Suzi_Avonside @Suzi_Avonside

Caerdydd, Cymru Offline

Wedi bod gwmpas am sbel... Ers 2010 yn achos OSG

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📝 Egypt, a little excursion

Text Well, I think this is more suitable for this video project, have fun watching my new video. It is the product of my imagination and does not place any value on historical accuracy. Hello everyon...

📝 Why did it have to come to this?

Images created with Draw Things. Animations and spoken text using Hedra. Start and end images edited with Photoshop. Background music by Video creation and editing: CapCut Text in ...

For the friends of Oktoberfest, cheers. :-)

Have a good start to the week everyone. :-)

Now you know, I was Cleopatra.*lol

Dorena Verne: This picture also gave me an idea for a new video. :-) 4 months ago
So much hate!!!!
This is what Glenn says in his profile on the osw:
"As for constipated German douuuuchebaag Herr Dorena THE DUDE, go Fuukk yourself and get back to your potato farm or get run over sitting on a highway fighting FAKEASS CLIMATE CHANGE. The more you do, the more GALLONS OF GAS I WILL BUY, Just to piss your fuuukccknn constipated, green haired head off. ..I.. ..I.."

I ask everyone here who has humanity in their heart to stop supporting this hateful person in any way.
If you do, you are sharing his opinion.
I had a hard fight to fight and I am still fighting it.
The "Mr. Dorena" alone is not acceptable!!

Suzi_Avonside: I've just logged out and read Xpletive's mega rant on his profile. He doesn't seem to like me for some reason :) I'd call that a bonus, and despite what he says, I do not hate him. I tend not to waste... 5 months ago

I have a sudden illness and am dismantling Christmas things in RL and also on SL/"the big grid", be back with new releases after the OS grid maintenance

❤️Everything for you.❤️

Come Join us
Halloween Dance with DJ Pin
Friday, Oct 25 at 12 noon

You have 4 days to put an outfit together.....let's have fun!

12 and 6 pounds cannon

Floyd Fest 10:00am Monday July 1st
Region: Trianon Complex
thanks for the wonderful evening. :-)

Dorena Verne: Ah, mehr Bilder hier: Ah, more pictures here: 6 months ago

Die Kieler Woche lässt grüßen. :-)
Greetings from Kiel Week. :-)

anyone who's been waiting for the trash panda face tattoo, it's ready! I'm just wrapping it up in a nice shiny box but you can pick it up right now at Zmart, The Arcade Mall, Banarnia: hop://
Worlds First In World Midi Player (Sorta)
I created the first practical in world midi player. By midi player meaning being able to convert midi files into notecards for in world scripts to play back on animated musical instruments. To say the difficulty in programming and ensuring that it remains in sync was a world war 3 battle. You can check it playing a song here!

Jupiter Rowland: It's even better if you see it in-world. Oh, and it can handle a full HG Safari as its audience without breaking down. 9 months ago

📝 Wird die Zeit kommen? Will the time come?

A short video from me about the danger of AI Ironically, created by me using several AI programs.^^

This Porco Rosso's quote becomes trendy in France !

Suzi_Avonside: That's a great image! 6 months ago

YAY !!!
France voted well :)))

Would be happy to stand with this group.

Well, look at that; I learned something new. Ty @Suzi_Avonside! Never would have found the group. I am still such a noob about some things!