Spax Orion @SpaxOrion


Ozone MiniVerse -

Child Gate

<p>Read instructions carefully: This item is offered as-is, no support will be given. If you break it, you get to keep all the tiny pieces. Code updated March 5, 2020.</p><p>This script is ideal for REGION OPERATORS (not tenants or renters) who run ADULT sims and wish to deny entry to avatars dressed as children. Many Opensim grids have a policy regarding the behavior of adults and children. Since grid operators are unable to "police" all regions on their grid, it is up to the land owners to do this themselves. This script has enabled me to keep all of my ADULT themed simulators CHILD FREE and this script will come in handy for stewards who wish to enforce child avatar rules on their regions.</p><p>HOW IT WORKS:</p><p>There are 2 options for ejection: "eject" from parcel OR "tphome". The TP Home option is the better choice as it is more effective against hypergrid visitors. Moreover, IF the "tphome" option fails, it will kick the user offline (requiring them to relog in) with a message you specify. Unfortunately, this scanner will affect some adult avatars (and tinies) who are at 1.6m* or shorter and/or wearing an attachment which uses a bad word that you specify in your configuration cards, so you could also use this to deny access to animals. For this reason, I have not supplied data to place into your configurations as each operator will have their own requirements. </p><p>THIS SCRIPT HAS BEEN TESTED WITH SYSTEM AVATARS and LEGALLY OBTAINED mesh avatars. SOME MESH ATTACHMENTS or DEFORMERS MAY INCORRECTLY REPORT HEIGHT TO THE SCRIPT.</p><p>Instructions:
</p><p>OSSL is required, Ensure osKickAvatar is set to ESTATE_OWNER, ESTATE_MANAGER in /bin/config-include/osslEnable.ini or you will get script error.</p><p>You will need 4 notecards for scanning. Each avatar will be scanned based on data you put into these notecards and will eject based on your rules. Create a prim with these cards then create a new script inside that prim. Copy the contents of ChildGate.lsl into the new script then configure it to your liking in the TOP fields. The names of the notecards are as follows, Note the upper and lower CaSe letters:</p><ul><li>CreatorList - items made by creator of child attachments (one per line)
</li><li>AttachmentList - attachment names which are not permitted (one per line)
</li><li>BadWords - scans avatar for these key words (one per line)
</li><li>HeightLimit - Overrides the default setting of "1.6" in the script* </li></ul><p>It is not necessary to have content in the notecards at first, over time you will discover creators, attachment names and bad words to scan for. If your region is group owned... you will need to deed "child gate" to that group in order for it to function.</p><p>See it in action on any region within Ozone MiniVerse. This handy gem keeps my simulators CHILD FREE!
This script is based on FREE code I found in SL years ago and has been converted to OSSL. Enjoy peace of mind in your region.</p><p>*The shortest any system avatar can be made using appearance sliders is 1.6m. This is the baseline for height limit scanning. Setting a lower value (1.0) should prevent Athena and other mesh deformers from triggering this script. Your mileage may vary. </p>

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This Sunday and Every Sunday ! 14:00 Grid time only at Club Equinox its Tony Foxx live from New York City Spinning the Tunes from the 70's till today's Rock Hits that you love!!! Then when you thought it couldn't get better its DJ Becca Playing all your favorites so put your dancing shoes on and come on down and party! only at Club Equinox!!! paste this in your map! Equinox and let the party begin!

We carry out scheduled monthly maintenance of our servers. In a few hours, SACRARIUM GRID will be online.

A constant within seasons of change.

The Belles rehearse for Ladies' Night, which will open in Kitely January 2020.

Hello everybody, bonjour tout le monde
ce terrain est bloqué depuis aout 2018
this land is broken , august 2018
2018 kaput
my owner sllep or dead ?
I don't now

It's time to PARTY!!!! So Come Party With Us Thursdays !!!! at 14:00 SLT Come on over to Club Equinox every Thursday from 2 - 4 starting the night off is DJ Froot Who will be spinning the tunes from the 80's to today's top Rock hits! Then from 4 to 5 come on down and party with DJ Rosa Alekseev With her sexy Hostess Prissy together they will Shaking the house with her awesome music! and the music Continues when DJ Becca plays the tunes that you just love to shake your pixels too!~! So come on down and shake it! this and every Thursday at Club Equinox! Equinox

*** NEW RELEASE *** 05th NOVEMBER 2019*** Available for FREE and FULL PERM at FARM AREA.. Enjoy :)

Revolution Grid: - They clearly don't want visitors
Advisory: It is not just one person but a growing group of complaints due to the noticed issues of the location called : Revolution in grid. They are using the beacons but they are blocking just about everyone who tries to travel there by beacon both female and male. They have at no point in the description of their beacon and sim ever state it is closed or down for maintence or women only or anything to that effect. They taken it upon themselves to over and over again delete all negative comments, which have been many. They are getting advisories that it is not allowing even women, and are taking it as hostile. So, as they take down the negative comments , new people not knowing try to travel there because it is a active beacon. Only to be ejected or denied access this is from not one grid, this is multiple grids in open sim being aware of this. If they are going to not properly handle that beacon then I personally feel,beacons are to allow people to visit if they do not wish to have guests then they should not have the beacon active, without warnings as to when or why it is not working, especially when the beacon states clearly it is ONLINE status as green. Keep in mind there is no link that sends u to web site for authentication or approval and there is no message that automates males only nor is it offline at any of the times listed below. To boot half the people trying to tp are women and the items according to this that they have on that land are from other grids per a authorized females post.

They are making it over dramatic on both ends for no reason, knowing the response and the fact that they write in a non english language that /comment :
Salve a tutti ,voglio precisare una cosa molto semplice , a casa mia faccio quello che voglio ,quindi la cosa non è sindacabile ,saluti e baci e non scassate i pall ,ora per altri traducete !!

Translation is : ( notice the I do what i want comment )
edonet 4d
Hi everyone, I want to clarify a very simple thing, at my house I do what I want, so it is not possible to pay attention, greetings and kisses and don't beat the palls, now for others you translate !!

edonet 17h
go and cry elsewhere, no drama here

edonet 18h
here people come in, but only who I want comes in,
just read what they write,gnurant ,then see that it is open,
but it remains open to whom I want, not who you want,
hence all these obsolete comments ,they are useless.
break the bales elsewhere

edonet 1d
it's an area just for women, what are you?
then what do you care about what I do in my grid?
if you see that you can't enter, go elsewhere, right?
I don't see any problem (lol)

I love my region in the darkest of nights

THE VERSE ttp://
Good afternoon! I wanted to know why my farm animals, they only last 3 days and disappear. So if a couple of horses are 100 days old, the mare got pregnant, but the foal didn't show up, I gave up and I have common animals.
Stark Island
A wonderful and lovely residential and social region with two beautiful, friendly hosts. Not only is nudity permitted here, but it's encouraged. It's become my new favorite home-away-from-home, lately.

Container 20191013 Arrival and now available in our ATM Machine! Halloween Stuff for you, your sim, or grid! Premium Free and Full Perms Enjoy! :-)

The 1359 year old mystery of the fairies.
The book of the 7 seals. It needs a guardian.
In 7 places you can find it.
The way is tedious and dangerous!
It holds many hidden secrets.
Remember Frodo Beutlin!
Do you have fairies blood? Then you can find it.
Be careful how you treat it.
Good luck fae.

Old Fae
Rakis Heron

Das 1359 Jahre alte Geheimnis der Feen.
Das Buch der 7 Siegel. Es braucht einen Hüter.
An 7 Orten kannst Du es Finden.
Der Weg ist mühsam und gefärlich!
Es birgt viele versteckte Geheimnisse.
Erinnere Dich an Frodo Beutlin!
Hast Du Feen Blut? Dann kannst Du es finden.
Sei bedacht wie Du es Behandelst.
Viel Glück Fae.

Old Fae
Rakis Heron
If you came for your Wellington Kitty, then you KNOW that naughty Kitty needs some taming! Here is all you need for the job. Complete with whip to let him know who's boss! (outfit name: "Whip Cream")
Special Shoutout to Betty for the tailcoat!

25 hour off the server is now on a 12TB SSD and the same for the grid.
24TB SSD and 128GB memory we are back and ready for take of ;-)

Terrain structures with rain and sound effects.
Everything for free OS compliant C/M/T


Terrain structures with rain and sound effects.
Everything for free OS compliant C/M/T



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