Spax Orion @SpaxOrion


Ozone MiniVerse -


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A little late but this is how I solved it... I place a new script in the car and define multiple states in it. For each state I use a llSensorRepeat in passive mode to search for a named (unscripted) prim. I set the script to scan every 5 seconds, when it detects the target is within 1m it will execute the command I specified then change to a NEW state. llSensorRepeat will now scan for the next prim. You can have a state for EACH stop. This example could be used for a TOUR TRAM ride... I used invisible unscripted prims, each uniquely named. You can also have it scan for scripted prims... change PASSIVE to ACTIVE for that. You may need to adjust range and time intervals accordingly.

llSensorRepeat("Stop-1-PRIM", "" ,PASSIVE, 1.0, PI, 5.0 );
//1.0 is the range in meters, PI is 360 degree scan, 5.0 is a 5 second interval
sensor (integer num_detected)
string message ="Our first stop on this tour takes us to this beautiful organic vegetable farm";
llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, message);
state two;

state two
llSensorRepeat("Stop-2-PRIM", "" ,PASSIVE, 1.0, PI, 5.0 );
sensor (integer num_detected)
string message ="Our next stop on the tour takes use to the raw sewage dump which just opened across the street! The organic farmers are FURIOUS!";
llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, message);
state default; // returns you to the default state or you could specify a third state and KEEP GOING...

// I hope this code snippet helps!
Wow,helps a great deal...thanks Spax!
ooh a sewerage dump! Making a note to add :D
I could not believe how flawlessly the prototype worked. The tour car did not miss a single announcement along the path.
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Now I know not to use the latest FS for Opensim... Thanks folks!
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There was a popular kiss and hug hud in SL that I would love to see on opensim. Is that the one you were speaking of, Mistress?
Yes, which I believe I have in my inventory somewhere. With this in hand, the project does speed up considerably. Thank you for the reminder!
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All I know is that my cost of living was MUCH LOWER under Trump, I must work 2 jobs under Biden and have less money in the bank to save for my retirement. You are free to choose whomever you want, that is your right. I will never belittle someone because of their FREEDOM to CHOOSE. I do NOT like EITHER candidate, but I will choose based on my experience. We have experienced what it is like under both leading candidates and if you can honestly say that you are doing better TODAY than you were 5 years ago. Then you know who to pick. It is when you DO NOT pick that you do not have the right to complain. Trump will do what he says: NO INCOME TAX ON MY TIPS? Count me in on that one!
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I saw the PBR Second Life demo video. When compared with ULTRA (without pbr) I thought the older Ultra looked slightly better, I understand where they are trying to go with this but like all new things, it could take a while before people are willing to adopt it.
I compare this photo with LOW and MID quality of "old". If this one photo is comparable to "Ultra"...... imediatelly fire all staff!
No, their superiors the employees only carry out instructions
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I tried the Linux version of FS PBR and it would not render any graphics for me. I am guessing this means I need to upgrade my server and I am not ready to do that, Now that I have everything working to my satisfaction, I want to enjoy the fruits of my labor, not go through the hassle of upgrading everything AGAIN!
I've tested Firestorm 7 on my tower with dedicated graphics on grids running various OpenSim versions from OSgrid's to ArribaSim FreAki which is partly still 0.8.x.x at its core. It worked everywhere.

On the other hand, on my laptop with on-board graphics, Firestorm 7 had a hard time loading an avatar. The debug console claimed it failed to download certain surfaces (Error 503), and the avatar stayed cloudy until I removed all attachments and replaced all textures with plain white. The surroundings worked. That was on, and my tower works just fine on the same sim on the same grid with the same avatar.

Both machines run Debian testing.

So it could be a client-side issue, but even that is still mysterious to me. If you could tell me a sim I could visit for a test, I'd do so with the tower and see what happens.
totally agree ... from this point on the grid owners are the problem.. as long as they allow V 6.xxxx in the grid everything is fine
I will keep my grid V6 and I will mention this in the description pages for my public regions.
for the moment a good plan from a technical point of view
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System avatars are not only a requirement, it is PART of the user experience which was envisioned when the park started development several years ago... The description page makes it perfectly clear what the requirements for entry are. Even the employees wear system avatars and they are MISERABLE. The park is appropriately named and the edicts are strictly enforced per the brochure. Cheers.
Being ejected & having my viewer crash is part of the "user experience"? Sounds more like griefing to me. Guess I'll move on. Was hoping to help you improve your parks as someone that's pretty much the resident expert on the subject but if your intent is for people to not visit, well done!
This could have been avoided if you took the time to READ the description on this site and in the HGSafari article. Our edicts are strictly enforced by scripts using OSSL code that is built into Opensimulator, so how is that griefing when I am using commands approved by Opensim developers? I make no apologies for any inconvenience this has caused. The theme park does it's job well and entertains a small niche looking for something different. I DO NOT need your advice on how to make my park better when your fair is not even open to the public. Opensim is FREE but NOT a FREE-For-All. At Dismayland, guests use it my way or they hit the highway.
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I would like to point out that even if you remove duplicates, the friend list is still not 100% reliable. I still have issues with friends not showing up online regardless of the grid I am logged into. For this reason I collect calling cards and use those for staying in touch with people, the friend list in Opensim needs to be fixed to work better on HG.
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I purchased a refurbished computer from Amazon for hosting my simulators. The cost of the machine was less than the price of 1 YEAR worth of hosting and it literally paid for itself in less than 6 months. Austin Tate has an excellent tutorial on running your own simulator. I was shocked when I found out just how easy it is to start my own grid. Lots of free info and support out there... Good Luck!
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Host the server yourself and then you get to control when the backups occur and you might save a little time and frustration... It works for me. Peace!
Moving to OSGrid as soon as I can retrieve my OAR
don't go to OsGrid, they crash a ton and you lose ALL your assets or even inventory! Look into hosting a Dreamgrid, that's what I do. \o/
When I moved to OSGRID, I could not get an OAR so.... I made large linksets of items which could be safely grouped together. I made a notecard with the coordinates of each object. I transferred all items to the OSgrid avatar then copied and pasted all positions and rotations of each item... within an hour or two I had everything in the new location. I used the region control panel to export the RAW file for the terrain I worked so hard on.
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Remember, if you end up in the afterlife, you walk through the portal and get health FULLY RESTORED but you must start from the beginning. IF by chance you get TP home, send me a bug report explaining what happened so I can fix it... Cheers
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So Glad you are enjoying Dismayland! Presently I am taking a short break then I will return to add some more tweaks to the park!
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BETA TESTERS: Head on over to The Afterlife and test the new rides installed there. (hint: do something that looks dangerous) This weekend I plan on adding 2 more rides which will make the ones on the ground look harmless... Luckily, you cannot die in The Afterlife because you are already deceased and waiting to return to Virtual Life (with health restored) by entering the portal.
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Sure... get really close to WANDA and see what happens!
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a lot has changed since your last visit =D NEW surprises! The Festival of Fatalities is a MUST try if you have patience!
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Since the posting of this article, I have added 3 NEW rides to 'The Afterlife' area (Hint: Take a swim) and "Festival of Fatalities" Funhouse is completed. So, get your free SYSTEM avatar at and take a chaotic virtual holiday at Dismayland! The BETA continues, report BUGS to Spax Orion!
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Here is my vote: There are 4 ways to do things, the RIGHT way, the WRONG way, MY WAY or THE HIGHWAY... I'll check the first box because I obey your rules when I come to your place, obey my rules when you visit my home!
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Gets popcorn and a soda!
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Dreary pie! This is Dismayland! Sorry... I could not resist!
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Just to clear something up... I may be a verified user but I am not a moderator, I cannot change anything on this site other than what I post. I consider Opensimworld's owner to be a good friend and a mentor. I will beta test and report things. I am a community member just like you.
My mistake, I corrected the text. Excuse me.
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Need a BREAK from OpensimWorld DRAMA? Take a CHAOTIC HOLIDAY at Dismayland! We've added new features and new perils to amuse you. Be sure to read the region description before visiting.... CHEERS!