Spax Orion @SpaxOrion


Ozone MiniVerse -


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Good question. The reason I turn off the FLY option is because some of my regions are heavily themed. Having avatars fly around breaks immersion or established lore in your sim. Disabling flight is OPTIONAL and does not provide any security, moreover some legal viewers can override this setting. I have seen sim owners in SL and OS banish users for flying where it is not permitted.
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From the OPENSIM wiki: Actively Malicious Hosts
The new security threat introduced by openness, one that does not exist in closed grids, is the possibility of a user to visit a region that is running malicious code. In the current state of opensim, a malicious host can do serious damage to the user's assets. Let's see how.

Assume you have your assets in your hypergrided-standalone opensim, and you go visit another opensim that happens to be running malicious code. Here is a non-exhaustive list of vulnerabilities that you are exposed to:

The host has your session id, so it can request your inventory items on your behalf and store copies in its local asset server. To add insult to injury, a malicious host could simply wipe out your inventory after having copied it.
Even if the malicious host doesn't access your items by itself, every time you access items in your inventory while you are in that region, those items are cached in the region's local cache, and can be stored persistently by the malicious host.
Malicious hosts can do a lot more damage, but those two are enough to illustrate this new kind of vulnerability affecting open grids. Note that this affects all open grids, i.e. those where arbitrary people can plug-in their opensims, and not just the hypergrid.
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I encountered the same bug... some of my replies are not posting either... I have reported the problem.
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The suitcase is a temporary storage folder where content is stored when traveling on foreign grids. Once you return home, you can move the content to your regular inventory folder. You only want items in your suitcase that you plan on using when traveling outside of your grid. The less items in there, the quicker those items will load when you attempt to use them.
Just finished weeding out the suitcases in my AMV and Kitely accounts. Took the better part of an hour. 2 main avis, and three alts! Thankfully not as bad (or as massive) as managing my SL inventories, that's taking forever and a day...
It took me about a year to get my SL inventory under control. I still have too much stuff I should get rid of. Cheers!
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Lets try this again, my response apparently vanished. I will report the error... I used to host regions on Zetaworlds and I was under the impression that they were still an open grid, I can confirm that is still possible.
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I have not deleted any comments and WILL NOT delete comments. I DO NOT believe in censoring opposing views.

I am well versed in the creation of NPCs. I can tell you that the appearance notecards are INSECURE. If you are wearing your inventory in a prim when you are cloned, the owner of the generated appearance card has access to anything you are wearing and the CONTENTS within it.
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A really fast server is essential for hosting. If you are not on Fiber and your upload is limited to 10% (I am looking at you, COMCAST) of your download speed, you will not be able to have many avatars at your party. That bandwidth goes FAST and your visitors will experience lag as scene elements are loading.
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I am making a new profile post on "Getting the most out of OPENSIM: for hobbyists and hypergrid travelers." I will cover things you can do to protect your regions and things you can do to protect yourself when traveling abroad.
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now that I am here, what should I do?
I am testing the group chat. thanks for joining
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Using my spare time for the benefit of the community certainly isn't lost time. Cheers!
ok sweet dreams :D
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When the community contributes as a team, EVERYONE BENEFITS. This is a hallmark of Free and Open software movement. =D
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Thanks everyone for the positive feedback on this topic. =D
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What an EPIC answer! I should have said Opensim is free as in Freedom not free as in BEER. As far as running pirated MS software in WINE, there are plenty of BETTER alternatives you can run on Linux for FREE. I got rid of Windows right around the time that Shits-da (I mean Vista) came out and I have been better for it. I felt the need to share this article because I see naysayers pushing their views on how they think people should run their simulators and I could not resist the urge to set the record straight. PEACE!
I use linux, but that doesn't stop me from having to use wine... I can't remove it
I am still using Macromedia Studio 8 (Before Adobe absorbed and destroyed it) in WINE. Mostly for Fireworks but I still make video elements in Flash and HTML in Dreamweaver. Wine lets you enjoy longevity from your old Windows programs; long after their planned end of life... Also, it is a necessary evil for some of my audio plugins that I use in REAPER for music production. Cheers.
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It is my understanding that there is a small team of volunteers working on opensimulator, fixing the code is not a full-time job for them, they give their time freely to maintain the project. Kitely has taken the code and applied their own patches to it, because of the BSD licence, they are not required to share their fixes. @Pagane it could take more time for bugs to be found and patched but as you stated, anyone is free to look at the code and fix it for themselves.
Not using the GPL license for opensim was a big mistake. The most robust open source projects use GPL.
I agree: The GPL is designed to prevent the proprietary commercialization of Open Source code and encourages developers to contribute to development of the software; the BSD license places minimal restrictions on this behavior so anyone can take the code and do whatever they want with it without having to contribute anything back to the project.
The proprietary, non-free, closed-source, commercial payware macOS was mostly cobbled together from free, open-source FreeBSD. Should give you to think.
YES... Microsoft has ALSO stolen ideas from Linux then PATENTED them... if they tried to sue, many of those patents would be invalidated because the Linux community can prove they invented it. It is a shame that these big monopolies profit off of open source and try to do what they can to shut them down. Remember when Steve Ballmer was spreading FUD about Linux? At that same time right under his nose, Linux (in the form of Android) was gaining traction in the MOBILE arena. The harder he squeezed the more FLOSS slipped through his fingers. HA HA.
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In order to generate an IAR you would also need access to the simulator console which is only available to region operators. In generating an IAR the 'user name' and 'password' is used in the command string to generate the archive. You do not want to share this information with anyone.
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Unfortunately, NO. Only REGION operators can use the console commands that generate oars. This is because OSgrid is not hosting all of the regions, individual users are. Instructions are given on showing you how to host your own region using a spare computer at home and then connecting it to osgrid.

You can transfer items to your Kitely avatar or any other HG alt; assuming you have the necessary permissions to do so. This may be the best option for someone in your situation. Good luck.
Thanks, I think the IAR format page I linked to in Pagane's comment is helpful. That should do the trick. :)
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The latest version of Ruth 2 should have Bakes on Mesh support and therefore the avatar can wear system clothing and attachments. I have had great success with legacy clothing on mesh avatars. Sometimes finding proper fitting meshes can be a pain in the neck, this is where BOM can really shine and there are so many legal templates and textures to be found. Be sure to check out the outworldz OAR and IAR libraries. The one with the Creative Commons licenses are optimal. You can modify the clothing templates in your favorite photo editor for infinite options. Opensim is a playground for your imagination and there is no limit to what you can achieve with it using only legal content. Kudos to you!
Thanks, Spax. :)
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That sounds like a fun recreation. Some NPC shows could be FUN, will Jimi Hendricks be there??? Watch out for the virtual drugs... Those candy corns will take you out of this world!
im all for it if you want to send me a npc show, currently I have an animesh band. stage is done, there are quiet a few tents, and beetles. one v.w you can smoke a hookah in and sit on the couch and do adult stuff. entrance is done with ticket booth, even rez a car and drive on in. im open to things people give me that I can use. if you have a Jimi Hendricks animesh would love one. Also looking for a 60's 70's stream.
NPCs are always fun to create and shows can be easily constructed using the Active NPC framework mentioned in the script library on this site. Moreover, Opensim supports 60 second sound loops and I am sure those could be made to sync with any acts you compose with it.
i havent worked with npc framework in so long, i dont remember how to use it. plus i dont have any of the stuff you originally gave me. there all on the old database.
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The best response to trolls is NO RESPONSE. You see, troublemakers get their kicks from causing others distress, they are like vampires feeding off of negative energy. When they come to taunt you and you act like they do not exist, THEY STARVE... they head to greener pastures where they can stir up mayhem. So, rev up your insufferably clever ban utilities, deny permissions to strangers and rest with some peace of mind....
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Trolling the TROLLS, how poetic! Where's my popcorn?
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ALWAYS LOOK FOR TROUBLE: Not to get into it, but to STAY OUT of it.
best advice ever.