Suzi_Avonside @Suzi_Avonside

Caerdydd, Cymru Offline

Wedi bod gwmpas am sbel... Ers 2010 yn achos OSG


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Thank you for your kind comment.
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Hardware costs are an increasingly important consideration. I find that my setup, with an Intel Core i3-3220 CPU 3.30Ghz x 4 with 16 GB of RAM and an NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR struggles on Second Life these days, but performs well on Opensim. I know it's hardly cutting edge hardware, but it's now approaching the situation where relatively high end hardware is required to enjoy all the bells and whistles, which is especially problematic when many users are using hardware that's designed to web surf and watch movies. I'm fairly convinced that the reason behind the failure of Sansar and High Fidelity was partially related to the requirement for relatively high end hardware.
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Me too, my avatar is 5' 7" tall. As a matter of fact, the average height for a woman in the developed world is around 5' 4" and not the apparently obligatory 7' of Opensim!
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Looks like it could be a nice avatar, however, there is no head in the package and the included shape means that using almost any other head means that the eyes are huge and bulging. Not a good look! Shape is no modify, too, so can't be changed without using god mode.
Thank you Suzi ..... the Head is Lelutka . GAIA
Thanks, I'll try and find it on my next shopping trip :)
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There was a similar sense of concern when Meta 7 closed in 2011. Many Opensim grids reviewed and made it clear in their ToS that child sexual ageplay was unacceptable and it partially the reason why so many grids ban child avatars. Easier to just avoid the risk.
I was in OS when Meta closed. Many users came to OSG and repeated the same behavior that lead to Meta 7 bring closed. This lead to the child AV panic still going on to this day.
I made the mistake of visiting Meta7 once, I never went again. The given reason for Meta7 being closed always seemed a bit suspect to me, another company using a logo similar to Meta7 claiming copyright issues when Meta7 predated both the other company and their use of a similar logo? Seemed a bit strange to me, but paedo stuff, well there you go, that's why, eh?
Among other issues, they had RL CP openly on display. From

"The grid was also accused of condoning pedophilia and child pornography by Sojourner...and in a shocking YouTube video (which has since been marked private)."

"Last year [2010], grid administrator Daniel Meta posted in the grid’s online forum (registration required), admitting that “Meta7 is mostly known as sexual and especially sexual ageplay grid.”

D. Meta said that it was not a "smart idea to run around in public places with group tags like ‘Daddy’s little plaything,’". As a result, "the grid rolled out a new Terms of Service...forbidding explicit group names and descriptions".

This is something grids that allow child AV should police, for both their residents and visitors.
Yeah, I remember reading that back in 2011.
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or are under 7' (2,13m) tall. I've had some trouble in a few places because my avatar is only 5' 6" (1,52m) despite her rather prominent chest!
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In that case I'd want to know who they were and why they were upskirting?
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Linda Kellie's creations certainly vary a lot, but some of it remains very good. Not matter what, back in the days when Opensim was new Linda Kellie was about the only creator producing in volume. It should also be remembered that Linda gave it all for free and completely waived any proprietorial rights allowing anyone to do anything with stuff she made.

Like us all Linda certainly had her moments as a person, and there was certainly some 'drama' around her (again, we ar all subject to or of drama from time to time) and those calling her the worst of names are those talentless individuals who can only import pirated stuff wheras Linda created all her own content.

I didn't always agree with Linda's stance on things, but she stuck to her principles and argued her case, despite the huge emotional toll that took as she was often being trolled in a none too nice way. No one deserves that and there are people who remain blocked by me because of hateful, misogynistic statements about her.
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I have a dedicated Google Drive I use for OAR storage, and also back up to DVD as well as having an HDD clone of my working disk. Using a USB stick is also an option, but remember to plug the USB stick into your PC/laptop every few months to keep data rot at bay.
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This grid needs to do something about the near impossibility of getting there. I'm not alone, as there are many comments about difficulties getting to Chubelz. I've tried from several different locations, but every time I get timed out. Please fix this issue.
I visit Chubelz often and have never had any difficulty getting there. In OS, in general, I find that landmarks don't always work smoothly. I tend to use the hop here on OSW--perhaps you should try that. It never fails me. And to Chubby--Thanks for all of the lovely items. The new hair shown here is very nice!
Ich bin nicht der Besitzer des Grids! Ich vermute, aber sie haben einen verbotenen Viewer benutzt. Diese sind in unserem Grid Alle gesperrt wurden!
I am not the owner of the grid! I suspect, but they used a banned viewer. These are all blocked in our grid!
I use the latest Firestorm viewer, and i did use the details from OSW copy/pasted into the viewer map search. Banning copybot viewers is of course up to each individual grid, but a bit of a waste of time in Opensim where everyone who runs their own regions has god powers to change permissions should they so wish.
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Having taken your advice and gone away and done an albeit brief bit of research on the interwebs I can only conclude that it is you who misinformed. All the articles, both popular and academic, (and there are a lot of academic studies out there on this subject) refer to it as 'sexual ageplay'. You may disagree with that usage, but it seems that the usual interpretation is directly opposed to yours. For clarity my search terms were 'ageplay in virtual worlds' using the DuckDuckGo search engine on Brave Browser.

Whilst not generally related to the article above, let's also clarify some differences. According to the New World Notes article dated August 19, 2019:

"Unlike the United States (where the Supreme Court, in 2002, struck down a law prohibiting “virtual” child pornography on First Amendment free speech grounds), many countries criminalize non-photographic images that appear to depict minors in sexual situations."

Basically what this means is that two 'cartoon' child characters simulating sexual behaviour is legal, (if not wholesome, or even generally acceptable) so long as those behind the child avatars are adults themselves, i.e. over 18. However, the trouble lies in that not everywhere in the world is the USA, (and I have to stress ALL of my American friends have unhesitatingly said that they find sexual ageplay in virtual worlds both obscene and repugnant, regardless as to whether the avatars are cartoonish in appearance). Similar images would, in Germany and the UK see someone prosecuted with a serious crime, as images do not have to be photographic in order to trigger a prosecution.

My personal approach to child avatars is by all means have one, just don't visit my regions, or appear anywhere on OSGrid Plazas whilst I'm there because I will report it without hesitation. I think most regions in Opensim ban child avatars, partially through the creepiness factor. but also for those of us who have been here a while, the fallout from when the Meta7 grid collapsed in 2011 under somewhat mysterious circumstances, (ostensibly over a copyright claim by a company that came into existence after Meta7 - which just sounds a little weird). Meta7 was notorious for being very lax when it came to sexual ageplay, and that is allegedly why the grid had to close. Afterwards several Opensim grids revised their ToS to underline that they were not a haven for ex Meta7 refugees. Most of us subsequently have decided to play on the extremely safe side and have banned child avatars from our regions.

None of this is to undermine the possible benefits of adults using a child avatar as part of professionally guided therapy in order to work out traumas or other mental health issues stemming from childhood. But there is no need to for anyone to have a child avatar for general use, especially when all are 18+ in RL in any case
I think you hit the nail right on the head @Suzi_Avonside - to me it boils down to grids ToS, and respecting them when HGing. Some don't accept child-looking avis at all, some only on PG area.
The problem to me is when we move the conversation to 'legality' and 'morality' - because the narrative is flawed and inconsistent...and self-righteous inconsistency really bothers me, not matter the topic.
Example: Zoophilia is ALLOWED in SL. There are popular, fully 'ToS-complaint' seems like The Barn, focused on it. You can have sex with horses and dogs there. Yet zoophilia is illegal in most countries - as it's abusive to poor, defenseless, animals.
Same with Gor (as I mentioned somewhere else): it's RP based on slavery, rape, killing too. You can kill avis in SL if enabled in the region...

So my overall take on this conversation: Your grid, your rules. (i.e. Sexual AP not okay. Zoo not okay. Killing yes). But it will always be arbitrary. But people need to drop the whole 'morality' or 'legality' narrative.
I wouldn't consider myself misinformed at all, basically virtual worlds created this word based on child avatars telling them false info. Sexual Ageplay is never used in real life or in the community.

Ageplay is some one acting a younger age, not where they look like an actual child avatar. Even if you see a child avatar, most times there acting like an adult so how can you consider that Ageplay. My point was that looking like a child Avatar in world doesn't make it Ageplay.

there is a lot of things you said that i do agree on though. in a lot of countries sex between a child and an adult in world would be considered pedo or abuse. In virtual worlds depending on how its portrayed it can be both obscene and repugnant i can agree on that. I did read that article and a few others i came across. The term seems merely an online term made up without any connections to the actual community. However the way its portrayed that is what people think Ageplay is in real life and its not.

As far as your last statement about using it as guiding therapy my point would stand on this too. being in the category of regression its still the same. one acts like a younger age, they do not look like a full real life child.
I believe in the "real world" some "littles" (adults who may dress/act childish) may engage in "adult activities" but many others do not as they feel it doesnt feel right when they are in "littlespace". I think this just has to be right for the little and his/her caregiver and its noone elses business really. I've not really heard those who engage in this livestyle in RL call it "sexual ageplay" though. It's just "ageplay" (and whatever is done while engaging in that play).

Again though - I stress I am talking about adults engaging in RL roleplay such as Dom/little or Domme/little dynamics.
in real life we do not call it sexual Ageplay, never have and never will. its just a made up term, we dont ever want to have sex with kids eithers. again any of that stuff seen online is pedo or incest play.
Virtual worlds may well have coined the term, but it is virtual worlds that are our point of reference here, and as you will be aware, some terminology has a different meaning depending on the context in which it is used. Therefore ageplay within virtual worlds involves child avatars, and sexual ageplay child avatars or child and adult avatars in sexual simulations. That ageplay might have a different meaning in a different context is neither here nor there - it is what it means within the metaverse that is under discussion here.

The very fact that the several academic papers I looked at all used the term 'sexual ageplay' with a similar and specific meaning, all related to the context of virtual worlds can only mean that the term ageplay, no matter how it is used in other contexts, involves a child avatar.

For the removal of any doubt, any depiction of sexual behaviour between and adult avatar and a child avatar, or simulated sexual behaviour between two avatars that appear to be under 18 years old would be deemed child pornography, even if they were in a virtual world environment. It's not a matter of individual determination, but of the law in the UK and many other countries, and depictions of sexual ageplay is criminalised, even if it is a couple of cartoon avatars.

That ageplay might have a very different meaning outside of virtual worlds does not alter the meaning it has acquired within virtual worlds.
If its a couple of cartoon avatars - one (or more) with a child avatar - then yes. However, If its a couple of adult avatars - but one is wearing (for example) a pacifier and diaper (but still an adult avatar) then that is not "criminalised". There is no depiction of a child involved - just two adult avatars engaging in "whatever". I think THIS is (one example) of ageplay that Missresssdiagato is referring to (as opposed to actual child avatars).

If course the other half of this question is...... two adult avatars..... but how old are their "typists"?
I am okay with agreeing to disagree about the meaning in virtual worlds :)
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This sounds a much more promising proposition than Ruth and Roth 2.0 as the constant changes and incompatibilities between the different versions, plus the various forks is confusing. A great project a bit let down by no really well thought out development plan. Hopefully the creators of clothes and avatar accessories will get on board so that those who would prefer to use truly legit content can look good.
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Very nicely done. Thank you!
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And much of the Opensim metaverse seems to operate along anarchist lines, each community or standalone, or even individual region making their own rules. Sadly, for the ignorant anarchy will always mean lawlessness and disorder. Most will be familiar with the anarchist symbol of a letter A in a circle = Anarchy is Order. Also, anarchists tend to disagree with one another a lot... So the Opensim metaverse is well anarchist in that aspect!
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That old trope about virtual world women being men... I'm sure there are some in Opensim /Second Life who play as a sex other than their RL sex, but as you say, what's the issue? However your basic premise is somewhat false as anyone can use voice morphing technology to change their voice.
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I think that's certainly possible... But the pricing is off the scale! Take a look at the pricing structure:

Costs like that put the cost of developing a home-grown Opensim solution in perspective. Personally I felt that the $60k EchoVoice wanted was a big ask of the Opensim community.
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Discord is a popular work-around, but is sub-optimal (no spatial sound or lipsync) and there are questions about how secure user's personal data is. Discord is a little vague about whether it keeps recordings of people's conversations etc. according to this article:
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That pretty much means the same thing as time goes on the number of people with keys will reduce. As it is, Vivox is still pretty restricted unless a paid (very expensive) service is used, as the free version is restricted to 5 avatars.
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There are no other options, that's the whole point. Vivox is less and less an option for voice in Opensim. FreeSwitch is basically a non-starter and any of the other work arounds, (Discord, Skype etc) are clunky and sub-optimal. Towards the end of my comment I highlighted a general need for funding for other aspects of Opensim that need support.
Also, at least some of us refuse to use a corporate-owned, proprietary, closed-source piece of proven spyware for voice. Especially if it has flaky Linux support on top, or it's actually Windows-only.
That was a primary concern of mine when I was considering voice options for a project I was involved with in 2014. Voice was a necessity, but Vivox being proprietary and closed source wasn't actually a deal breaker, but the fact that it eavesdrops was.
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I think that part of the problem there is that virtual worlds are so niche. Second Life can afford to pay its developers and also for a Vivox licence. Opensim suffers from a malaise common to opensource/libre projects in that too many mistake the free for free as in free beer rather than freedom. Another common error is to view opensource as hobbyware, which it most certainly isn't. Far from Openlife's view that the opensource community is full of passionate people selflessly giving up their free time to bring us amazing software the truth is that they are passionate, and they do do other work in order to keep a roof over their heads and their families in clothes and food etc, but they'd far rather that people donated money to their projects so that they could give up their day jobs and focus on their projects and bring us much better versions much sooner than is currently the case.

I currently run Ubuntu MATE 22.04 on all my machines, and each time I download and install it on one of my machines I make sure I donate the recommended $2.50 to the project. No one expects those who cannot afford that to pay, but those that can afford to pay that small amount should really do so, in my opinion.