NOTHING on my mind. Do you? 2 years ago
Ozone MiniVerse presents: NOTHING! Experience Sensory Deprivation at it's finest! Only OUR events have NOTHING going on! We deliver everything promised in the brochure 100%:

Spax Orion: Do you feel like doing NOTHING? This is the place to DO IT! 2 years ago

UPDATED: Ozone MiniVerse - Atrius Station Telehub

Atrius - Beehive - Dismayland - Nothing - Orion
Othello - Ozone - Zima - Zion

Ride the ALZHEIMER's SHUTTLE, The Perv -O- Matic & Ye Crusty Curmudgeon
@ Othello GAY Resort & Playground - (MALE AVATARS ONLY)

The hottest GAY male NPCs in the METAVERSE!
