StevieZee @StevieZee


DJ Stevie, has a unique style which will bring a smile to your face. Owner of Club INFINITY.

Liked posts

Wolf Territories Community Meeting starts momentary! Come on out and learn about some cool tech! Workspace

Xenon Darrow: It was so fun and gratifying to see so many people running about and grabbing their workspaces! 1 month ago
**** OPENSIM Grandpiano V3 - Updated Release! ****

What's New:
• Fixed last UUID sound issue (to improve performance in OpenSim).
• Piano dialog now visible to everyone (not just the owner).
• New "ALL" notecard to play all 40 tracks in sequence (*).
• Improved sound quality with louder and stereo output.

(*) It takes on average 02 minutes to load them all and there is a 10 seconds pause between a music to another.

Special thanks for Clifford Hangar, owner of ALTERNATE METAVERSE GRID (AMV) who kindly helped me with this script and I could share to Opensim citizens,

Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen

Frank Hurt: The Norweigian Elf is actually a wizard! And he strikes again! Thanks for sharing your creations with us, Jimmy! 1 month ago
Liebe Freunde,
bald ist es wieder soweit – die fünfte Jahreszeit steht vor der Tür, und wir können es kaum erwarten, sie gemeinsam mit euch zu feiern! Dieses Jahr erwartet euch ein kunterbuntes Programm voller Spaß, Musik und guter Laune.
Los geht’s am Donnerstag, den 27. Februar, mit unserer großartigen Kostümparty. Kommt in euren kreativsten, verrücktesten oder elegantesten Outfits und startet mit uns in die Karnevalstage. Für die perfekte musikalische Stimmung sorgt unser DJ Marlon, der euch mit den besten Klängen den ganzen Abend über begleitet. Tanzen, lachen und feiern ist angesagt – das dürft ihr nicht verpassen!
Weiter geht es am Montag, den 3. März, mit dem Höhepunkt der Karnevalssaison: dem großen Pangea Rosenmontagsumzug in Köln. Freut euch auf farbenfrohe Wagen, beeindruckende Kostüme und die einzigartige Karnevalsatmosphäre, die Köln so besonders macht. „Kamelle!“ und jede Menge Spaß erwarten euch in den Straßen der Domstadt – seid dabei und feiert mit uns diesen unvergesslichen Tag!
Den Abschluss bildet am Dienstag, den 4. März, die traditionelle Nubbelverbrennung. Gemeinsam verabschieden wir uns von den Karnevalstagen und lassen mit dem Nubbel symbolisch all unsere „Sünden“ zurück. Lasst uns diesen Moment nutzen, um die festliche Zeit mit einem Lächeln ausklingen zu lassen.
Markiert euch die Termine im Kalender und bringt Freunde, Familie und gute Laune mit. Wir freuen uns auf euch und eine unvergessliche Karnevalszeit!
Alaaf und Helau!
Euer Pangea Team
Dear Friends,
The time has come – the festive season of Carnival is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to celebrate it with you! This year, we’ve prepared a vibrant program full of fun, music, and great vibes.
We’ll kick things off on Thursday, February 27th, with our amazing Costume Party. Put on your most creative, wacky, or elegant costumes and join us to start the Carnival festivities with a bang. To keep the party alive, our fantastic DJ Marlon will be spinning the best tunes all evening, ensuring a night full of dancing, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Don’t miss it!
The highlight of the season awaits us on Monday, March 3rd, with the grand Pangea Rose Monday Parade in Cologne. Get ready for colorful floats, stunning costumes, and the unique Carnival atmosphere that Cologne is famous for. Shouts of “Kamelle!” and pure joy will fill the streets – come and be part of this spectacular day!
Finally, on Tuesday, March 4th, we’ll wrap things up with the traditional Nubbel Burning. Together, we’ll bid farewell to the Carnival days and symbolically leave behind all the “sins” of the season. Let’s enjoy this special moment and end the festive time with smiles and good spirits.
Mark these dates in your calendar, and bring your friends, family, and good vibes along. We’re looking forward to seeing you and sharing an unforgettable Carnival season!
Cheers and let’s celebrate!
Your Pangea Team

Wolf Workspace Co-Working in RL in World Pomodoro, FREE offices for participants

Don’t go to the Haunted Halloween Isles...Those who enter don’t come back. It’s a place where nightmares dwell.


(**) Modifications and instructions on how to use on "READ ME" notecard!

Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen: I forgot to mention and its already on the notecard: Once one rezes the script inside, the lamps will glow all red for few seconds.. be patience and soon they will work perfectly 5 months ago
hey everyone club ryanna is back once a month with amazing djs and singers kicking off is dj illusions then dj rich,dj ladyjo live singers nanda,evan and aint come on over for amazing music and dance with the fishes hehe

Yes folks, £5 regions are back at Wolf Territories Grid for a Limited Time. With Free terrain generator. Available in 1024x1024 to well whatever you like ( we have a 64x64)

Xenon Darrow: Best decision you could ever make, HG peeps. DO EEEET! 9 months ago



◂◄◀ WEDNESDAY MAY 11th ▶►▸
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴12:00p ∵∴ ❈ JOAO FRAZAO
» Шhat: • LIVE MUSIC •
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ SEMI/FORMAL ∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸ Hope Entertainment

All Events have been cancelled until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience we will be back up soon

Found this great character at Sketchfab. I rigged it and added it to the Rigged avatar store. Please meet "Archer"

oni kiri: 3 years ago
Hi everyone!

Heads up 1: We are changing our instant message system, and your messages will now be integrated with it.

In case there are any unread messages of the old instant-chat system, you can find them in this page:

Heads Up 2: The friends system is changing, from followers to friends. People who follow each other will now become friends, otherwise you have to accept their friend requests. Check your friends requests here:

Thank you!

Misty_Falls: Followers are just friends we have not met yet... Thanx OSW. 3 years ago
Where: Barefoot Dreamers Welcome
When: 3 years ago [11 Jan 2022 10:00 SLT]


Honeycomb cookie cutting, against the clock, kindly built by Aaack Aardvark thank you! I knew I should have chosen triangles :(

The Rainbow Room, accessible via the sign board, filled with lots of lovely rainbow items for Pride or any time of year.

Get YOUR free copy today! @ Free Magic. \/^^^\/
The Vampires Magic Hud & Ring
List of Powers:
[Teleport] tp you to any person in your sim you select.
[Shields] rez a shield around you for protection.
[Weapons] toss swords, tombstones, stakes, coffins, and crosses at a target. (go into mouselook and left click to fire weapons.)
[Flight] super fast fly mode.
[Speed] walk, jump, and run super fast.
[Cryo] rez a snow storm around you.
[Flaming Skull] toss a flaming skull at a frenemy.
[Bat's Eye] zoom in on anybody in your region.
[Vampire Teeth] rez a disk to bite someone.
[Red Star] rez a device to find nearby items.
[Security Shield] kick,ban,eject, tp home a griefer fast.
[Invisible Man] become invisible!
Avirtualworld Animesh Collection
AVW has placed all animesh & related Items in Vendors for a better experience & FR
All Free All Copy All the Time HOP: copy paste it to your map;-))
Animesh is coming!
Where: OSCC Keynote 2
When: 3 years ago [11 Dec 2021 14:30 SLT]

Animesh is the ability to put armatures into mesh objects and animate them in OpenSim. I’ll rez some examples of critters that are not humanoid and even some machines that were made for animesh. These critters and machines have advantages over NPCs, starting with anyone can rez an animesh as if it was a regular prim, while NPCs are usually restricted to estate owners or managers.

By Kayaker Magic

Hey y'all, its gonna be a good day here at Infinity. We've got the Master of Request himself, DJ Liam warming us up at 11.
At noon, Khiron Ametza will take the stage. If you haven't heard the sultry voice of this amazing singer, make sure you get here to experience her music.
DJ Liam will take over for the after party at 1.
Don't cheat yourself - treat yourself to good times at Infinity. Home of the Hottest DJs, best live acts and naughtiest host.
Here's your ride:

Your grid and users are not welcome here anymore. Your users have been harassing and messaging racist slurs at opensimworld users for years. You have harassed me personally and my family *in real life*. You keep doing it despite warnings and temporary bans

From now on you are permanently banned from listing and advertising anything from your grid in Opensimworld. Your regions are inactive anyway, they will be removed.

Your abusive accounts will be frozen. Do not attempt to create new ones , they will be removed.

Please advertise your grid etc on: Facebook, Twitter, Mewe, Discord, wherever, anywhere but NOT HERE . Enough is enough, you are not welcome here.
Well, it's been a while since I had a new release. I've been RL busy, busy and getting the garden ready for winter.
I know it's a little early for this one but before we know it the holidays will be upon us! I've put out pointsettias with and without pots in the Xmas section of the shop. They come in Red, Pink and White. Textures and all variations are included in the box.
Where: Barefoot Dreamers Welcome
When: 3 years ago [26 Oct 2021 10:00 SLT]


A question has to be posed to the community, in regards to illegal activity, preventions and counter measures.

I am the builder of Amoa Nude Beach. Along with my partner Robin, we created a nude beach region that we donated in appreciation to the amazing generosity of the owners of Barefoot-Dreamers grid. A win-win for both, in which my partner and I who have loved nude beaches since our days on secondlife, could enjoy once again. We have permanently left secondlife and no longer have to endure the abuses committed and performed by visitors or owners of those beach sims, some in a pro-active manner. All because we didn't agree with their opinions. But that is another subject altogether and not part of this discussion. We didn't build this beach for massive traffic influx nor profit. We take NO donations, traffic means nothing to us. But exists, for those that wish to enjoy it. Amoa is a place where everyone can enjoy that wishes, without question.

All that is required is 3 BASIC rules to be observed and adhered to. Human, Nude and Adult.

Measures were taken so that this is clearly prevalent BEFORE even arriving. It is shown AS an adult region. The name itself states NUDE. Our very very limited advertising (Since we do not seek waves of avatars and want to keep it comfortable and not overwhelming) states HUMAN. Simple and easy right?

However, recently it has attracted a daily stream of nothing but naked toddlers, naked pre teens, dragons, Japanamation cartoon children, demons, lumberjacks who stand on the landing fully dressed spraying and praying all females on radar and lastly, women dressed in ball room gowns.

I am not one to eject or ban and usually give plenty of warning, in hopes that all will enjoy our creation in whatever way they wish. Our aspirations have been to provide a little of everything for everyone. However, I have held back from providing some amazing custom creations, because of this recent wave of illogical behavior.

The guys dressed as lumberjacks will never stop. Same old excuse, it's to hard to take clothes off, lag, blah blah. Even when I hypergrid, I can still change to a saved outfit within 1 minute, thus proving this is merely an excuse for them to spray and pray every chick with "How are you?", "hru", "U'r Hot, want Fk?" or some other classic pickup lines like "yo" and "Hi Fk?". Because every chick just melts when a guy says those things to them. Which makes me wonder why each of these girls IM me and ask me to save them with a TP.

Which brings me to the question of this article. Is it complete lack of common sense or just a flagrant arrogant disregard of rules or merely laziness (because reading is so hard and takes too much time to read 3 words) for this increased wave of violating visitors?

I have asked some violators, what did we not do to make it clear enough? I was told that I should extend the title of the region name to include all 3 rules, plus add it to the description (even though it already is stated in description). Flagrant arrogant disregard.

Now I know for a fact there already exists pedophilia regions like Golden Sun that is comprised of mostly senior citizens using toddler avatars trying to convince each other that their mic is broken but they are really 12. Why do they feel the need to visit THIS region that clearly states that pedophilia is NOT tolerated? Which indicates a leaning towards flagrant disregard.

Some known pedophiles have already been banned such as a 70 year old man in Alberta Canada that we know his avatars.

But it all brings me back to the original question. Is it Lack of common sense, Complete flagrant arrogant disregard of rules, or just flat out laziness?

I would love to hear the feedback so I can impersonate Spock and say "Fascinating!. I am sure, enquiring minds would like to know.

I think I heard something...

Showing off the avatar vendor, freebie area(UC), OSW beacon, and a cost rundown meter of how much this instance has cost to run(for those curious). That bridge on the right goes all the way over to White Wolf ^_^ I'm also working on removing the gloebit plugin for reasons and have put a PayPal donator in its place. The cabin will serve as not only my home but as clubhouse/hangout spot for the OsGrid Furry Continent. I also took the land ad down due to lack of interest, but will bring a stipulated 1x1 online for those in the community/know me that are interested in land.

Stay frosty, Logan

Do you like this little Pumpkin Avatar?
This cute funny one is now boxed and available
for free at Novale's Halloween Curiosity Shoppe

New Castle Linked so you can take in one ...... have all a Good Time and Fun

Halloween freebies ?

I wanted to say how delighted we are at how quickly Amoa has grown in popularity. Everyday, I and my partner Robin, receive compliments and comments regarding how much people enjoy Amoa. It has been our goal to create such a place for most people, in which we try to provide a little of everything for everyone.

But none of this would be possible without Barefoot Dreamers and it's staff Huga, Gabe and Luna. All 3 of which are the nicest, kindest and helpful people you could ever meet. We are honored to be a part of their grid and glad we are contributing such a wonderful place for all. So please reach out and thank Huga Bug for being the best and kindest grid owner to date. While you are at it, PLEASE check out BarefootDreamers grid and explore. You will find, most likely, what you seek and maybe more.

The Art Factory and all Factory regions are against racism in any form.

Good Morning Everyone! :) It's Open Mic Mornin! 3 songs or 15 minute sets then pass the mic! A fun morning of LIVE performers! Stream provided if you dont have one or you can perform over local voice chat!
════════━┈ Cates's Acoustic Cafe ..━════════
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ LIVE OPEN MIC/KARAOKE ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ ★
★ ════ ☆ LIVE Musicians, Vocalists, Poets, or Comedians!
★ ════ ☆ 9:00am - 11:30am
★ ════ ☆ Map: Melody
DJ Purrr! Saturday Night Blues! GasWorks 7PM

So little weekend time, so many choices! Let GasWorks make it easy for you by having DJ Purrrfectt Catt on stage at 7PM! Problem solved! Expect great Blues and Blues rock - Lots of friends to dance with - and a great environment to party away a Saturday night! Grab a couple friends, and come on down to the "juke" tonight! Come on down and take in DJ Purrr at GasWorks! Blues Done Right!

Please Give Us A Star Rating Folks :) and do not forget to like like like :) thanks in advance

Attention Musicians, Vocalists, Comedians & Poets! Come join us at Open Mic/Karaoke on Saturday Mornings! 3 songs or 15 minute sets then pass the mic! A fun morning of LIVE performers! Stream provided if you dont have one or you can perform over local voice chat!
════════━┈ Cates's Acoustic Cafe ..━════════
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ LIVE OPEN MIC/KARAOKE ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ ★
★ ════ ☆ LIVE Musicians, Vocalists, Poets, or Comedians!
★ ════ ☆ 9:00am - 11:30am
★ ════ ☆ Every Saturday
★ ════ ☆ Karmic Drift Region - AviWorlds
★ ════ ☆ Map: Drift
nfinity proudly welcomes Live Musician/Vocalist Rogue Galaxy at the Grand Opening! A seasoned artist and must hear performer, Rogue Galaxy has been pleasing audiences with her smoky, bluesy vocals for well over two decades and has brought her talent to the hypergrids! Come join us, for some blues, jazz, rock, pop, and rockabilly!
◂◄◀ Infinity Grand Opening! Gay Nation ▶►▸
◂◄◀Friday March 13th▶►▸
════════━┈ Infinity ..━════════
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ - Welcomes ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ ★
★ ════ ☆ Rogue Galaxy
★ ════ ☆ Friday March 13th
★ ════ ☆ 10:am grid time
★ ════ ☆ Infinity @Gay Nation
★ ════ ☆ Map: Nation
The Songs of CCR - CCR Tribute Show
Come join us for an afternoon of CCR Music
Rogue Galaxy pays tribute to one of her favorite bands Creedence Clearwater Revival!
★ ════ ☆ CCR Tribute Show
★ ════ ☆ 3pm grid time
★ ════ ☆ MAP:
★ ════ ☆ With special guest Dan Sings at 2:00pm
Bring your friends and come join us!
◂◄◀ Dan Sings LIVE ▶►▸
•━•━━━━━━✯━━━━━━━━✯━━━━• ✰
» Шhere: ✫ THE LODGE ✫
» Шhat: •Live Vocalist•
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴ 2:00p ∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ catch your ride here ▶►▸