Spax Orion @SpaxOrion


Ozone MiniVerse -

Inventory Dispenser

<p>Do you have a cluttered inventory folder?  You can store inventory you do not regularly use and make things easier to find when you need them. You can safely delete items from your inventory once you have those items stored in your inventory dispenser.</p><p>Place this script into a prim or object and then store your items in that same prim. Click the prim and get a menu where you can choose the item you want from your inventory dispenser.</p>

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Prayers go to all our friends using osg avi. Hopefully things will be fixed quickly. If not, please consider making an alt and joining us for a dance Saturday.

Watch this space for dance information.

We love to see our Friends!

LilyLoire: Thank goodness it's up. I couldn't get on. 2 years ago
Our Grid is always open to everyone who may be displaced due to their Grid being down, for what ever reason, today's entertainment is @ 3-5 with DJ Alex come on over if you get those in world jitters, meet some new peeps, meet up with yours, Door Always Open

WWSquared: Barefoot Dreamers creates a great place. They work with you and always try to help those who need. Thanks Huga & Gabe. 2 years ago
To Laika and all the four-legged astronauts who have flown in Space

"The more time passes, the more I regret what happened. We shouldn't have done it... we didn't even learn enough from this mission to justify the loss of the animal."
Oleg Gazenko, one of the leading scientists in the space animal programme, and Laika's trainer, commented.

Laika was only two years old and before she was collected for the space programme she had known nothing but the cold of the Moscow streets. Before the launch, Yazdovsky wanted to give her a little happiness and took her home to play with his children: "I wanted to do something good for her, as she had very little time left to live.

Vladimir Yazdovsky made the final selection of dogs and designated their roles. Laika was to be the "flying dog" - a sacrifice to science on a one-way mission into space. Albina, who had already flown twice in a high-altitude test rocket, was designated as Laika's backup. The third dog, Mushka, was a "control dog" - she would stay on the ground and was used to test instrumentation and life support.

Laika was placed in the satellite capsule on 31 October 1957 - three days before the start of the mission. At that time of year, temperatures at the launch site were extremely low, so a hose connected to a heater was used to keep the container warm. Two assistants were in charge of keeping a constant watch over Laika before the start of the mission. Just before take-off on 3 November 1957, Laika's coat was cleaned with an ethanol solution, and those areas where the dog would wear sensors to monitor her bodily functions were painted with iodine.

One of the technicians who prepared the capsule before the final liftoff stated that "after Laika was placed in the container and before the hatch was closed, we kissed her nose and wished her bon voyage, knowing that she would not survive the flight."

Laika died hours after launch from overheating, which was probably caused by a failure of the R-7 central sustainer, part of the spacecraft's thermal system, to separate from the payload. The true cause and time of her death was not revealed until 2002; instead, it was widely reported that she had died on the sixth day,4 ran out of oxygen, or as the Soviet government initially claimed, was euthanised before oxygen depletion. The experiment demonstrated that it is possible for a living passenger to survive being put into orbit and endure microgravity, paving the way for human spaceflight and providing scientists with some of the first data on how living organisms react to spaceflight environments. Following Laika, the USSR sent eight more dogs into space, six of which returned alive to Earth.

Sputnik 2 was not designed to be retrievable, and it was always intended that Laika would die. The mission sparked a worldwide debate about the mistreatment of and experiments on animals to advance science. In the UK, the National Canine Defence League (NCDL, now the Dog Foundation) called for dog owners to observe a minute's silence in Laika's honour. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) received protests even before Radio Moscow had finished announcing the launch. Several animal rights groups protested outside Soviet embassies, others demonstrated outside the United Nations in New York, but some American scientists offered support to their Soviet colleagues, at least before Laika's death was announced.


A Laika y a todos los astronautas de 4 patas que llegaron al Espacio

«Cuanto más tiempo pasa, más lamento lo sucedido. No debimos haberlo hecho... ni siquiera aprendimos lo suficiente de esta misión como para justificar la pérdida del animal.»
Comentó Oleg Gazenko, uno de los principales científicos del programa de animales en el espacio, y entrenador de Laika

Laika tenía solo dos años y antes de ser recogida para el programa espacial no había conocido más que el frío de las calles moscovitas. Antes del lanzamiento, Yazdovsky quiso obsequiarla con un poco de felicidad y se la llevó a su casa para que jugara con sus hijos: “Quería hacer algo bueno por ella, ya que le quedaba muy poco tiempo de vida”.

Vladimir Yazdovsky hizo la selección final de perros y designó sus roles. Laika iba a ser la «perra voladora» —un sacrificio a la ciencia en una misión de ida al espacio. Albina, que ya había volado dos veces en un cohete de prueba a gran altura, se designó como reserva de Laika. El tercer perro, Mushka, era un «perro de control» -se quedaría en tierra y era usada para probar la instrumentación y el soporte vital.

Laika fue colocada en la cápsula del satélite el 31 de octubre de 1957 —tres días antes del inicio de la misión. En esa época del año, las temperaturas en el sitio de lanzamiento eran extremadamente bajas, por lo que se usó una manguera conectada a un calentador para mantener caliente el contenedor. Dos asistentes estaban encargados de vigilar constantemente a Laika antes del comienzo de la misión. Justo antes del despegue, el 3 de noviembre de 1957, se limpió el pelaje de Laika con una solución de etanol, y le pintaron con yodo aquellas áreas donde la perra llevaría sensores para vigilar sus funciones corporales.

Uno de los técnicos que preparó la cápsula antes del despegue final declaró que «después de la colocación de Laika en el contenedor y antes de cerrar la escotilla, le besamos la nariz y le deseamos buen viaje, sabiendo que no iba a sobrevivir al vuelo.»

Laika murió horas después del lanzamiento por sobrecalentamiento,​ que probablemente fue ocasionado por un fallo del sustentador de la central R-7, que forma parte del sistema térmico de la nave, al separarse de la carga útil.​ La verdadera causa y tiempo de su muerte no fue revelada sino hasta 2002; en cambio, fue ampliamente informado que había muerto al sexto día,​ se quedó sin oxígeno, o como el gobierno soviético alegó inicialmente, fue sometida a eutanasia antes del agotamiento del oxígeno. El experimento demostró que es posible que un pasajero vivo sobreviva al ser puesto en órbita y soportar la microgravedad, allanando el camino para los vuelos espaciales humanos y proporcionando a los científicos algunos de los primeros datos sobre cómo los organismos vivos reaccionan a los entornos de los vuelos espaciales. Tras Laika, la URSS envió ocho perros más al espacio, de los cuales seis regresaron con vida a la Tierra

El Sputnik 2 no fue diseñado para ser recuperable, y siempre se tuvo la intención de que Laika muriera. La misión desencadenó un debate mundial sobre el maltrato y los experimentos con animales para avanzar en la ciencia. En el Reino Unido, la Liga Nacional de Defensa Canina (NCDL, actualmente Fundación para los Perros) pidió que los dueños de perros guardaran un minuto de silencio en honor a Laika. La Real Sociedad para la Prevención de la Crueldad contra los Animales (RSPCA) recibió protestas incluso antes de que Radio Moscú hubiera terminado de anunciar el lanzamiento. Varios grupos protectores de los derechos animales protestaron frente a embajadas soviéticas. Otros se manifestaron frente a las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York;​ sin embargo, algunos científicos estadounidenses ofrecieron apoyo a sus colegas soviéticos, por lo menos antes de que se anunciara la muerte de Laika.

Jerralyn Franzic: Lovely space sim you have here! Perfect for people overwhelmed with the giant space sims, like the ISM ones in Kitely and SL. :) 2 years ago
If the ocean were whisky
And I was a duck
I’d swim to the bottom
And drink my way up
~Ry Cooder~

But today I ain't ducking around. This outfit is not suitable for diving. But it is suitable for drinking. Let's raise a glass for oh HELLO.

Jerralyn Franzic: I already have a version of this outfit, in my OSgrid account. Good stuff, looks even better IMO if you have some tattoos on. Can't recall where I snagged it in Open Sim. Fun to wear whenever I feel a... 2 years ago

à retenir
et voila

Jamie Wright: Bonjour Falene:) This pic makes me hopeful you're soon to open one of your amazing regions again:) Whatever the path, all the best to you:) 2 years ago

JETZT einen 2. Stock voll mit Möbeln .. Schlafzimmer, Wohnzimmer, Küche .. Deco Deco Deco .. viel Spass beim Shoppen

Bella Diesel: sure .. i am german .. this happend hahhaha 2 years ago
A celebration of the life of Veritas McMaster is to be held on the Alternate Metraverse Grid on 1/2/23 @ 10 -12 SLT grid time
Veri loved this world and the people who lived in it with her. Please show your love and respect for the person she was in your life and celebrate her together.


Littlefield Grid: So very sorry to hear this she was a wonderful lady and she will be greatly missed by all of us. 2 years ago
Have you wished your avatar could feel more 'real' ? Add footstep sounds! I have free footstep devices for male and female avatars. When you wear them and walk your avatar SOUNDS LIKE it is actually present and walking. Be Alive! Make Noise! Now at

Arcfury: I had been accustomed to footsteps in VR, but I noticed that they were a bit lacking here. 2 years ago

Soul Dreams Living Room .. Sofa with Sequence Cuddle Menue !
Have fun with it .. hugs Bella

JeanDagostino: habt ihr wunderschön gemacht ♥ gut übersichtlich und mit sehr viel liebe zum detail ♥ 2 years ago

We wish all the residents of OpenSim a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Enjoy the time wherever you are.

Love and peace to you all!

Charlene McNally: Merry Christmas from Pa 2 years ago
„Jetzt leuchten die Kerzen überall. Deshalb ich wünsche Euch, dass deren Wärme und Geborgenheit Euch durch das gesamte Jahr begleitet. Habt ein frohes Weihnachtsfest!“
"Now the candles shine everywhere. Therefore, I wish you that their warmth and security will accompany you throughout the year. Have a Merry Christmas!" Von mir auch frohe Weihnachten 2 years ago

People in Hell want to Ice Skate.
Join them in Immersive at Dante's Inferno Ice Skating 3D Artscape Immersive experience. Coming SOON!

Thirza Ember: hell freezing over? It'll never hap... oh wait. 2 years ago

MiguelTorres: Many thanks for the lovely night and music!! Lena Noris and Miguel Torres 2 years ago
Happy Happy!
I'll be brief. Cranberry-Eggnog Cheesecake awaits me (don't be a hater). I like this outfit so much I'd wear it any season. I'll just swap out the festive dress for something without the snowflakes. That's it. Time for cheesecake! Merry Merry!

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Thirza Ember: short but sweet! Love it! 2 years ago
If you have not upgraded to DREAMGRID 5.28 - May I suggest you do? It has many bug fixes, and I have noticed that a LOT OF THINGS seem to work a lot better with 5.28 than with any other version previous. This is amazing! Be sure to thank super-genius Fred for his amazing and awesome work. :)

Marianna : It's an honor to work with you. You have been a great help to me. I appreciate everything you have done for me. My sincerest thanks go to you for all the help you provided. 2 years ago
some of you may have noticed that suddenly the rides that were not jerky suddenly are. Well the newest upgraded in opensim is causing that issues. so until creator can look at it and fix it they will still look like that. Sorry for the inconvenience.

OpenSimUser: Yes thats why i havent updated to the newest just yet. It is possible for you to rollback to a previous version, but Fred would have to tell you how to do that. That is if you are running Dreamgrid. 2 years ago
Sometimes people spy on you.
They use a simple script like this one and put it in any object.
key gkyOwner;

gkyOwner = llGetOwner();
listenHandle = llListen(0, "", "", "");

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
llInstantMessage(gkyOwner,name + ": " +message);
This script then reports back to them everything you say in local chat - EVEN ON ANOTHER GRID. How can you find these hidden bugs? They could be inside that vase of roses, or even in your wedding band ! Well now you can. The Xray Spy Device will let you see scripted items all around you. It's up to you to God mode them, and read the script inside to see if it's a spy script. Ask yourself a simple question. Does that rock my friend gave me really need a script?
Come get your Xray Spy Device today at

CyberGlo CyberStar: i totally agree, however i've tested it out and the spy script works very well. 2 years ago

Arponera: Party!!! 2 years ago
What is OpenSimWorld?
According to their own statement;

"OpenSimWorld is a directory of 3D worlds that use the open source OpenSimulator software and are connected to each other via the hypergrid functionality. OpenSimWorld is not a Grid, and we don't host or rent regions, we only provide an easy way to discover amazing virtual worlds and to advertise your own region."

So, tell us please, what good does it do to go to a place looking for places to go and all we run into the most is bickering, backbiting, pointing fingers, accusations and such?

As it is stated "we only provide an easy way to discover amazing virtual worlds and to advertise your own region."

THIS is why people come to OSW, not for all the drama.

I constantly get complaints about people who come here and all they seem to see is the drama instead of what they are really looking for. That alone makes it something to consider, and it may be time to clean up the house a bit as opposed to using drama as a means to get people to come and say something.

If you stop feeding trolls, they stop coming to look for something to feed on.
It's kinda like when you see a bear enter your back yard, do you feed it? NO, because if you do, it knows to keep coming back because it found food there, and that is a very dangerous thing.
Hypergrid Safari Four Region Tour
A whirlwind tour of four art venues in Opensim, this year’s HG Safari Tour for the OSCC is a Special Event taking you to OSgrid, Pangea, Kitely and Craft.
You will see the work of Ellen Tiratzo and Ernest Moncreiff, Karima Hoisan and Dale Innes, Tosha Tyran, and Nyx Breen. 12/13/22 at OSCC. Visit the largest 3D Art in all of the Virtual Worlds. Immersive at Pangea. hop://

Marianna : I love seeing the arts being promoted at the OSCC, thank you Thriza! 2 years ago
good event idea

snik snoodle: twe's on fire tonight :) 2 years ago
With Gratitude ala Grief
I wish to take a moment to Thank those who endear themselves to the term Griefers, :) .
I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to those called the lowlifes and losers, those often compared to the scummy dross of life. To those who keep demanding my attention daily with repeated attempts to upset the Metaverselife grid performance, Thank You, For It Is You Who have given me the gift of Knowledge. If it were not for the Griefers,.. I would think I was doing something right.. If not for the Griefers,.. I would not be learning network technology, with big words like bottlenecking ,throttling and other wizardry spell stuff. Learning is cool. If not for the Griefers, I would never have learned how to ban Mac Addresses or full ranges of Network IPs. Learning is cool . If not for the Griefers, I would not have learned about ICMP Flooding. P.S. learning is cool. If not for the Griefers, I would not know what a deal a Ddos attack is. Learning is cool. SO ,..To those pimples on the ass of society, the Griefers,.. THANK YOU,..... thank you for showing me that I need to update my education in order to secure the Metaverselife grid,..To the Griefers,.. Thank you for starting me on the journey of obtaining accurate knowledge, cause why... thats right,.. learning is cool. Thank you for showing me the true nature of the tortured beast ,mankind. May God bless you with mercy and all you richly deserve. Tis the season so.....remember to be good to everyone you meet :) ,....... Hes makin a list,.. and checkin it twice,... He gonna find out whos naughty and nice ;) , oh and thanks for the fish

Nach dem Spaziergang fit machen für den Job.^^
Getting fit for the job after the walk.^^

Suzan Von Otter: äh ja , ich bin gespannt was das am ende ist für ein Job ;) 2 years ago

Today 20.30 Uhr (11.30 a.m. SLT)
Freibier für Alle --- Free Beer for Everyone

KarinBecker: Danke für diesen Tollen Abend Tolle Musik nette und liebe Leute gruss Karin 2 years ago
I understand that it is very modern and populist to support a cause that we know nothing about. Just because it already has a million followers on social networks. I also understand that you denounce anyone who deviates from the flock of followers. I also understand how easy it is to show a heartbreaking photo that you know nothing about and write a stunning message underneath it ... about something else.
I just don't understand why people instantly believe in fraud and fakes. I don't understand why they are ready to go to war in defense of foreign interests.
I don't understand why and when we stopped looking for the truth...

Spax Orion: "BE" the change you would like to see in the world. Our actions can often influence others. I cancelled social networks several years ago and have been better for it, there is no reasoning with a "mob... 2 years ago
petite question, suis inscrite, au groupe
cependant rien n'est mentionné au niveau de mon avatar .
Et si cela était pris sur mon premier avatar ? Falene Francogrid ?
ce serait ballot !

falene hawks: jour merci suis bien connectée de partout (sans mauvaise idée) 2 years ago

📝 Espace francophone

Partagez des messages en français sur OpenSimWorld. Annoncez votre grille, vos régions, les événements et les rencontres francophones. Contribuez au dynamisme de la communauté.

Alright, I have an update about how some grids can teleport into my grid and some cannot. We had a rebranding of the grid, and some grid's DNS cache is still showing the old continuum address. A clearing of the grid DNS cache should help clear up those failed teleports. I have tested with many grids and it works flawlessly to and from said grids. There are just a couple whose residents cannot teleport into our grid, after all the research it isn't our end. We have no bans on any avatar or grid. If you are at a grid and cannot teleport into VHG maybe try teleporting to Osgrid and then into VHG cause there are no issues with Osgrid to VHG. Thank you, everyone, for reaching out to me and letting me know you would like to visit, it isn't VHG end this time.

Jerralyn Franzic: Thanks! My OSgrid avatar can enter your grid with zero issues. Haven't tried it with my Kitely one yet. 2 years ago

Pinewood Run Trailer - Premiering LIVE on YouTube @ 4:30 PM OS Time!!!
Watch Here:

Roland Francis: WoW, what an intro (!) Seriously awesome machinima 2 years ago
Let's face it, things get completely MAD in the Hypergrid.
From technology glitches to virtual relationships it can get wacky. So in this light, we thought it would be fun to share those times here with Comics so that we all can have a bit of stress relief!

Antonia Ling: Ask Alfred E. Neumann for support. 2 years ago
Me? In Second Life? Help!
Well, after a 10 year vacation from SL, I thought I'd go visit. But I've heard that using Firestorm for SL and Firestorm for OS will mess up my preferences. Is that true? And if so, how do I avoid it?

Also, the picture has nothing to do with me or the question. I just think it's cute :)

HanHeld: My first/best suggestion would be to use a different viewer but the problem there is that the UI is different. The default viewer and black dragon are two I'd suggest -cool vl viewer if you can deal w... 2 years ago
Hey, That's Not My Profile Picture!
Well, it is now! At least for use on my regions' visitor boards. The boards ordinarily show the profile pictures of the last two visitors. But if someone doesn't have a profile picture, an extra special one shows up on the boards. Now, if you would like help getting an authentic profile picture, let me know. In the mean time, your profile picture on Xinashi is going to be pretty darn goofy.

Xinashi: Where everyone gets a profile picture, whether they want one or not. :)

Thirza Ember: I think you should just put goofy photos for everyone. A lot of profile pictures are awful. 2 years ago

New shops at the Welcome in sky.
Come and grab our new stuff!
You find Teleporter at every 2nd shop around the welcome.
Happy shopping!!!

Tinapotira: NAO CONSIGO IR PRA ESSA REGIÃO 2 years ago

Partytime im TPW und Nasti entführt uns musikalisch in die 70er Jahre. Wir starten um 20:00 Uhr und freuen uns auf Euch.

Marina Baer: Ich kann nur sagen, dieser Abend war super spitze. Danke an die vielen tollen (verrückten) Gäste und vor allem ein dickes DANKE an Nasti für die super tolle Musik :-) 2 years ago
@ Bella.Diesel

[10:30] Bella.Diesel das was du machst ist ja wohl arbeit die entlohnt wird richtig

Nein die OpenSimulator Developer und Beta Tester sowie die Firestorm Viewer Beta Tester bekommen kein Geld , kein Danke und machen alles umsonst.

No, the OpenSimulator developers and beta testers as well as the Firestorm Viewer beta testers get no money, no thanks and do everything for free.

Visit the mall you find a lot of usefull things like
seasonal things (xmas, halloween, valentine ...) clothing, furniture, textures, bodies, hair, houses, and much more.


Susannah: Interesting to see one of my yellow trucks there! 2 years ago

I'm so happy that I found Hidden Dreams grid! Everyone I've met has been so welcoming, helpful and nice!

PinDeluca: So happy to have you as part of our family Quinnley 2 years ago

Welcome Tala!

PinDeluca: Tala - You Made it ! 2 years ago
Pretty, Pink, Punched and Pierced
Well, well,well. What do we have here? The Iris pink Plastic mini skirt and top. Booties (tinted pink by moi) from the R2 KOHARU Dress silver outfit. The R. Lion-Bebe Hair fat pack, part of a huge collection available soon on the CopyKat Grid. Also, jewelry.

But the coolest of that is the PUNCH _ Starry Night _ Collarbone piercing. I found it about three years ago at some shop I've now forgotten. I haven't seen this piercing in any shop since. Dare I say it? This is a rare object and, as far as I can tell, now only available at oh HELLO.

oh HELLO: Outfits with Options

Luna Lunaria: Love the pink outfit. Might have to check this one out :-) 2 years ago

Please help me Welcome Kamkura to the group...he is from France.....interested in cycles and sailing.

PinDeluca: Bonjour Kama - Welcome to the family. 2 years ago


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