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Yes YOU can be a millionaire! I can see from the picture that Dorena stands with Trump. What a very sad sad day... It's very sad, so sad in fact, it's super sad. You don't see me posting pictures of me standing with Biden.
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Gateway to the stars should be called Gateway to dull. If I could give it -5 stars I would. It's very dated. No Mesh. Sucky design. You can tell they didn't spend much time on it just by the fact some buildings have nothing in them. I guess the owner couldn't be bothered. The space ship uses outdated graphics that are stretched everywhere on the computer read outs and really look horrible. It's like who did they build this for? Maybe a three year old would enjoy it, if they were half blind and didn't care about oh... anything. I've seen better sims from complete noobs that stick two prims together. Real sim design takes effort and patience and love, and obviously none of that was included here. Zero stars because it doesn't go lower. Waste of electricity.
LOL...another one that was never at the sim and adds shit comments at profile? You must have a bad real life. Our RP people enjoy it since 2008 in SL. What do you have? How can you know about no mesh by your fantasies alone.. OMG..another idiot here. I can only feel sorry for you. 18 days registered in OSW and you know without a sim on your own...ROFL. Maybe you should build something first with so many tech things we have (scripted) and then comment ...I invite you to see that environment.
Btw..we dont have space ships..This alone proves the nonsense.
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Cyber, you are very awesome! Ignore these communist bisque eaters and drink coconut milk with us! :D
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Your plants are just so amazing!!!!! Every time I hear you are about to release another one I scream like a little girl! Then I jump up and down and do the happy dance in a circle, excited to find out if it has flowers, leaves, branches, colors, stamen, pistol? OMG!!! I CANNOT CONTAIN MYSELF! :D
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Orange Desert Sands...
Kissed by Arakis